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15-12-2015, 07:09 PM

Re: Yet another example of IDS attack on the poor

I can't afford to retire and I am 68 next birthday.
realspeed is offline
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15-12-2015, 07:32 PM

Re: Yet another example of IDS attack on the poor

Originally Posted by Browbeaten ->
I take this thread to be about people who cant make ends meet Realspeed, though my heart does go out to you.
Thank you
I know it is not everyone who wants or for whatever reason is unable to run their own company, but having been on both sides of the fence as employee and employer I can see both sides equally.
It is such a big step to consider, you are going to give up job security (however much that is) and stand or fall one your own determination to make a business.

it was touch an go even for us at the beginning wondering if we could pay the next wage bill -mortgage etc and very nearly went under ourselves but we just had to make the business successful.
I would say the at least first 6 months to a year is when a business under new ownership makes it or not, one of the hardest times and extremely long hours spent. Not only worrying about the business but building up a good client/customer base as well.

When we took over the boarding kennels and cattery it was pretty run down. For example the kennel door front bars were rusted through and we had to have welders do patch repairs only as that was all we could afford. All maintenance I did from building walls to the electrical apps. Even one fuse box the inside was breaking apart and another had no lid with a birds nest hanging over the top. that is just a couple of examples let alone the wire insulation had gone and the wires were bare but apart because they had not been disturbed.

All in all it took us about 8 years in total until it came up to the standard we wanted and it paid off.

When we took over there were only about 350 clients on the books, when we sold that had risen to well over 5,300 clients,so we didn't do too bad.

section of one kennel block upgrade we did. new tiled floor and in kennels -new kennel fronts new lighting and power points in each kennel for heat lamps

Our upgraded cattery. Left of centre was and old outbuilding with rubble in front. So new base floor and drainage ,new pens to match and power points in each pen. complete new roof the whole length

Note every cat pen occupied

Old front entrance with new below

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16-12-2015, 01:25 PM

Re: Yet another example of IDS attack on the poor

Wow, nice work Realspeed,the place looks Great,you did a good thing.
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16-12-2015, 01:31 PM

Re: Yet another example of IDS attack on the poor

Originally Posted by Purwell ->
I can't afford to retire and I am 68 next birthday.
That is going to increasingly happen I can't see us making it to retirement at all and we are far from alone.
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16-12-2015, 04:41 PM

Re: Yet another example of IDS attack on the poor

**Please note we do not allow name calling and that includes calling people Trolls.
Discuss the topic not the poster.

Name calling posts and the replies have been moved to the trash can....

Thank you
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16-12-2015, 04:55 PM

Re: Yet another example of IDS attack on the poor

Thank you meg.
realspeed is offline
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16-12-2015, 05:16 PM

Re: Yet another example of IDS attack on the poor

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
That is going to increasingly happen I can't see us making it to retirement at all and we are far from alone.
Know where you are coming from we never thought we could retire either, but you adapt your living style to suit.

It was one of the big worries I had over 20 years ago when I was employed by BT and with another company before that. Never thought I would earn enough to be able to retire so decided to do something about it, hence left BT and bought a fairly run down kennels as above pictures.
Working for yourself determines your income relative to the amount of time and effort put in. Not so if in employment, no matter how hard or long you work you still only earn the same amount per hour and nothing for yourself.

Yes it is a great leap to go from employed to self employed we know ,sometimes it works out sometimes not, but determination is the key.
One advantage of self employment, which I woke up to , is your not killing yourself working as hard as possible to put money into someone elses pocket
They say planning for the future is the way to go and that is so true, not just 5 years ahead but 20/30 years ahead.

Next worry was what to do when retired? here again at least 5 years before I decided to renew my interest in photography.
It is a hobby one can do ones self or with others and with post processing photographs with digital photography in an evening can be time consuming but interesting.

So retirement is really a case of adapting to a new chapter in your life
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