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18-07-2012, 01:31 PM

You really must stop swearing.

An ex refree trying to get his five minutes of limelight is saying footballers really shouldn't swear at each other as its naughty, and I would suggest in the roar and noise of a footie game you wouldn't hear the swearing at all.

Before THEY are stopped I would have thought the rampant swearing on T.V. programmes should be tackled before that.

I know they crave reality and in general most people swear at some time or other, ( ok you dont, but the other seven billion of us have at one time or another), but in a staged play /film etc etc, which is produced to ENTERTAIN us, the likes of Gordon Ramsey on a pogramme about cooking /failing kitchens as such has no need to swear, its just done to bring in the viewers.

I swear, mainly using the "F" word, but I swear mainly to myself, when Iv'e done something stupid, ( yes I know, i swear a lot then ), but I don't swear in public, nor at some that might have upset me in some way, so lets get our priorities right firstly.
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18-07-2012, 03:39 PM

Re: You really must stop swearing.

I have to agree with that. Footballers swearing are not being heard. The ones I object to are the people in the public eye like comedians who find it necessary to curse all the way through their routines. There are a lot of comedians out there who are funny guys and don't need to swear to be funny but for some reason they seem to think its necessary. I've never been able to understand why. For years we watched comedians on tv and were entertained without it so why, nowadays, do they all find it necessary.

Another thing I can't stand is groups of schoolkids on public transport who think it makes them look smart if they curse as much as possible.
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19-07-2012, 12:23 AM

Re: You really must stop swearing.

I agree that there should be less of it on TV, and even less in public. In fact I cringe when hearing it.

Without wanting to sound pompous or prissy I can honestly say that I have never once used the "F" word, ever in my 62 years. I use the "acceptable" swear words, but only rarely because, I'd like to think I have achieved reasonably high standard of the English language in my vocabulary than to use unacceptable expletives.

As to footballers - well, quite honestly I've not a clue what that's about as I have no interest in football but, if I read between the lines in that one footballer has sworn at another, my question would be "so what?" I'm sure they all do that.
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19-07-2012, 08:19 AM

Re: You really must stop swearing.

I'm afraid it's too late to stop the rot. It has, unfortunately, become the norm for the younger generations to punctuate each sentence with the f word.
I hear more bad language used in public than I do on telly. I don't like it at all.
The likes of comedians who use bad language as part of their act never get into my home and all those films that have all those macho men using filthy language are very easily shut up.
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19-07-2012, 09:17 AM

Re: You really must stop swearing.

You are right Jonsey about the use of the 'F' word in "Enterainment", almost every modern film is peppered with F this and F that, when there really is no call for it. I use the occasional F now and then but only to highlight what some idiot has said or done to effect me or my Family, like "What does that F.....g idiot think he's doing." It can be useful sometimes when nobody listens to what you're saying, one blast of the F word and everyone looks at you straight away. Overuse will eventually kill off it's effectivness.
As for footballers I wouldn't know, who listens to them anyway.
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19-07-2012, 04:42 PM

Re: You really must stop swearing.

I am in a filthy mood( there you are the F word) as we were( we being Joe ) brushing water away from the house last night as we were once again surrounded by it.The green at the front was slowly disappearing as the water started to cover the grass.What makes me mad is that you could be living here alone, no-one offers to help but if there is something needs doing oh good old Joe will help or even end up doing it for them. They all sculk in there houses.Sorry but i am fed up. I havent slept for three nights and am now blaming God for sending all the rain to cripple the poor elderly.
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29-07-2012, 04:13 AM

Re: You really must stop swearing.

I'm so tired of the F word. I hear it from school kids too - as casual as you please. My OH can't finish a sentence without using it liberally and doesn't even realize how often he uses it. Recently he asked me something and I just stared at him til he asked why. I replied that I was replaying what he said in my head and deleting every instance of the F word til I could find the meaning before replying. He just blinked at me. He's worked in trades all his life but I'd rather he left his 'work' vocabulary behind when he walks in the door.

He takes issue with his teens using the same language but they're old enough to simply tell him if he can say it so can they.
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29-07-2012, 07:29 AM

Re: You really must stop swearing.

To me swearing just shows how illiterate a person is, if they can not get their point over without swearing I think they need to go back to school to educate themselves.

OK. I swear to myself at times when I do stupid things but I would never dream of swearing in front of Ladies or children or in public.
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29-07-2012, 07:50 AM

Re: You really must stop swearing.

Illiterate?????? That's a bit strong surely. It's commonplace language in many workplaces and becomes a regular habit with a huge number of people but that doesn't make them illiterate surely. I do think some people use bad language to excess but I don't really see the point in getting hot and bothered about it as its only words after all. I will confess I don't like hearing young children swearing but then unless they belong to me or mine, it's really not my business and there's nothing I can do about it.
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29-07-2012, 08:38 AM

Re: You really must stop swearing.

In the past and even now at my age, I would sooner let off a barrage of "F" words to "vent my spleen" than I would resort to violence. As I have said before, I swear, and yes I suppose, rather regularly, for example.

A few years ago now I purchased, in my business as a grain merchant four hundred tonnes of quality milling wheat, I had sent eight twenty five tonne lorries to load and transport it. The young lad in charge of the loading knew which pile of grain to load, the lorries arrived, out jumped the first driver, a hulking great figure of a man, walked up to a pile of grain and said ----'This pile "---------- it was the wrong one, the lad, I suppose too nervous to argue with a man of his size started loading it.

To cut a long story short, the first lorry arrrived at the mill and was rejected on quality, the mill then phoned me and doubted my ability to supply them with the right quality grain, the grain was returned to the farm and the farmer would be expected to pay for movement in both directions, ( standard proceedure if a farmer tried it on )

I managed to stop the second vehicle getting to the mill and checked his load, it was the wrong stuff, so i turned him around and sent him back to the farm.

When I arrived at the farm , there were eight lorries loaded, all with the wrong gear, the farmer was there fuming, the transport owner was there , fuming, I was there fuming, when we found out the root cause of the cock-up my language, to say the least, was deeeeeeep blue, eight lorries had to be re-loaded --my credibility with the farmer ws at an all time low, and the transport owner had just lost doing anymore business with me, the driver was sacked that evening, fortunatelt though, after explaining, over a freebie lunch for the Mill buyer I was reinstated as one of their accepted buyers.

Now let me ask --- would you have said ------------- "ohhhh golly gosh, you naughty boys", in a situation like that, ??? ohhh you would have ---yeah right.
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