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04-05-2013, 04:06 AM

Nurses are the most trusted profession in the USA

I know we've had threads focused on nursing before, so I thought I'd post this, from an article on Mother Nature Network:

When Gallup asked respondents to rate the honesty and ethical standards of people in various fields, nurses came in number one with 85 percent of those asked responding “Very high/high.”

Coming in a significant 10 percent higher than pharmacists, the next most-trusted profession, and 15 percent higher than medical doctors and engineers, who both ranked at 70 percent, nurses are the ones we seem to really trust. (As opposed to car salespeople and members of Congress, who came in last and second-to-last, respectively.)

We have the acclaimed Florence Nightingale to thank for the nurses who take care of us. In 1860, Nightingale paved the way for professional nursing with the founding of the Nightingale Training School at St. Thomas' Hospital in London, the first secular nursing school in the world. She campaigned tirelessly to improve health standards, while publishing more than 200 books, reports and pamphlets on hospital planning and organization — many of which are still widely read today. Plus, she invented the pie chart!

And with Nightingale in mind, National Nurses Week was established; it runs from May 6 (which is National Nurses Day) through May 12 (which is Nightingale’s birthday).
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05-05-2013, 03:50 AM

Re: Nurses are the most trusted profession in the USA

Hi again AJ - hate it myself when no one responds so you've got me!

No surprises really - having worked in the health field and seen nurses at work. Is the Gallup survey a USA one or not? USA nurses over the years have risen to the dizzy heights of master degrees and Phd and have in many cases removed themselves from the bedside. And I think it is at the bedside that nurses get the highest accolades. Seems to be this great intimacy that is created between good nurses and their patients. to nurse is to nurture and to be a patient - well is to be patient and receive the nurturing often which has not be received for a long time. Yes a great chance to receive caring and close attention - unfortunately in this fast paced world the number of days patients spend in hospital I am told is 3.3 days - well at least in OZ. I can remember patients being in hospital and in and out of bed for 1-3 weeks years ago. What a luxury!
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05-05-2013, 12:11 PM

Re: Nurses are the most trusted profession in the USA

I'm not surprised that nurses recieved that accolade - most of them are wonderful and do have their patients interest at heart. I wish we had a National Nurses Week in Britain (I have a friend who is a nurse in Canada and she has mentioned this tribute before) - I know we have a Hospital Doctor of the Year but I've never heard any mention of nurses.
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05-05-2013, 12:22 PM

Re: Nurses are the most trusted profession in the USA

I rate our nurses, never said anything else, they are the angels of our NHS.
I also think our NHS is second to none, in the UK.
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05-05-2013, 01:32 PM

Re: Nurses are the most trusted profession in the USA

Originally Posted by Wrinkly ->
I rate our nurses, never said anything else, they are the angels of our NHS.
I also think our NHS is second to none, in the UK.
Sadly Wrinkly, this is not the case in some hospitals.

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