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15-05-2017, 10:02 PM

Bull Running in Spain

I despise these 'Fiesta's' that are held. Then I saw this in yesterday's paper:

"A fighting bull ran into a house and gored a man during a town's bull-running fiesta.
The victim, 41, had attracted the bull's attention in the street (in other words taunting it), then made a run for it but failed to close his front door in time.
He suffered puncture wounds from the animal's horns as it attacked him in his hallway.
He was last night being treated by doctors in intensive care and was said to be in a stable condition.
The man's elderly father was also knocked to the floor but escaped uninjured in the house in Cabanes, near Valencia, eastern Spain."

Will this cruel practice, and the bull fighting, never end?
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16-05-2017, 05:41 AM

Re: Bull Running in Spain

I fail to understand how other animal 'sports' such as bear baiting , badger baiting , hare coursing, fox hunting etc have been outlawed across Europe because they are cruel and yet Bull fighting and running of bulls is still allowed because Spain either claims its cultural or its for the tourists (depending on which way you ask why).
The EU needs to crack down on it once and for all.

Tourists who get injured only have themselves to blame and I have no sympathy in fact every time I hear one has been gored I cheer loudly..

To quote Forest Gump stupid is as stupid does.

So Hoorrah to the bull and to the man ..I hope it hurts.
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16-05-2017, 05:49 AM

Re: Bull Running in Spain

Spain has the most barbaric customs and I am always surprised when nice friendly civilised people express enthusiasm for cruelty to animals.
Bull torture seems to a major part of the Spanish psyche.
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16-05-2017, 07:49 AM

Re: Bull Running in Spain

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
Spain has the most barbaric customs and I am always surprised when nice friendly civilised people express enthusiasm for cruelty to animals.
Bull torture seems to a major part of the Spanish psyche.

Which begs the question.

Why do so many UK Expats venture there?
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16-05-2017, 08:15 AM

Re: Bull Running in Spain

Because its warm, the healthcare is fantastic, reasonably priced and the Spanish are a lovely people, very warm and my experience.
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16-05-2017, 09:59 AM

Re: Bull Running in Spain

I must say, I feel much the same as Cass & Muddy about this.

Here is more info here if you feel like reading it, but I WARN you, the details are horrific, especially the abuse of harmless goats and beautiful donkeys, which I love.
It upset me greatly.
Like Cass says, I have no sympathy whatsoever for the people who take part, getting injured.
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16-05-2017, 10:03 AM

Re: Bull Running in Spain

Originally Posted by Mups ->
I despise these 'Fiesta's' that are held. Then I saw this in yesterday's paper:

"A fighting bull ran into a house and gored a man during a town's bull-running fiesta.
The victim, 41, had attracted the bull's attention in the street (in other words taunting it), then made a run for it but failed to close his front door in time.
He suffered puncture wounds from the animal's horns as it attacked him in his hallway.
He was last night being treated by doctors in intensive care and was said to be in a stable condition.
The man's elderly father was also knocked to the floor but escaped uninjured in the house in Cabanes, near Valencia, eastern Spain."

Will this cruel practice, and the bull fighting, never end?
Bull = 1, Idiot = 0

More like this please.
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16-05-2017, 10:21 AM

Re: Bull Running in Spain

I'm always happy to hear some idiot taunting a bull has been injured or killed.
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16-05-2017, 10:21 AM

Re: Bull Running in Spain

Spain is changing, the young are as equally appalled as we are.
They are abandoning this type of cruelty, slowly but surely.

It wasn't so long ago that the Spanish wouldn't have animals as pets...veterinary surgeons were a almost all have pet dogs and cats.

Until the arrival of the package deal tourists in the 70s most villages were fishing dependent and gas, especially electricity were a rarity.

Spain has had a rapid growth in the last 40 years....more than most countries did in 200 it's not surprising that this sport (?) is still alive in a very few places.
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16-05-2017, 10:54 AM

Re: Bull Running in Spain

Tpin is absolutely right. Things change here at quite an amazing pace. Personally I hate bull running, bull fighting etc, I have never been to any such event and have no intention of doing so. Many people donīt consider horse racing cruel, I do, forcing a horse to run and run until sometimes itīs heart bursts appears to be okay with many people. Cruelty and abuse to animals exists in every country you care to name, and that includes the UK.
Slowly but surely bull fighting and bull running is coming to an end here. Bull fighting is already banned in some places and one place, I forget the name, last year changed their bull running fiesta into a "people" running fiesta, which must have been a fun experience.

People convicted of cruelty to animals these days receive very severe sentences, including prison. Hopefully cruel "traditions" and cruelty to animals of any description will one day die out completely, but I wonīt hold my breath.
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