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deylon is offline
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deylon is female  deylon has posted at least 25 times and has been a member for 3 months or more 
06-06-2018, 08:51 PM

What a Day

What a day,a respiratory nurse came,instead of the back up response team of yesterday,he said they had liaised together and decided I didnt need the nebuliser at home,use my inhalers instead,and he took it away,if they think I need it they will bring it back.Then a district nurse came to dress my leg,She didnt think it was a good idea for me to go shopping tomorrow,so a dear friend is going to get a few things,then my son will order from Asda over the W.end
,I had to make a few phone calls to sort out my blood test for warfarin,and was just to get my tea
When to top it all my friend in Birmingham rang me to say she she was going to 'Pull the plug' couldnt cope any more ,she has a bag which needs changing 2/3 times a day and she hates it, she was in a state.I managed to talk to her husband and he said its just talk, she's done this before even before she had the bag.I rang again tonight and he said she has calmed down now.I love her like a sister but I am finding it hard to help her,as I dont feel great myself
Fondly Remembered
deylon is offline
Joined: Jun 2015
Posts: 1,835
deylon is female  deylon has posted at least 25 times and has been a member for 3 months or more 
07-06-2018, 08:28 PM

Re: What a Day

My dear lovely friend got me some shopping and brought it to me ,she had some eggs in her trolley for me ,from her daughter who keeps chickens,and it was only after she had gone home that we realised she hadnt left the eggs.My friend from Birmingham rang to apologise for her phone call last night, she seems better today, My breating was not good so I rang the respiratory team for advice,only to find they close at 5 pm,so Im just increasing my inhalers myself untill tomorrow morning

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