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31-05-2018, 04:07 PM

Re: I've had my chest x-ray

Originally Posted by Val J ->

I feel the same Ffosse, but it’s worse for you because you are still young, I’ve realised that you are only a couple of years older than my son!

I’ve been trying to plant some geraniums this morning, I only had a dozen but had to do them in two stages, I was so out of breath. I have my chemo again tomorrow so I think I will ask about this breathlessness, I think it’s one of the worst side effects.
Chemo tomorrow Val. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
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31-05-2018, 04:11 PM

Re: I've had my chest x-ray

Originally Posted by Ffosse ->
Just noticed your post - how are you doing Val J?
Tired Ffosse and I should be at my best ready for chemo tomorrow. The lack of energy really gets to me!
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31-05-2018, 04:44 PM

Re: I've had my chest x-ray

Originally Posted by Val J ->

I feel the same Ffosse, but it’s worse for you because you are still young, I’ve realised that you are only a couple of years older than my son!

I’ve been trying to plant some geraniums this morning, I only had a dozen but had to do them in two stages, I was so out of breath. I have my chemo again tomorrow so I think I will ask about this breathlessness, I think it’s one of the worst side effects.
I don't think age has anything to do with it, really, and I can empathise with your breathlessness - it's very nasty and you wonder how such a simple task can cause such distress. I'm convinced it's a side-effect of the chemotherapy because of its sudden onset with any type of activity.

I wish you all the best for tomorrow - although chemo is necessary it's something else which just isn't nice. I would rate fatigue and breathlessness as the 2 worst symptoms - worse than any type of pain because at least there are drugs for that; you can go from OK to feeling very ill within minutes.

It has lead to me not doing very much with my days at all - I either lack concentration, have the fatigue/breathlessness or am in pain. I try and unwind by doing simple things I enjoy.
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31-05-2018, 09:15 PM

Re: I've had my chest x-ray

Good Night Dreamy and Val.
I hope you both sleep well.
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31-05-2018, 09:45 PM

Re: I've had my chest x-ray

Goodnight Sweetie, hope you have a good night too. I’m going to bed now, an early start tomorrow!
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01-06-2018, 01:25 PM

Re: I've had my chest x-ray

Thinking of you both today.
I know you are having chemo Val.
I have good news for my boy. A cancellation, so he can have his scan on Tuesday.
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01-06-2018, 02:15 PM

Re: I've had my chest x-ray

That's good news, Sweetie.

All I had to do today was give blood at my G.P practice - I'm not sure why as normally it's 2 days before chemo before I give blood and I don't have chemo until the 13th. Still, it can only be for my own good.

Thinking of you today Val J - hope the chemo wasn't too unpleasant.

I'm so glad I have my phone's calendar: I put in every appointment and it's synced to my iPad and Mac. I also take photos of important letters so they can easily be accessed. I got an appointment today with my Consultant on the 9th of August and it's reassuring in a way that my treatment is progressing - I'm more than half-way there and haven't missed anything except a CT scan, but I got that rearranged for the 12th. That week is particularly busy with a GP appointment on the 14th, chemo on the 13th and a nurse's appointment on the 11th.

Not looking forward to my 4 or 5 day hospital stay on the 21st but I've learned (I hope) to be a bit more calm and positive about procedures. I just hope they don't infuse me overnight given my habit of sleep-biting through the drip line.

So I've got a bit of a break until the week of the 11th - I'm just taking it easy. I can't go outside much but tomorrow I'm going to try and get to a local shop which sells incense sticks - both to calm me and to get rid of any moths (they hate them).

Have been enjoying playing with my new TV and watching mostly rubbish but with a few quality programmes. I hooked it up to my hi-fi so the sound is good, and the screen size of 32" is fine for my small living-room. I'm looking forward to the grass tennis season and the world cup. I informed TV licensing and buying a licence was a bit of a bitter pill to swallow as I don't agree with it but want to stay lawful.

I've set aside 2 hours a day just for reading; for the longest time I couldn't concentrate and missed my reading dreadfully as I think it's a good habit to have for the mind. I've got so many unread books on my iPad and it's time to make a start on them. My last book The End Of The Romanovs was a tad grim but I've got the latest Stephen King and I generally enjoy his books.

Food-wise, I was eating mindlessly out of boredom or when I grew a bit despondent, comfort eating. So I've decided to eat as much fruit and vegetables as I want until having a proper meal at 5pm. My weight has been up and down with this illness - I'm not overweight by much (perhaps 6 lbs) but would like to lose this. Again, it's with the not getting out for exercise.
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02-06-2018, 06:22 PM

Re: I've had my chest x-ray

Didn't manage to get out today and I went for a siesta this afternoon.

No energy at all right now.
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02-06-2018, 07:19 PM

Re: I've had my chest x-ray

Originally Posted by Sweetie pie ->
Thinking of you both today.
I know you are having chemo Val.
I have good news for my boy. A cancellation, so he can have his scan on Tuesday.
That is such good news Sweetie.

My chemo went ok and feeling pretty good today too.
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02-06-2018, 07:24 PM

Re: I've had my chest x-ray

Originally Posted by Ffosse ->
Didn't manage to get out today and I went for a siesta this afternoon.

No energy at all right now.

Your energy levels should be building up again Ffosse ready for your next chemo. I think I would have a word with the chemo nurse and ask if this lack of energy is normal for such a prolonged period. I tend to have a bad week followed by a good week, but my chemo is fortnightly.
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