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Lion Queen
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25-04-2020, 05:41 PM

A Horrible Experience

A fish shop has re-opened not too far from me so I went this lunchtime to get my Dad a fish as to him it's a treat.

When I drove into the car park there was only one parking space left and people were queuing outside the fish shop social distancing.

When I got out of my car there was a man stood at the back of my car in the queue and I tried to move around him so as not to get too close but it was difficult as there wasn't a lot of room.

The man then started shouting at me saying had I not listened to the news, the 2 metre rule. I told him I did try not to get too close but he wouldn't have it and he was screaming at me horrendously. It was unbelievable.

There were loads of people queuing and not one person intervened to try help me. The man wouldn't leave me alone or stop shouting and by now my body was terribly upset and my heart started palpitating. I don't deal very well in argument situations as my body seems to respond to upsetting times in a different way to most, I felt sick, my heart was pounding, it was horrendous.

In the end I plugged my ears because I couldn't bear to hear anymore emotional abuse from him, I felt very intimadated by him.

The lady owner of the fish shop came out to try calm him down and then it was his turn and as he went up the steps into the shop I could still hear him ranting and raving. He just wouldn't let it drop, I've never encountered such an outburst. All he had to say to me is "do you mind, you're a bit close to me" and I would have apologized.

He was stood directly behind my car by the time I got out so if it were me I would have moved away until he had gone past but it just seemed to me that man was out to cause a huge scene.

I didn't cough or sneeze, if I had I could have maybe understood it a bit more but I feel he went right over the top and was a damn bully the way he treat me.

I'm still very upset 5 hours later and I've broke down twice today telling my Dad then my niece.

I think I was more upset too because the fact no one in the queue came to come to my defence, it wasn't done intentionally, I did try to get round him best I could.

Today is the worst experience and I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

All he had to do was step back so I could get past without getting within 2 mtrs of him.

I'm so cross with myself because I burst out crying, I wish I hadn't give him the satisfaction of seeing my cry.

I feel sorry for his partner (if he has one) he's a big bully.

Today was as surreal as this Covid-19 and I hope never to experience anything like that again.
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25-04-2020, 05:55 PM

Re: A Horrible Experience

Oh Queenie that is dreadful. There is never any excuse for rudeness.

Have a hug - you need one - in fact have a lot of them!!

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25-04-2020, 06:04 PM

Re: A Horrible Experience

LQ, unfortunately people are thinking they will catch the virus just by standing less than 2 metres away, but you have to cough or sneeze to pass the virus via the droplets that come from your nose or mouth.
This man probably didn't know that & was afraid, or he was just fed up with having to get in a queue for his chips, but there was no need to be rude.
People are getting paranoid about being near to others, but you shouldn't let people like this upset you. If you said "Sorry but I was unable to get past you to join the queue." that should have been the end of it.

Just remember that we are all suffering, but letting idiots like this make you cry will just make you feel bad, so try to stay calm!
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25-04-2020, 06:06 PM

Re: A Horrible Experience

Sending hugs. What a horrible experience.
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The Artful Todger
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25-04-2020, 06:08 PM

Re: A Horrible Experience

See it from his side.

He's an asshole and doesn't know any better.
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25-04-2020, 06:15 PM

Re: A Horrible Experience

LQ I must endorse AD hes an asshole not to mention a jerk of the first water !
He also a coward he would not have been so brave had you been a 25 year old six foot two rugby type
And shame on the creeps who stood in the queue and never said a word !
If I had been there I would have told him what I thought in fact I feel like putting it on Facebook someone in the queue will be on there !
Don’t give it another thought it’s horrible when some AH / jerk shouts but just imagine he’s probaby sexually inadequate and has to take his frustrations out on someone .
Probaby nothing to do with the CV but everything to do with his issues .
You were just the unfortunate scapegoat .
Lion Queen
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25-04-2020, 06:16 PM

Re: A Horrible Experience

Originally Posted by Silver Tabby ->
Oh Queenie that is dreadful. There is never any excuse for rudeness.

Have a hug - you need one - in fact have a lot of them!!

Thank you Tabby, I feel your virtual hugs xxx
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25-04-2020, 06:21 PM

Re: A Horrible Experience

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
LQ I must endorse AD hes an asshole not to mention a jerk of the first water !
And shame on the creeps who stood in the queue and never said a word !
If I had been there I would have told him what I thought in fact I feel like putting it on Facebook someone in the queue will be on there !
Don’t give it another thought it’s horrible when some AH / jerk shouts but just imagine he’s probaby sexually inadequate and has to take his frustrations out on someone .
Probaby nothing to do with the CV but everything to do with his issues .
You were just the unfortunate scapegoat .
I'm not very good at arguing my point until after the occasion. I always think, oh why didn't I say this or that, but of course by then it's too late anyway.

I just went to pieces.

My son is furious, I'm glad he wasn't with me it would have ended up a fight.
Very surreal experience, even when I had my ears plugged he was screaming.
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25-04-2020, 06:25 PM

Re: A Horrible Experience

LQ I am the same never think at the time what to do but actually what could you do ?
You were in a potentially dangerous situation the only thing you could have done was to call the police and like most good citizens you don’t want to waste their time and anyway they most likely wouldn’t turn up anyway .
The guy was a creep and one can only hope he chokes on his chips !
A horrible experience for you but that’s it when we are woman and especially older older woman we are subject to all sorts of abuse of this sort if we are unlikely enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time .
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25-04-2020, 06:29 PM

Re: A Horrible Experience

That must have been just awful LQ, what a pig ,pls don"t let him get to you .
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