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16-05-2017, 06:49 PM

Re: BREXIT is a LIE. GB is located in Europe.

Originally Posted by JBR ->
Of course. Triggering Article 50 intended a 2 year period of negotiations.

Personally, I'd prefer us to leave NOW and stop throwing money at them, but there you go.

If we leave now there will be chaos, and the chaos will not be to our favour.
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16-05-2017, 07:03 PM

Re: BREXIT is a LIE. GB is located in Europe.

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
I have a feeling once we are out if we can make it work there will be others queuing up to follow us. Generally people in most countries don't like eu it's only the politicians that seem to like it.
I agree. I'm sure there will be others. They're just waiting to see how we get on!
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16-05-2017, 07:07 PM

Re: BREXIT is a LIE. GB is located in Europe.

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

If we leave now there will be chaos, and the chaos will not be to our favour.
The only good reason for leaving now is to shut up the remainiacs, who still don't seem to accept that it is going to happen!
It has taken the EU many years to con us all into believing that it is the best move, but now we have realized it isn't, it will need time and a few intelligent brains to decide the best actions to take.
The EU are making things difficult because they don't want our actions to be seen as good.... that may make others think twice! Why rush, because leaving will cost us a lot more than remaining, but at least we will maintain our sovereignty and surely that is what we all wanted?
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16-05-2017, 07:35 PM

Re: BREXIT is a LIE. GB is located in Europe.

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
The EU are making things difficult because they don't want our actions to be seen as good.... that may make others think twice! Why rush, because leaving will cost us a lot more than remaining, but at least we will maintain our sovereignty and surely that is what we all wanted?
Well said.

They don't want us to leave for two distinct reasons in my opinion:
- as you say, others may well follow us;
- they're making lots of money out of us.

Yes, the most important thing is sovereignty, in fact you could argue that we are hoping to achieve democracy!
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16-05-2017, 07:37 PM

Re: BREXIT is a LIE. GB is located in Europe.

Originally Posted by JBR ->
I've heard the remainiacs now account for only 22%.

Cameron ran away because either, 1. he didn't like the result, or 2. he's a coward!

Yes, the EU bureaucrats do say 'NO' a lot, but they're desperate and trying all they can to retain our generous 'contributions'.
there is a third option why Cameron ran off.. Because he had been cornered by The Schengen Countries agreeing to share info on accounts held in SWITZERLAND.. therefore tax would have to be paid on peoples accounts with Millions in (when they withdraw) - this was not the case initially within the Schengen.
is 300Million worth selling your country down the wrong path...

we shall see how desperate the EU are for our contributions.. but won't they get more ?? does that mean we are STILL IN

oh and this is a Lie - I've heard the remainiacs now account for only 22%.
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16-05-2017, 07:48 PM

Re: BREXIT is a LIE. GB is located in Europe.

Originally Posted by matchpoint ->
does that mean we are STILL IN
Yes! Didn't you realise that we haven't left the EU yet?
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16-05-2017, 09:17 PM

Re: BREXIT is a LIE. GB is located in Europe.

Originally Posted by matchpoint ->
EU ARMY ??? where ??
Dear old Matchpoint, I'm afraid you simply haven't even read the EU Treaties to which the UK has been fraudulently signed up by corrupt politicians and which have been given Royal Assent by a Queen that has broken her Coronation Oath.

Let me educate you.

Lisbon Treaty

Page 39 Section 10A-c-3

"Member States shall make civilian and military capabilities available to the Union for the implementation of the common security and defence policy,”

“Member States shall undertake progressively to improve their military capabilities.”

Three unelected EU politburos will control the nuclear weapons of the former nations of Britain and France. The Treaty of Elysee 1963 gives Germany effective voting control of the EU.

So yes, an EU Army, the collective armies of the EU states who HAVE to put their military resources at the disposal of the EU. It doesn't matter how far that process has gone in terms of the UK handing over its military resources to the EU. What matters is that the treaties dictate that we MUST do that. What that means is that the EU could decide to go to war with any country and the UK and other member states would all HAVE to support that military action.

Getting out of the EU now, before it is too far gone, was the right thing to do.

Originally Posted by matchpoint ->
British people keep heritage and traditions not the politicians. surely you know that.
No that's BS of the highest order. The entire notion of being British and valuing British sovereignty is being challenged and eroded. For example the shop "Really British" which sells British souvenirs, was branded racist and came under a lot of criticism.

Even this Easter we have seen corporates trying to "lose" the term Easter in their advertising and promotional material.

Left unchecked these "powers that be" absolutely WILL remove nationality and British identity. I can already see the great propaganda machine on all media levels beginning to put out the first insipid tendrils to make the entire concept of feeling British and the old stiff upper lip, a stigma so that the younger generation will emerge from their conditioned and brainwashed "education" stating fervently that they are not British but rather European.

The EU is all about abolishing nationality and instead making a new race of "nothing" people. A people who have no identity, who are all genetically mixed and who all cow tow to the largely unelected EU masters.

Thank god we are leaving !
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16-05-2017, 09:29 PM

Re: BREXIT is a LIE. GB is located in Europe.

Originally Posted by Matchpoint
has the uk ever bankrupted any country ?
No-one said that the UK had. What I said was that the EU has bankrupted countries. It has done so via it's ridiculous and relentless push of the Euro as the single currency. Any financial savvy person will tell you that the individual countries and their economies are all so diverse and varied that trying to impose a single currency across them all is utterly ludicrous. The economies of Spain, Portugal, Greece, Italy etc are pretty much shot. The EU's actions have destroyed the economies. A lot of ordinary people have lost their life savings along the way.

The UK WOULD have eventually gone the same way.


Because again we are signed up to the Lisbon Treaty which clearly mandates the Euro.

Lisbon Treaty

Page 12, Article 2- 4.

“The Union shall establish an economic and monetary union whose currency is the euro.”

Note also that once a country is firmly in the EU it can not then oppose the EU and must strive to fulfil the EU agendas. So it doesn't matter what the UK itself believes and desires, once rooted in the EU, everything changes.

Lisbon Treaty

Page 13, 3A-3, end:

“The Member States shall facilitate the achievement of the Union's tasks and refrain from any measure which could jeopardise the attainment of the Union's objectives."

Page 14. 3A-4.
“Under the principle of proportionality, the content and form of Union action shall not exceed what is necessary to achieve the objectives of the Treaties.”
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16-05-2017, 09:31 PM

Re: BREXIT is a LIE. GB is located in Europe.

Originally Posted by Realist ->
Dear old Matchpoint, I'm afraid you simply haven't even read the EU Treaties to which the UK has been fraudulently signed up by corrupt politicians and which have been given Royal Assent by a Queen that has broken her Coronation Oath.

Let me educate you.

Lisbon Treaty

Page 39 Section 10A-c-3

"Member States shall make civilian and military capabilities available to the Union for the implementation of the common security and defence policy,”

“Member States shall undertake progressively to improve their military capabilities.”

Three unelected EU politburos will control the nuclear weapons of the former nations of Britain and France. The Treaty of Elysee 1963 gives Germany effective voting control of the EU.

So yes, an EU Army, the collective armies of the EU states who HAVE to put their military resources at the disposal of the EU. It doesn't matter how far that process has gone in terms of the UK handing over its military resources to the EU. What matters is that the treaties dictate that we MUST do that. What that means is that the EU could decide to go to war with any country and the UK and other member states would all HAVE to support that military action.

Getting out of the EU now, before it is too far gone, was the right thing to do.

No that's BS of the highest order. The entire notion of being British and valuing British sovereignty is being challenged and eroded. For example the shop "Really British" which sells British souvenirs, was branded racist and came under a lot of criticism.

Even this Easter we have seen corporates trying to "lose" the term Easter in their advertising and promotional material.

Left unchecked these "powers that be" absolutely WILL remove nationality and British identity. I can already see the great propaganda machine on all media levels beginning to put out the first insipid tendrils to make the entire concept of feeling British and the old stiff upper lip, a stigma so that the younger generation will emerge from their conditioned and brainwashed "education" stating fervently that they are not British but rather European.

The EU is all about abolishing nationality and instead making a new race of "nothing" people. A people who have no identity, who are all genetically mixed and who all cow tow to the largely unelected EU masters.

Thank god we are leaving !

Nothing less than a peaceful equivalent to the Germans' conquest of most of Europe in 1939-45.

Then, too, we were the only free country in Europe.

Funny how history repeats itself, isn't it?
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16-05-2017, 10:28 PM

Re: BREXIT is a LIE. GB is located in Europe.

Thanks for taking the time to point those sections out Real
It really does read like a gym membership contract.

Surely its unenforcable. ??
Our top solicitors will know ??
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