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Uncle Joe
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09-02-2016, 08:57 AM

Anti-Trade Union Bill.

Seems the 'nasty party' are not so sure of enacting their bill in the face of opposition from HoL and are now rushing to amend chunks of it.
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Alan Cooke
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09-02-2016, 09:08 AM

Re: Anti-Trade Union Bill.

To be honest Joe it never made sense to me that a union can call a strike if, for example, only 35% of the members voted for one. I was a TU secretary when I was working so I'm not anti Trades Union but I am a great believer in democracy and I know that many Trades Union members don't like striking.
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09-02-2016, 09:35 AM

Re: Anti-Trade Union Bill.

It demonstrates that we have an intelligent government, intent on getting the legislation right, who are prepared to listen and think things through, unlike the rabid loudmouthed left wing.
Uncle Joe
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09-02-2016, 10:00 AM

Re: Anti-Trade Union Bill.

Originally Posted by Alan Cooke ->
To be honest Joe it never made sense to me that a union can call a strike if, for example, only 35% of the members voted for one. I was a TU secretary when I was working so I'm not anti Trades Union but I am a great believer in democracy and I know that many Trades Union members don't like striking.

Employees wouldn't need to strike if employers acted reasonably!!!
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Alan Cooke
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09-02-2016, 10:10 AM

Re: Anti-Trade Union Bill.

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
Employees wouldn't need to strike if employers acted reasonably!!!
True, that's why it's important for there to be 'democratic' trade unions. Basically I believe in cooperation between employers and employees. At the end of the day both sides benefit if the company is successful.

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