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22-11-2016, 08:41 PM

Eye test machines faulty


" Under DVLA rules, drivers with certain medical conditions are required to reapply for their licence every one to three years, and if their treatment or condition has changed, to undergo paid-for optical tests at optometrists appointed by the DVLA. These involve tracking random flashing lights on a screen while focusing on a target straight ahead.

But the software fault in the equipment caused the lights to shine less brightly than they should. The DVLA said: “There may be some individuals who would have been able to detect the lights at the higher brightness standard that should have been used, but were unable to detect the lights at this lower brightness. As soon as we became aware of the fault we asked opticians to immediately stop using the equipment and contacted everyone who had undergone the test on that equipment.”

from article

This is what happened with me at the first eye test at the hospital,Some of the white dots were fainter than others. That was last year before these machine faults were found out.

I shall be asking my local national health trust if these machines are in our hospitals and if why not replaced

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