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09-10-2017, 11:03 PM

Re: Church

Firstly ,I think memories from childhood are not really what we should focus on.
Children have different concepts, they grow into boys with bikes and girls with make-up and life changes.
I think when we get older and our thoughts take a different track, is when we start questioning.
Churches differ and people differ, but I love going to church, and I must say my church is very friendly, with an extremely active congregation, of all ages.
There is so much going on, computer classes, knitting groups, (i.e. knitting blankets for the old, or hats for babies etc)musical evenings, pantomimes, Christmas fairs, breakfasts for womens' groups and mens' groups. Talks from charitable trusts . Just loads happening.
There are also many small groups that meet maybe once or twice a month to discover more about the bible and understanding, if anyone is interested.
I go to one of those groups and thoroughly enjoy learning about so much . Questions are never going to go away, and it's perfectly normal, as we have to have questions to be able to understand more or make decisions. Nobody will be disgruntled to be asked questions.
I love going to services as the whole ethos just lifts the troubles , stress and life's traumas off my shoulders as soon as I walk in and sit down. Bible bashing went out with the ark and you don't have to part with your cash if you prefer not to.
I suggest if anyone feels they would like to go, then do it. You can always walk out or not return.
Choose which church, as you don't want a stuffy one without any life.
I agree , it can be a daunting thought of walking into a church unknown, but many do and a welcome is always there, or you can slide in virtually unnoticed if you want to. Sit at the back . Absolutely no reason to feel self conscious about your presence.
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09-10-2017, 11:52 PM

Re: Church

Neither of my parents were religious or went to church, yet I was sent to Sunday School.

Things changed for me 20 years ago in 1997, when my Dad died.
Mum became a huge worry as she descended into depression.
At one point she began talking about suicide.

I was trying to deal with my own grief, plus look after Mum, and hold down my job every day too.
A couple of times I remember my Manager calling me in the office at work and telling me my Mum had phoned in and left a cryptic message hinting she was about to end it all.
I never knew if she would or not, but was terrified that if I didn't rush home, it might be too late. Fortunately my boss was lovely, and let me dash off home.

Time wore on, and I was on a pretty low ebb. My brother wouldn't lift a finger to help. He just shrugged and said "those who talk about it never do it."

I was pretty much in despair until a friend, who's young son had got killed in a car accident, told me she had been for a private sitting with a Medium.
She was so overwhelmed at what this man told her, that she began to find some comfort and strength to cope with her grief at last.
My friend suggested I take Mum to this man and gave me his contact details.

I didn't want to go. I didn't believe and thought it wrong to 'meddle' with such things, but finally, one day when I was at my wits end with Mum, I remembered what my friend had said and asked Mum if she wanted me to take her to see him. She ummed and arred (spelling?) and finally said OK.
I made the appointment and off we went - me feeling more than a little skeptical but saying nought.

It was nothing like I imagined, and I found he was an interesting man, a quiet, gentle sort of chap.

Things he was able to tell us that day made me think, and a little later I decided I wanted to learn more about this subject. I wanted logical answers.

I have probably learned quite a bit over the last 20 years, and I have met some interesting people and made some kind friends.
I think one reason I carried on was because nobody tried to make me. There is no bible bashing whatsoever either.

No one has ever preached at me, told me what to do, or called me 'a sinner' for not going and praying regularly.
The spiritualist church is so much more relaxed than the usual churches. You are never made to feel guilty or bad for not attending.
I have not been to a Sunday service for over a year now, I don't believe we need to attend a church to show we are a decent or honest person anyway.

However, I have taken Gertie (my youngest dog) to the little healing service almost weekly since she was 8 weeks old and she was found to have a dodgy Mitral heart valve.
She loves going and gets so excited. Everyone loves her and makes a fuss of her, and I remember thinking even if it doesn't help her, what harm can a prayer and a cuddle do? She is 18 months old now and I still take her.

The veterinary cardiologist said at her last scan a few months back, that the valve had 'considerably improved.' This was with no treatment, no drugs - nothing. I was thrilled.

My own vet checked her thoroughly in the summer because she was to be spayed and I was worried sick about her having a general anaesthetic.
He said her heart now sounds almost perfect.

I will never impose my views on anyone, we must make up our own minds. All I can say is, over the last 20 years, I have learned quite a lot, I met some really nice people. I also think there is another world somewhere in the universe, and have never regretted taking Mum on that first visit.

Phew! The end.
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09-10-2017, 11:53 PM

Re: Church

i had to go to something called Crusaders , some offset of C of E I think, but I absolutely hated it. Sunday afternoons were ruined for me completely.
I vowed never to force my 2 sons into anything they didn't want to do.

Nothing wrong with anyone folowing their own beliefs, just don't push it onto others

When I was seriously ill in hospital ,in a bed opposite came a bible thumper using that smooth soft voice that they use. After 2 days I told him to belt up, not everyone on the ward wanted to here his religious views.

At that stage of my illness I could not even raise myself up on the bed I was that bad. it was touch and go if I pulled through or not and that was all I wanted.

He had only cracked a couple of ribs falling over his handle bars on his push bike. Religion didn't save him.
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10-10-2017, 08:48 AM

Re: Church

Originally Posted by Mups ->
Neither of my parents were religious or went to church, yet I was sent to Sunday School.

Things changed for me 20 years ago in 1997, when my Dad died.
Mum became a huge worry as she descended into depression.
At one point she began talking about suicide.

I was trying to deal with my own grief, plus look after Mum, and hold down my job every day too.
A couple of times I remember my Manager calling me in the office at work and telling me my Mum had phoned in and left a cryptic message hinting she was about to end it all.
I never knew if she would or not, but was terrified that if I didn't rush home, it might be too late. Fortunately my boss was lovely, and let me dash off home.

Time wore on, and I was on a pretty low ebb. My brother wouldn't lift a finger to help. He just shrugged and said "those who talk about it never do it."

I was pretty much in despair until a friend, who's young son had got killed in a car accident, told me she had been for a private sitting with a Medium.
She was so overwhelmed at what this man told her, that she began to find some comfort and strength to cope with her grief at last.
My friend suggested I take Mum to this man and gave me his contact details.

I didn't want to go. I didn't believe and thought it wrong to 'meddle' with such things, but finally, one day when I was at my wits end with Mum, I remembered what my friend had said and asked Mum if she wanted me to take her to see him. She ummed and arred (spelling?) and finally said OK.
I made the appointment and off we went - me feeling more than a little skeptical but saying nought.

It was nothing like I imagined, and I found he was an interesting man, a quiet, gentle sort of chap.

Things he was able to tell us that day made me think, and a little later I decided I wanted to learn more about this subject. I wanted logical answers.

I have probably learned quite a bit over the last 20 years, and I have met some interesting people and made some kind friends.
I think one reason I carried on was because nobody tried to make me. There is no bible bashing whatsoever either.

No one has ever preached at me, told me what to do, or called me 'a sinner' for not going and praying regularly.
The spiritualist church is so much more relaxed than the usual churches. You are never made to feel guilty or bad for not attending.
I have not been to a Sunday service for over a year now, I don't believe we need to attend a church to show we are a decent or honest person anyway.

However, I have taken Gertie (my youngest dog) to the little healing service almost weekly since she was 8 weeks old and she was found to have a dodgy Mitral heart valve.
She loves going and gets so excited. Everyone loves her and makes a fuss of her, and I remember thinking even if it doesn't help her, what harm can a prayer and a cuddle do? She is 18 months old now and I still take her.

The veterinary cardiologist said at her last scan a few months back, that the valve had 'considerably improved.' This was with no treatment, no drugs - nothing. I was thrilled.

My own vet checked her thoroughly in the summer because she was to be spayed and I was worried sick about her having a general anaesthetic.
He said her heart now sounds almost perfect.

I will never impose my views on anyone, we must make up our own minds. All I can say is, over the last 20 years, I have learned quite a lot, I met some really nice people. I also think there is another world somewhere in the universe, and have never regretted taking Mum on that first visit.

Phew! The end.
Oh Mups
That was beautifully written and very moving. Thank you for being a ray of sunshine on a cloudy damp day.
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10-10-2017, 09:10 AM

Re: Church

As a young woman I tried to find answers so went to different churches , all I found was religion and bible stories I couldn't accept , they wanted me to believe in it , I couldn't . Yet I felt there was more . Around the age of 30 I went to a spiritualist church , I wasn't expected to believe in a bible , I wasn't preached at , yet I found something deeper and more meaningful to me . 30 years on I still hold the belief and I follow a spiritual path , not a religious path . It has given me peace I never found in conventional church .
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10-10-2017, 09:19 AM

Re: Church

My family wasn't very religious, though I went along with the usual C of E things - prayers before scout meetings; the occasional Church Parade; chapel before school; Religious Education/Divinity class at school. I got O level Religious Knowledge but without much belief, it was just another subject to learn

A bit later in the 6th form we had a General Studies class with occasional forays into religion, philosophy and similar stuff

After I left school for years I was fairly non - commital or disinterested, but when I did think about such things I gradually drifted towards agnostic
But a few years ago I gave it more serious thought, and am now quite definitely an atheist; or a humanist, or whatever
I'm on the emailing list for the British Humanist Association, must get round to joining soon
I've left instructions for a humanist funeral
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10-10-2017, 09:20 AM

Re: Church

Mups, I don't believe in any religion or mediums but I do think they can do a lot of good for people by making them have a more positive approach to life!
My family never went to church but, at the age of 9 I wanted to try it so went with an elderly couple who lived nearby.
When I was 11 we moved house and I started to go to a youth fellowship service, at my local church, and loved it! In the end i taught sunday school there from being 14 to 21, when I married and moved away.
After giving the matter great consideration, I decided that religion was just a way of controlling the people and the bible was just a bunch of elaborated tales from the past BUT......many people who do believe it are kind, caring people who make us all feel better because of their positive attitude.
I can't say god does, or doesn't, exist because I don't know, but I can say that those who believe are often kind caring people who help others deal with problems. I hope that I have continued that, even though I no longer believe!
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10-10-2017, 09:24 AM

Re: Church

Originally Posted by realspeed ->


When I was seriously ill in hospital ,in a bed opposite came a bible thumper using that smooth soft voice that they use. After 2 days I told him to belt up, not everyone on the ward wanted to here his religious views.

At that stage of my illness I could not even raise myself up on the bed I was that bad. it was touch and go if I pulled through or not and that was all I wanted.

He had only cracked a couple of ribs falling over his handle bars on his push bike. Religion didn't save him.
That reminded me of when I worked as a Ward Clerk in the local hospital. There was one Junior Doctor who carried around a bible in his white coat pocket and would constantly raise religion with the patients. One day an old boss of mine was admitted seriously ill and this junior went behind the screens to "clerk" him. Shortly afterwards the patient called me over and said "Chris, for god's sake do not let that f.......g god botherer near me again. He wanted to prepare me to meet my maker".

Shortly afterwards the doctor was sent for re-training because of his behaviour. The last I heard was that he went to Africa to become a missionary.
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10-10-2017, 09:37 AM

Re: Church

Originally Posted by Rehab44 ->
Oh Mups
That was beautifully written and very moving. Thank you for being a ray of sunshine on a cloudy damp day.

Thank you dear Rehab. What a lovely thing to say. x
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10-10-2017, 09:41 AM

Re: Church

Originally Posted by susan m ->
As a young woman I tried to find answers so went to different churches , all I found was religion and bible stories I couldn't accept , they wanted me to believe in it , I couldn't . Yet I felt there was more . Around the age of 30 I went to a spiritualist church , I wasn't expected to believe in a bible , I wasn't preached at , yet I found something deeper and more meaningful to me . 30 years on I still hold the belief and I follow a spiritual path , not a religious path . It has given me peace I never found in conventional church .

Yes, that is what I found too, Susan.
There is no bible, no written sermons, any talking just comes from their heart and through their own experiences - not quoted words written by someone else.
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