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29-10-2014, 08:17 AM

Anyone else experienced this ???

As the know my wife left this year for a younger model ..well she is realizing a lot of negatives now ..
she has no freedom anymore, as he keeps her on a tight leash ..our former friends have shunned her , even my own children are turning against her ....not because of her but her new partner , he is vile , domineering and we believe violent to her ..he has taken her phone away and social media. He wont let her go anywhere alone and pretends to be her when messaging or texting my children He swears and threatens them ....She is now demanding my children go and see her (and him)at but xmas they wont as they want no social contact with him , she just cannot understand why and keeps insisting they have to accept him as their new father he even tells them he is their step father, and is trying to get access to my sons step daughter he is a total BLEEP LOL ... She has been told they will go out with her but NOT him ..I cant do anything just wait and see how thing transpire (and laugh under my breath ,) ... I think Karma is raising its head now she is learning that she made her bed and has to lye on it and has lost more than she has gained ...

PS my children are 26 and 23 ....not children anymore ....
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29-10-2014, 08:27 AM

Re: Anyone else experienced this ???

As the saying goes UKM, what goes around comes around !
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29-10-2014, 08:29 AM

Re: Anyone else experienced this ???

Ukm a very sad story and sounds like a story of the grass is always greener. There are no winners here. Just carry on with your life and let your wife sort hers out. There's nothing more you can do. The best thing you can do is try not to get bitter. You'll only end up in a worse position.

My husband left me for a greener grass. I turned out horrendous for him and I hated it for him. I felt compassion for him. Keep your dignity and look after yourself and the rest of your family for now
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29-10-2014, 08:40 AM

Re: Anyone else experienced this ???

Originally Posted by ukmartian ->
As the know my wife left this year for a younger model ..well she is realizing a lot of negatives now ..
she has no freedom anymore, as he keeps her on a tight leash ..our former friends have shunned her , even my own children are turning against her ....not because of her but her new partner , he is vile , domineering and we believe violent to her ..he has taken her phone away and social media. He wont let her go anywhere alone and pretends to be her when messaging or texting my children He swears and threatens them ....She is now demanding my children go and see her (and him)at but xmas they wont as they want no social contact with him , she just cannot understand why and keeps insisting they have to accept him as their new father he even tells them he is their step father, and is trying to get access to my sons step daughter he is a total BLEEP LOL ... She has been told they will go out with her but NOT him ..I cant do anything just wait and see how thing transpire (and laugh under my breath ,) ... I think Karma is raising its head now she is learning that she made her bed and has to lye on it and has lost more than she has gained ...

PS my children are 26 and 23 ....not children anymore ....
Demanding or invited hell of a differance
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29-10-2014, 08:42 AM

Re: Anyone else experienced this ???

That's such a sad story, I hope you can all find peace with it all eventually. A lesson for many I would imagine that the grass isn't always greener too.
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29-10-2014, 09:22 AM

Re: Anyone else experienced this ???

Thanks for the update UKM. Wondered how things were going on.
What I cant understand is the fact that your children have to accept
him as their Father or step Father. Especially at the age your children
are. Sounds like desperation to me.
As Alice has said don't you get bitter about it and you will have to
leave your ex wife to her fate. You are all adults although this guy
sounds as though he is a sandwich short of a picnic.
Sounds like a police check might be in order from one of you.
Might come better from one of your children.
If you know his name you can check whether or not he has some kind
of history with women with his dominating actions. The Police now have
to tell you if he has had any charges against him beforehand.
Hope everything goes well for you and your family.
As I mentioned the last time your children should consult a Solicitor
free for 20 minutes regarding his text to them and also this mad idea
that he can get control of the step daughter. That doesn't sound good.
Take care
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29-10-2014, 10:04 AM

Re: Anyone else experienced this ???

Your wife made her decision to leave, rightly or wrongly, but don't gloat over her sad predicament. I'ts easy to feel bitterness and resentment but they are such negative, draining emotions.

You have a chance to start a new life for yourself, and it will be a good one if you can concentrate on your future and don't get tangled up in your wife's current problems. Best of luck to you and your family.
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29-10-2014, 10:08 AM

Re: Anyone else experienced this ???

Her Life sounds like hell,but as Your Children are all Adults,what She does now is none of Your concern,You'll just have to let Her deal with it Herself,She's obviously lost everything most especially the respect of Her Children..sad..Don't let it destroy You as that won't help Anyone..good luck.
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29-10-2014, 10:48 AM

Re: Anyone else experienced this ???

Originally Posted by aquablue ->
Her Life sounds like hell,but as Your Children are all Adults,what She does now is none of Your concern,You'll just have to let Her deal with it Herself,She's obviously lost everything most especially the respect of Her Children..sad..Don't let it destroy You as that won't help Anyone..good luck.
Agree with this post and Linden Tree - don't get bogged down with it Steve, concentrate on your life.
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29-10-2014, 05:02 PM

Re: Anyone else experienced this ???

How very sad all round, although your children are in their 20's it will still be incredibly difficult and upsetting for them and even more so if they feel that their Mum is in danger and having a really difficult time.
When a relationship breaks up the reasons are usually complicated and someone can make a very bad decision not realising until it's too late.
It's understandable that you feel hurt and let down but it's an unhappy situation for your children to see their parents like this and unhappy for your wife too by the sounds of it.
I hope that your children can get to see their Mum by herself eventually and that she can find her way out of the relationship if it's as bad as you describe.
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