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08-01-2019, 01:44 AM

Waiting times

Hopsitals, GP surgeries, even trying to book an appointment. The time we are having to wait to get seen by a doctor is becoming an impossible task.

I have been waiting for an ENT appointment since last June, and that's only for an initial consultation. In the meantime, the particular health complaint which has caused my referral has become much worse. It has been postponed, cancelled, re-submitted and put back through various phone calls and enquiries from myself and or/my doctor.

Also, you cannot even get through on the phone anymore to book a GP appointment. You are "Number 10 in a queue" and you wait an age listening to bland eloevator music and interjections from some recorded voice about help with dementia and so on. It's now ridiculous.

I understand the NHS is in a terribly fragile state through lack of money, shortages of equipment and expertise recruiting new staff. I understand too that there are many people who cancel appointments without telling the surgery and that is simply not on.

Another issue, which is deemed as some kind of unspeakable no-go area is the rise of the migrant and immigrant population wanting to see a doctor. Those of us who were born in the UK, paid our taxes and our National Insurance are placed as 'low priority' in favour of these people who will no doubt claim human rights if they are not looked after. It's all wrong and needs to change. Or is that taboo and a closed subject?

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08-01-2019, 01:59 AM

Re: Waiting times

I agree , in our surgery there is a notice printed in about 6 languages.
You go in there and they are all over the place waiting to see the doctor.
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08-01-2019, 02:08 AM

Re: Waiting times

Originally Posted by Floydy ->

The main NHS issue is a massive recruitment problem. Funnily enough the NHS relies on migrants - to staff it! It doesn't matter how much money they throw at the system if they cannot sort that problem. They advertise abroad because nobody wants to enter or stay in the service here. Plus constant tinkering with it by different politicians means that staff have no job security. Many just leave after they have had enough.

In case anyone hasn't been paying attention GPs are retiring early and nurses are quitting because of the pressure. They are under terrible stress because they are having to cover or do the jobs of two or three people. The nursing bursary has gone which has made the situation tons worse.

Most people who come here are working and paying taxes. Speaking a foreign language or having a different skin colour does not equal unpaid taxes and NIC.
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08-01-2019, 02:58 AM

Re: Waiting times

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
The main NHS issue is a massive recruitment problem. Funnily enough the NHS relies on migrants - to staff it! It doesn't matter how much money they throw at the system if they cannot sort that problem. They advertise abroad because nobody wants to enter or stay in the service here. Plus constant tinkering with it by different politicians means that staff have no job security. Many just leave after they have had enough.

In case anyone hasn't been paying attention GPs are retiring early and nurses are quitting because of the pressure. They are under terrible stress because they are having to cover or do the jobs of two or three people. The nursing bursary has gone which has made the situation tons worse.

Most people who come here are working and paying taxes. Speaking a foreign language or having a different skin colour does not equal unpaid taxes and NIC.
You're spot on, Annie, though the migrant issue (I'm not talking so much about the Poles, Latvians and Kosovans etc who have now been here years and I have no issue with at all) is going to get worse. We have a whole load of Romanian and Somali migrants who obviously have arrived illegally and let in who expect to be treated by our NHS free of charge. Why should we pay for our treatment if we need it, say on holiday if we become ill, when they get everything free?

On another note, I finally did get an appointment yesterday morning for a persistent coughing problem. This was slotted in virtually immediately when I said I was desperate. Thing is, I had been at work during the night and my appointment was at 9.10am. I was like a zombie! However, I got to see a wonderful (British) doctor who asked me lots of questions, gave me a thorough examination and was very happy to spend time on his patient.
I have now got a form whereby I can simply walk into any hospital and get a chest x-ray on the spot, so I'll be going after my sleep this afternoon. How procedures vary, eh?
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08-01-2019, 03:12 AM

Re: Waiting times


We have not been training enough Doctors and Nurses for years, that is the problem.

We have recently started charging Nurses for training, which is stupid.
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08-01-2019, 07:54 AM

Re: Waiting times

Originally Posted by Floydy ->
Hopsitals, GP surgeries, even trying to book an appointment. The time we are having to wait to get seen by a doctor is becoming an impossible task.

I have been waiting for an ENT appointment since last June, and that's only for an initial consultation. In the meantime, the particular health complaint which has caused my referral has become much worse. It has been postponed, cancelled, re-submitted and put back through various phone calls and enquiries from myself and or/my doctor.

Also, you cannot even get through on the phone anymore to book a GP appointment. You are "Number 10 in a queue" and you wait an age listening to bland eloevator music and interjections from some recorded voice about help with dementia and so on. It's now ridiculous.

I understand the NHS is in a terribly fragile state through lack of money, shortages of equipment and expertise recruiting new staff. I understand too that there are many people who cancel appointments without telling the surgery and that is simply not on.

Another issue, which is deemed as some kind of unspeakable no-go area is the rise of the migrant and immigrant population wanting to see a doctor. Those of us who were born in the UK, paid our taxes and our National Insurance are placed as 'low priority' in favour of these people who will no doubt claim human rights if they are not looked after. It's all wrong and needs to change. Or is that taboo and a closed subject?

Do you live in a busy town Floydy ?
I don't understand why Gps don't have evening surgeries as they always did .
Surely would take the strain off day time clinics .as a child we went to our local GP in the evening ( it was held in the back room of his house ( no receptionist no computer-every departing patient just called the next one in )
It's true about low priority.
Two years ago Mr M had a heart attack in Spain where he was treated promptly and well.
The drs told him to report to his GP on arriving home so he did.
The Gp referred his case to the cardiologist after waiting some weeks I called them up and was told his appointment was in five months time .
We went back to our GPwho rearranged it for earlier saying they always do that as they consider you 'low priority'.
What ?
Some office worker -not a Dr - somewhere can assess a person they have never seen as 'low priority'.

We have the most rediculous system of National health in the world .

We simply cannot give free health treatment to all and sundry .
It the NHS not international free for all.
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08-01-2019, 08:51 AM

Re: Waiting times

Flyody I waited 11 months to see a Diabetic Nurse at a Hospital/Clinic, when I phoned up and complained about the waiting time, all I got was. There are a lot of people who are Diabetic! When it did finally arrived, I cancelled it, as I didn't need to see anyone any way.
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08-01-2019, 09:52 AM

Re: Waiting times

We've go through so many different systems for booking appointments I keep forgetting the newest rules. I know I need an appointment for a medication review, I keep getting texts telling me so. I went in yesterday to book an appointment and was told none available for forseeable future unless it's an emergency. So wait until I run out of tablets and ring at 8.30am and they will have to see me within 2 weeks. That assumes I won't die without the medication I guess.

Last time I booked an appointment 6 months ago for same thing there was a 6 week wait, but at least they booked me in.

Allergy clinic at hospital won't see me anymore apparently I am coping without support unlike others. So looks like I'm on my own with that problem. Only trouble with that is if I am taken into hospital usually the allergist is informed and she liaises with the person treating me so they don't accidentally kill me. This will no longer happen so I am printing out a list I hope the hospital will read before treating me or I am in trouble.

Local walk in clinic is so crowded they queue outside the doors most days.

When I was in the surgery trying to book there were 3 ladies stood to the side I indicated they were before me and receptionist said no no they are waiting for the interpreter !
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08-01-2019, 10:04 AM

Re: Waiting times

Originally Posted by susiejaeger ->
Flyody I waited 11 months to see a Diabetic Nurse at a Hospital/Clinic, when I phoned up and complained about the waiting time, all I got was. There are a lot of people who are Diabetic! When it did finally arrived, I cancelled it, as I didn't need to see anyone any way.

I remember our Nom used to say about this as well Susie.
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08-01-2019, 10:20 AM

Re: Waiting times

Well in future you will be skyping your GP and hospital consultant.
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