Location: South Wales, UK
The last 10 visitor(s) to this page were:
Agent Artangel basser Bingbong Bread cahoots Chardon-B Dextrous63 galty Grammyj january JBR Joysmith Judd keezoy Lion Queen Longdogs macywack MarciKS MargaretF mart MaryG Mike Minx monkeypuzzle Morticia Mups Nell gwyn Oakapple Omah Paul73 Pauld2812 pauline3 Pixie Knuckles purplerainbow realspeed RJG Roj Blake shropshiregirl Silver Tabby Smithy54 spitfire Steve04 summer Tedc TessA UkGameCoder VictoriaG warleyron Zuleika
Please use the 'Contact Staff' section if you need to bring something to our attention, thanks (my PMs are switched off).
Born in South Wales, I have lived in London and, thanks to my last job, travelled to most of Europe - which I loved! I gave it all up to set up my own business back in South Wales.
I have lots of interests - cats, dogs, music, gaming, photography, and of course socialising and creating social websites with a feel-good vibe; a real emphasis on the community, fun and friendliness... hopefully this site is a good example of that! :p
Name: | Azz |
Male or Female: | Male |
Your occupation: | Web related! |
Drives: | Aston Martin... In my dreams! |