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26-12-2016, 01:43 PM

Re: Bob's Bits.

Originally Posted by Meg ->
It was a treat to be out there this morning Bob with the wind in our hair, it felt like spring
Went out first thing for a five mile walk Meg, really nice to get out after all the sitting and eating I did yesterday. Very cold wind, but by God it was nice to be out and felt so refreshed when I arrived home and got stuck into a piping hot bowl of porridge.....Swot lifes all about Meg.....More valuable to me that any present I got yesterday....Happy Boxing Day Meg...
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29-12-2016, 12:21 PM

Re: Bob's Bits.

Had to wear my bottoms today [taking no chances as my injury seems to be improving] as I set off in the dark with a heavy frost hanging in the trees and covering the ground. My first thoughts as I strode out along the deserted streets was that my leg definitely felt stronger and the pain in my buttock was hardly noticeable. A couple of times I was up on my toes doing a very cautious jog, but only for a few yards and it didn't seem to aggravate the muscles.

About half way round I witnessed an amazing sunrise with the sun appearing a good deal larger than normal, and so red. It certainly takes your mind off any troubles you may have had, but despite not being able to run for a couple of months I have very few troubles compared to some, and for that I am grateful.

Mrs Fox is blaming me for her recent bad cold [she swears it's flu] because I've never had my flu jab and for the first time this year she decided [with my advice] not to have her's.
Mrs Fox worked very hard before Christmas organising food for all the family and making sure the house was spic and span when they came to visit on Christmas Day. I helped where I could, but I could tell the enormous stress she was under to get everything just right.
This I believe is the reason for her flu like symptoms now. She's getting too old for this.

We were supposed to be having a new floor put down in the hall yesterday, but when the fitter arrived at eight in the morning he decided the flooring - he had stored in the back of his van - would be too cold to work with, and there was some filling still to be done where a central heating pipe ran under the floor. So he said he would return today to do the job after I had done the filling but it was impossible to cement over the hot central heating pipe and with Mrs Fox feeling 'atrocious' [her words] I decided not to turn off the heating, so I called him and postponed the work until after the New Year.

One other reason I postponed the work was because we leave for Scarborough on Friday for a three night stay at the Palm Court Hotel to see in the New Year and I'll need to pack my suit and dickie bow, and God only knows how much packing Mrs Fox will be doing......I've already started unbolting the kitchen sink!......
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01-01-2017, 10:01 AM

Re: Bob's Bits.

Happy New Year to all my visitors.....
Sorry I've not kept up to date with the New Year visit to Scarborough, but after arriving safely on Friday I seem to have developed Mrs Foxes cold and have retired to my bed. Did manage a three mile walk yesterday along the seafront, and with the help of Beechams Hot Lemons enjoyed the party last night. Can't wait to get home though!
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01-01-2017, 10:15 AM

Re: Bob's Bits.

Happy New Year OGF, I suggest you get your "Bits" on the move ASAP, I'm looking at the rain, and feeling like a caged animal.
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01-01-2017, 10:32 AM

Re: Bob's Bits.

Happy New Year Bob

Sorry to hear about the cold .... are you sure it wasn't the dreaded man flu?
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01-01-2017, 10:38 AM

Re: Bob's Bits.

Originally Posted by Mags ->
Happy New Year Bob

Sorry to hear about the cold .... are you sure it wasn't the dreaded man flu?
I hope not Mags, Art is running out of pillows!
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01-01-2017, 11:13 AM

Re: Bob's Bits.

Happy New Year Bob and get well soon
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01-01-2017, 07:22 PM

Re: Bob's Bits.

Thanks for your good wishes everyone, sorry Spitty, once I manage to return home I'll give you a full briefing. I forced myself out this morning after a late breakfast and got round five miles across town and back along the seafront. It did start raining [and even some hailstones] but I ducked into a deserted bus stop for cover. Did feel better after the walk but have just woke from a two hour nap and feel 'Gross' .....

I hope Arty has got a spare bed in the Over50's hospital wing.....I am fearing the worse Mags.....Yes......MAN FLU!

I do hope everyone has had a better New Year than me.......Back soon....
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06-01-2017, 12:33 PM

Re: Bob's Bits.

It's been a 'bitch' of a start to 2017 and the last couple of months of 2016 weren't much better. Running has come to a complete stop, and even walking has been difficult. On Monday morning we were chased out of Scarborough by a bitterly cold wind, and we arrived home to a freezing cold house after the new boiler had packed in. I managed to temporarily get the boiler working and then set about repairing the hall floor after postponing the floor fitter until Thursday.

Although Mrs Fox is still struggling with her cold and cough, this morning I was feeling a whole lot better. The floor was successfully laid yesterday and after doing absolutely no exercise since last Sunday I decided to go out on an early morning five. After eight weeks without a run I decided that even a broken leg would have healed by now, so why was I still getting an ache in my left buttock when I tried to run. I reasoned that a bunched up muscle left over from the injury was to blame and it needed to be worked. So I jogged.

It wasn't easy, and with some pain I managed to break into a jog on several occasions, it seemed to loosen up a bit and now I must wait and see if it is indeed a comeback [I've had more comebacks than Barry Manilow] or will I need to hire a walking frame for the rest of the week.
At least the cold seems to be on it's way out.....
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06-01-2017, 01:03 PM

Re: Bob's Bits.

Bob have you considered using a treadmill at a gym till the weather gets a bit warmer, because after 8 weeks you muscles may think they have reached retirement?
I am concerned for you welfare as a number of ladies on this site are coming to get you ( and there are some fast ladies on here ).
I was thinking my own brand of reflexology may help.... ticking their feet has had some people convulsed with laughter. so they must have enjoyed it... don't you think?
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