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07-08-2012, 11:18 PM

Locked out (of house).

The wife and me were in great spirits returning from our annual holiday last Saturday, the train journey was pleasant and the countryside looked beautiful through the window as we sped by. The taxi ride from the station was short and we arrived at our doorstep in no time. Then came the shock, I put my key into the hall door lock and it wouldn't open, herself then informs me that she had left her keys in the lock on the inside!, I don't know how many times I told her never to do that as the door wont open from the outside, but as per usual I might as well be talking to the wall. No panic says I, I'll climb over the wall at the back and open the back door, thankfully I am fairly fit and the climb was no problem. then came the next shock, she had left the back door key in the back door as well!. I couldn't believe it and I shrank slowly to my knees, put my hands over my head and tried to imitate John Cleese's famous jumping around on his hunkers thing, I couldn't and fell back on my arse muttering a few curses as I did so, her giggles didn't help to calm me down either. She disappeared suddenly and in a short while returned with one of our kind neighbours, he arrived with his ladder, opened a top window at the back of the house and climbed in, it was all over in a few minutes, God bless him.
I have not mentioned the incident to herself since, she got off lightly, me being the gentleman that I am. I notice she never leaves the keys in the locks anymore, talk about bolting the stable door when the horse is gone.
It's an awful feeling being locked out of your own home, hersef often locked me out in my younger days when I was off flying my kite with the lads, but I deserved it and she always let me in eventually.
Have you ever been locked out?.
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07-08-2012, 11:34 PM

Re: Locked out (of house).

Oh Jem what a home coming

I can't remember being locked out, because I am forgetful I take avoiding measures .
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07-08-2012, 11:43 PM

Re: Locked out (of house).

I did get locked out once when I forgot my key, so I just went to the pub till the wife got home.
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08-08-2012, 12:21 AM

Re: Locked out (of house).

Oh that was so funny, Jem.

We were locked out of the house years ago, but I can't remember how it could have happened. It was an old type of door and once closed it locked itself, and neither of us had keys on us.

You can believe this or not, but Gordon put a foot on the hall window-sill, then heaved himself onto the porch, then clambered up the brickwork like Spiderman to an upstairs bedroom window, which was open.

My heart was in my mouth, but he made it. The terrifying thing was that we'd just got back from the Club where he'd necked down several pints of bitter.
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08-08-2012, 05:04 AM

Re: Locked out (of house).

Yes Jimmy. I went round to a neighbour, borrowed a few tools, took out a small pane of glass, opened a window and climbed in- easy peasy.
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08-08-2012, 07:43 AM

Re: Locked out (of house).

Never go out and leave the door key in the lock as a burglar can push a paper under the door from outside and then push the keys out, they drop onto the paper and he pulls it out with keys on, he then opens the door and robs the house.You see if you were Mancunians you would also be knowalls.
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08-08-2012, 07:52 AM

Re: Locked out (of house).

Jimmy, we once got locked out years ago and I decided to change all the locks to dead bolt type where you have to lock the door as you leave, never will have that problem again. The upside is also a bonus, the insurance company reduces your bill with dead locks.
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08-08-2012, 08:36 AM

Re: Locked out (of house).

Thank you folks for your replies and suggestions.
When my two children (Girl & Boy) were young adults and single I never stopped reminding them not to forget their keys but they still managed to leave them behind every so often and then the door would be banged down at 2 or 3 in the morning, I'd look out the bedroom window to hear a pathetic voice say "Daddy I forgot my key." All part of life I suppose.
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08-08-2012, 09:13 AM

Re: Locked out (of house).

Originally Posted by jemflux ->
Thank you folks for your replies and suggestions.
When my two children (Girl & Boy) were young adults and single I never stopped reminding them not to forget their keys but they still managed to leave them behind every so often and then the door would be banged down at 2 or 3 in the morning, I'd look out the bedroom window to hear a pathetic voice say "Daddy I forgot my key." All part of life I suppose.
I was in bed one night and got a call from my son...
Mum I have lost my keys.. car key so I can't drive home, wife is working so I can't get in the house ,
..can you pick me up/give me a bed/take me home in the morning please
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08-08-2012, 09:38 AM

Re: Locked out (of house).

Are we all talking about the old style locks here? The good ones. With a latch.

About 5 years ago I had a new porch ... so a new door. It's one of those UPVC things with the locks built in.
I hate it.
You can't lock yourself out. It's impossible.
That's good in one way but it also means then even if it's just shut, unlike a door with a latch .... that I have to lock myself in with the key as otherwise people who knock at the door, and get no answer sometimes come in and pop their head in the house.
It drives Mr M wild and he's always reminding me to lock in for safety when I'm home alone.
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