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03-04-2017, 07:56 AM

Re: Kids of today!

Having been raised by my grandparents I know it was tiring for them but I hope they didn't resent doing it. At our age taking on grace has been knackering but the alternative would have been worse.

I seem to recall back in the 60s most grandparents looked after their grandkids or other members of the family would do it. Or a neighbour or friend but now it's expensive day care by professionals that we have to use.

I think it would be great if one parent could stay home and care for kids but not many in that position these days with housing costing so much.
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03-04-2017, 08:03 AM

Re: Kids of today!

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Do we become more intolerant of children as we age ? I can remember as a child being allowed to play and my great aunts being quite unimpressed with our noise. I know from family stories they were as bad as we were as kids. Now I'm not nearly as tolerant of noise as I was then. But thankfully having to have a lot of contact with them is keeping my grumbling at bay so far
I don't think we are ever tolerant of children's noise, even from birth. It is our duty to care for a crying baby, because their cries mean that they need food or are in pain, but once they can speak, any noise is still the parent's responsibility. Surely the power of speech was designed for communication and that communication teaches them what is acceptable.
Speaking to children can teach them how to get on with other humans and display good manners ..... so unless you are in favour of bad manners, maybe we should make more effort to teach children what is acceptable to the community they live among!
Where parents lose the ability to discipline children, I always feel they have lost the ability to be a parent!
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03-04-2017, 08:12 AM

Re: Kids of today!

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
I don't think we are ever tolerant of children's noise, even from birth. It is our duty to care for a crying baby, because their cries mean that they need food or are in pain, but once they can speak, any noise is still the parent's responsibility. Surely the power of speech was designed for communication and that communication teaches them what is acceptable.
Speaking to children can teach them how to get on with other humans and display good manners ..... so unless you are in favour of bad manners, maybe we should make more effort to teach children what is acceptable to the community they live among!
Where parents lose the ability to discipline children, I always feel they have lost the ability to be a parent!
But I'm not in favour of screaming and bad noise twink ! I do see people here unable to accept a child riding a bike quietly around the block getting upset at a child on roller skates quietly skating around. Drawing hop scotch on the paving with chalk that washes away. People are totally unable to accept kids playing normally so any noise is completely ott according to them.

It's not about being tolerant of bad manners. I'm not at all but jeez let kids put their heads out the doors to get some fresh air sometimes stop complaining about every move they make !
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03-04-2017, 08:33 AM

Re: Kids of today!

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
But I'm not in favour of screaming and bad noise twink ! I do see people here unable to accept a child riding a bike quietly around the block getting upset at a child on roller skates quietly skating around. Drawing hop scotch on the paving with chalk that washes away. People are totally unable to accept kids playing normally so any noise is completely ott according to them.

It's not about being tolerant of bad manners. I'm not at all but jeez let kids put their heads out the doors to get some fresh air sometimes stop complaining about every move they make !
Then I am sure you will have taught your children to keep the noise down. For those who complain about everything kids do,they need to learn that you can't please all of the people, all of the time... and sometimes that applies to them!
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03-04-2017, 08:38 AM

Re: Kids of today!

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
Then I am sure you will have taught your children to keep the noise down. For those who complain about everything kids do,they need to learn that you can't please all of the people, all of the time... and sometimes that applies to them!
Yes they all knew and know how to play quietly but I'm not against the occasional loud game we go to the park or on the common for that, rounders gets a bit loud
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03-04-2017, 08:41 AM

Re: Kids of today!

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Yes they all knew and know how to play quietly but I'm not against the occasional loud game we go to the park or on the common for that, rounders gets a bit loud
Cheering and shouting is part of sport... and you can't play rounders in a noise reducing room!
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03-04-2017, 08:46 AM

Re: Kids of today!

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
Cheering and shouting is part of sport... and you can't play rounders in a noise reducing room!
Sometimes I think we should rowdy ain't the word for how my lot go about it
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03-04-2017, 09:20 AM

Re: Kids of today!

Originally Posted by Suzuki Sue ->

Any views on this?
Uhmm no, not really.
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03-04-2017, 09:34 AM

Re: Kids of today!

Well I expect when we were young old folks like us lot thought we were scallywags. I would love to have my little grandson more, he is full of beans and has so much to say for himself. Truth is we have created a society for ourselves where both parents have to work to buy a house put bread on the table also childcare is very expensive, Our kids are trying their best with the society they inherited from us.
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03-04-2017, 10:30 AM

Re: Kids of today!

Originally Posted by Meg ->
That's such a shame Sue grandparents and grandchildren can be a wonderful combination .

I had my youngest grandaughter from 8 months old to 4 years for 11 hours a day some days each week so her mother could go back to nursing.

There was no running up and down screaming, she was a joy to have. The secret is to keep them occupied .
Hi Meg i know grandparents and grandchildren can be a good combination. If they are the right sort of people and bring them up properly.

My neighbours are mid forties they get drunk at weekends and their daughters get drunk with them and don't seem to have time for their children as they are past from pillar to post, they have different fathers. They hurl abuse at you so it shows that their children are going to grow up the same..
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