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08-03-2021, 02:44 PM

Re: The Oprah Interview: Prince Harry and Meghan

....... but you’re forgetting that red hair runs in Diana’s family genes JB...
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08-03-2021, 02:46 PM

Re: The Oprah Interview: Prince Harry and Meghan

Originally Posted by Dextrous63 ->
Alas, you're missing the point. She is claiming that the royal household brought it up and that it was used as a reason not to convey the title "Prince" upon Archie.

She is very clever at dropping snippets without having anything to back it up with. I notice that she refused to name whoever it was that is supposed to have made these comments, although Oprah has said MM told her it was not the Queen or Philip. If a name ever appears I hope MM gets the pants sued off her.
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08-03-2021, 02:48 PM

Re: The Oprah Interview: Prince Harry and Meghan

Originally Posted by Mags ->
....... but you’re forgetting that red hair runs in Diana’s family genes JB...
Perhaps so, but what a coincidence that William bore a completely different appearance to Harry.

No, we can't be sure, but maybe one day some evidence may emerge.

In any event, Harry has certainly let down the Royal Family and must now accept the consequences.
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08-03-2021, 03:03 PM

Re: The Oprah Interview: Prince Harry and Meghan

Nah, I have better things to do than watch crap like that in the first place.
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08-03-2021, 03:07 PM

Re: The Oprah Interview: Prince Harry and Meghan

None of us actually know either of them, and our only real evidence is based upon media reports. On the whole though, there is rarely smoke without fire.

Meghan appears to have come from a dysfunctional family and hats off to her for using whatever assets she has to get into acting/tv.

Her husband also comes from a dysfunctional family.

It surely must have come as no surprise to either of them that marriage within this setting was never likely to have turned out happily. Neither were children when they entered into it, neither will have been unaware of the dangers of press intrusion, and both will have known all too well what happens when someone wants to "make a break" from it (Diana and Edward VIII) are obvious cases in point.
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08-03-2021, 03:33 PM

Re: The Oprah Interview: Prince Harry and Meghan

Yes, I watched it. The last 30 minutes were the most sad to me.
These opinions are tearing Meghan apart, yet no one, not one person here has noted that Harry was beside Meghan, holding hands, and confirmed what she had said. In fact, several questions and statements were said to Harry without Meghan being present at the time by his family. Harry restated these more than once.
To announce to the world that she wanted to end her life, asked for help coping, therapy and no one offered up any help to her at doesn't make a person stronger in your eyes, but it takes a lot to acknowledge this. She broke down her walls to announce this. Thankfully she has Harry by her side.
I wish them only happiness and kindness in this next chapter of their lives with their children. I hope the last chapter is closed.

As for Americans envying England for having royalty, I never in my life heard one person state or intimate this. England can have the honors, the taxes, the absurd rituals of your royalty. It does give us amusement, like The Wizard Of Oz. We watch this classic yearly, knowing the story, players, the monkeys, and the facade behind the curtain.
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08-03-2021, 03:42 PM

Re: The Oprah Interview: Prince Harry and Meghan

Originally Posted by Tachyon ->
Nah, I have better things to do than watch crap like that in the first place.
Same here.
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08-03-2021, 03:51 PM

Re: The Oprah Interview: Prince Harry and Meghan

Oprah: 'Meghan told best if she could be 50% less'

Oprah Winfrey also recalled a conversation she had with Meghan when she first approached her in 2018, telling CBS: "She had just joined the Royal Family and she shared a conversation with me then that made me feel somewhat disheartened.

"She said she had been told, been given advice, that it would be best if she could be 50% less than she was. That was the quote, if she could be 50% less.

"I remember hearing that in 2018 and I said to her, 'I don't know how you're going to survive, being half of yourself'."
True, false or just sheer invention .....
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08-03-2021, 04:01 PM

Re: The Oprah Interview: Prince Harry and Meghan

Originally Posted by JBR ->
Perhaps so, but what a coincidence that William bore a completely different appearance to Harry.

No, we can't be sure, but maybe one day some evidence may emerge.

In any event, Harry has certainly let down the Royal Family and must now accept the consequences.
I was lying in bed last night thinking about how I look, compared to my two sisters. When young, my YS had a cherubic face while I was just plain. I still am to this day (I have never thought of myself as pretty, or beautiful), whereas my two sisters are lovely and very photogenic. (Something else I’m not.)

So, yes, siblings can look vastly different.
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08-03-2021, 04:07 PM

Re: The Oprah Interview: Prince Harry and Meghan

[QUOTE=Right Now;2051811]Yes, I watched it. The last 30 minutes were the most sad to me.
These opinions are tearing Meghan apart, yet no one, not one person here has noted that Harry was beside Meghan, holding hands, and confirmed what she had said. In fact, several questions and statements were said to Harry without Meghan being present at the time by his family. Harry restated these more than once.
To announce to the world that she wanted to end her life, asked for help coping, therapy and no one offered up any help to her at doesn't make a person stronger in your eyes, but it takes a lot to acknowledge this. She broke down her walls to announce this. Thankfully she has Harry by her side.
I wish them only happiness and kindness in this next chapter of their lives with their children. I hope the last chapter is closed.

I don’t usually get involved in this sort of stuff,..what I don’t understand,RN...if they wanted to get away from the royals...then why not do exactly that....start their own private life away from everyone.....why are they uncovering the royals, to me, it sounds a bit like revenge, “ you hurt us,so we’re gonna hurt you”.....what are they trying to get from this interview?......I wish them both happiness for the future of course...but I don’t understand why they have to air their grievances to the whole nation.....Diana did that also, didn’t she?

Edit to add...the snippets i saw of Megan, talking to Oprah, I couldn’t help but notice that she was kinda playing the victim...mind you Oprah played up to her as well...imo..

especially when mentioned “ skin colour “
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