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28-12-2014, 02:11 PM

All in this together, Part ...???

Just for the Hell of it: -

Number Crunching

Annual amount the Coalition Government is giving to their beloved Hard-Pressed Families on foreign holidays by scrapping Air Passenger Duty for their children = £100 Million

Annual amount the Coalition Government is taking from poorer Hard-Pressed Families by freezing Universal Credit = £145 Million.

.....and a Happy New Year! stevmk2
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28-12-2014, 02:18 PM

Re: All in this together, Part ...???

I know, but it happened under labour too. IMO none of them are in it with us, they just want to know what they can get out of us.
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28-12-2014, 02:29 PM

Re: All in this together, Part ...???

I didn't realize until recently that immigrants in low paid jobs could claim tax credits, no wonder they take them.
I hope the "bedroom tax" gets abolished soon, lots of Lib Dems were reported to have voted for keeping it! No one seems to realize that, people with children under 10 years of age have pay for extra rooms as they're supposed to share even if they're boys & girls, this means they can't swap to bigger homes; people over 61 can stay in big houses as they're exempt, they could live for 30+ years; therefore there's little movement either way between these groups. Social landlords put up the rents on properties when people swap or move out. This means if the tenants are claiming housing benefit it costs the council more.
Stopping Child Benefit after the second child will mean the rich will be able to breed more Tory voters for the future, the less well off will have less children therefore,perhaps less people willing to do low paid jobs.
In the future the wealthy kids will be fighting for well paid jobs (if they have to work) the less well off graduates will also be fighting for these jobs but will lose money as they have to pay back their student loans.
This will mean we will have to allow in more immigrants to fill low paid jobs.

Someone's not thinking things through...
...could get interesting!
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28-12-2014, 02:33 PM

Re: All in this together, Part ...???

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
I know, but it happened under labour too. IMO none of them are in it with us, they just want to know what they can get out of us.
I know Julie, but some dyed-in-the-wool Right wingers seem to think it's always the Left Wing looneys when in fact they are all as bad as each other!

This is precisely why UKIP is gaining support but the main parties simply cannot see this!!

There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right.

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28-12-2014, 03:28 PM

Re: All in this together, Part ...???

Of course we are all in it together, we always will be whilst there is only one planet to choose from.

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