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20-07-2013, 08:33 PM

World War II Veterans

Hello, I realize many men & women don't want to talk about their experiences from serving in the war. If you do though, I would love to read about what your duties were or what you went through. More than likely it was your relative who served.

Sorry if I upset anyone with this topic
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20-07-2013, 09:37 PM

Re: World War II Veterans

Zoo, I don't think you will find many veterans now, they would be getting thinned out by age, My father would have been over 100 if he was still alive, he was killed when the minesweeper he was serving on hit a mine, off the coast of Belgium.
My granddad died in the first world war, when the HMS Hamshire got mined in the Orkneys in 1916 if you know the story, Lord Kitchener was on the ship. My grand dads grave is the Hampshire, his body was never found, whereas my father was washed up at Ostend where he is buried.
I have visited my fathers grave many times and it is well cared for.
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20-07-2013, 09:42 PM

Re: World War II Veterans

Thanks Wrinkly, that's sad.

You know, I actually tried deleting this thread right smack after hitting the button to send it. I just couldn't figure it out.

I did the math afterwards & said a big OOPS to myself.

How do I get rid of this?
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20-07-2013, 11:13 PM

Re: World War II Veterans

Yes, the numbers don't add up.
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21-07-2013, 12:25 AM

Re: World War II Veterans

Only a Moderator can delete threads.
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21-07-2013, 11:31 AM

Re: World War II Veterans

Why delete it? Its a good thread. Like Wrinkly my Dad and Grandads were in World War 1 and 11. My Dad would be 100 next year if still alive. They didn't talk much about what happened as it was soooooo dreadful.
I know he was in Libya Egypt, then over to Italy and Greece. One funny thing I remember him telling us was he used to drive Ammunition Lorries. They had to drive for days sometimes without sleep. He remembers driving along and the next thing he remembers is waking up in a ditch. He had run off of the road and luckily he and his co-driver who had also fallen asleep didn't get blown up. Another story was they were being attacked by German aircraft which were straffing along the convoy. He stopped the lorry and jumped out down a ditch, the co-driver went under the lorry. So my Dad in his broad Yorkshire told him in no certain terms to get the out from under the lorry and get in the ditch.
My Dad was away for nearly 6 years and was never the same when he got back. He was 26 when he went to War and it broke his heart leaving the family behind and also seeing kids aged 17/18 blown to pieces. That's all I know about his war. Both my Grandads were in the first war and they are registered online now with their medals and where they had battles. I never heard a lot about what happened in their War, only that my Grandad Arthur was gassed at the Somme and so were both his Brothers who were with him. The youngest being only 16 or 17 and he died. Albert lied about his age and because there were not a lot of ways of checking in those days they accepted him and he never came back. Broke my great Grannies heart. He was the youngest of 14 kids.

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