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06-09-2016, 02:08 PM

I fear I've lost a friend. Me and my big mouth.

Went to see a pal last night.
He was telling me how his son was caught having a spliff at school. He was suspended and now the board of governors have made it permanent and told him he must leave.

The school is a private school and what the governors say, happens.

My pal explained his son was caught in the car park, on a Saturday following an inter-school foitball match.
The decision has infuriated him as two pupils were caught having a spliff a couple of months ago in the toilets.
They were suspended for 1 week and allowed back.

I told him his son had behaved badly, broken the law and deserved everything he got.

My pal told me to leave and that our friendship was over.

Oh well.......don't ask a question if you may not like the answer.
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06-09-2016, 02:12 PM

Re: I fear I've lost a friend. Me and my big mouth.

Originally Posted by Tpin ->
Went to see a pal last night.
He was telling me how his son was caught having a spliff at school. He was suspended and now the board of governors have made it permanent and told him he must leave.

The school is a private school and what the governors say, happens.

My pal explained his son was caught in the car park, on a Saturday following an inter-school foitball match.
The decision has infuriated him as two pupils were caught having a spliff a couple of months ago in the toilets.
They were suspended for 1 week and allowed back.

I told him his son had behaved badly, broken the law and deserved everything he got.

My pal told me to leave and that our friendship was over.

Oh well.......don't ask a question if you may not like the answer.
Oh FGS ... men and their hissy fits !!!

A big girls's blouse (whatever that is)
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06-09-2016, 02:16 PM

Re: I fear I've lost a friend. Me and my big mouth.

That's a shame to lose a friend over such a thing. Perhaps your friend would have been better explaining to his son just why he has lost his school place. After all it appears he knew about the first "event", he could have warned his son what was likely to happen if he was ever caught.
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06-09-2016, 02:20 PM

Re: I fear I've lost a friend. Me and my big mouth.

Talking about kids is a minefield tpin, never say a child not belonging to you may not be just perfect, even I learnt that one years ago
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06-09-2016, 02:22 PM

Re: I fear I've lost a friend. Me and my big mouth.

Seems a little unfair to allow the other two boys back to school and not his son for doing similar things ..I guess he wanted you to sympathise and say "how awful and how the school should allow him back" maybe...I think I mightve been a little put out too if I had been your friend Tpin...but there whats been said has been said ...all you can do is try to understand where his anger is coming from,its quite a serious thing to have a son excluded from school and I imagine hes feeling worried and angry and he probably will need your friendship more than he lets on .
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06-09-2016, 02:24 PM

Re: I fear I've lost a friend. Me and my big mouth.

Many schools will increase punishments each time if happens, they try softly softly if that hasn't penetrated their brains next pupil gets a worse punishment.
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06-09-2016, 02:29 PM

Re: I fear I've lost a friend. Me and my big mouth.

Thats fine Julie if the children are all aware of the escalation in punishments but if the school just move the goalposts of suspension without everyone being aware its wrong.
Im just going by how worried sick and afraid I was when my eldest son was suspended on more than one occasion and the school were very good in dealing with the whole situation my book suspension and exclusion should be a very very last resort and used rarely!
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06-09-2016, 02:31 PM

Re: I fear I've lost a friend. Me and my big mouth.

If he was a true friend Tpin he would calm down in time and realise you are entitled to your opinion even if he didn't agree with you. If he doesn't he is not a true friend anyway.

My pal explained his son was caught in the car park, on a Saturday following an inter-school foitball match.
The decision has infuriated him as two pupils were caught having a spliff a couple of months ago in the toilets.
They were suspended for 1 week and allowed back.
I am sure he doesn't know the full details of the other incident and various factors which will be confidential.
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06-09-2016, 02:32 PM

Re: I fear I've lost a friend. Me and my big mouth.

Originally Posted by meg ->
if he was a true friend tpin he would calm down in time and realise you are entitled to your opinion even if he didn't agree.
If he doesn't he is not a true friend anyway.

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06-09-2016, 02:41 PM

Re: I fear I've lost a friend. Me and my big mouth.

Tpin, I'm sorry about your friendship, I know from experience how easy it is to put your foot in it.
I am guessing if your friend had been in a different mood altogether, he may have received your comment differently, but if you caught him when the problem was still raw, he'd have been extra 'touchy.'

Also, it doesn't make sense to me why the other two boys were allowed back to school but your friend's son wasn't.
I apologise if I'm wrong, but I can't help but wonder if this wasn't a first offence, or that he'd had warnings about other behaviour before, and this latest problem was the last straw.

I feel there could be more to this than you know, or more than his Dad knows even.
I would give your friend time calm down, and see if he contacts you. Try not to worry.
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