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13-10-2015, 10:56 PM

The Bewick Swans arrive early this year

The first of the Bewick Swans Arrived at Slimbridge from Siberia on Sunday breaking the record for the earliest arrival since the WWT swan study began in 1963...

The early arrival of the swans is said to precede a hard winter, I hope that isn't the case this year.
I live not very far from Slimbridge and some years if I am lucky I see swans fly over, a magnificent sight.
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13-10-2015, 11:00 PM

Re: The Bewick Swans arrive early this year

I heard a bit about this on the weather forecast tonight Meg. They all keep forecasting an exceptionally severe winter, and apparently these majestic birds coming so early, are yet another sign of things to come.

Lovely picture, by the way.
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13-10-2015, 11:07 PM

Re: The Bewick Swans arrive early this year

Originally Posted by Mups ->
I heard a bit about this on the weather forecast tonight Meg. They all keep forecasting an exceptionally severe winter, and apparently these majestic birds coming so early, are yet another sign of things to come.
I think they are amazing Mups , they fly around 2500 miles to get here from Siberia.
When they fly over the sound their wings make is really loud and unforgettable .

Lovely picture, by the way.
He has a dirty face poor little bird ..
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13-10-2015, 11:12 PM

Re: The Bewick Swans arrive early this year

You are so lucky seeing them fly over. Must be a sight to behold.
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14-10-2015, 08:05 AM

Re: The Bewick Swans arrive early this year

Bewicks have become very hard too see up here in Northumberland over the last few years. We used to manage a few in among the Whooper swans.

Cold weather forcast. is being put down to the effect of El Nino
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14-10-2015, 09:41 AM

Re: The Bewick Swans arrive early this year

Originally Posted by Nom ->
Bewicks have become very hard too see up here in Northumberland over the last few years. We used to manage a few in among the Whooper swans.

Cold weather forcast. is being put down to the effect of El Nino
I don't see many Nom just the odd one.

Yesterday when walking Chloe near the stream (which is pretty sterile with water from a treatment plant) I saw a flash of turquoise . I went to investigate but couldn't get near enough to see what bird was darting in and out of the vegetation .
I think it has to have been a Kingfisher doesn't it. No other bird has a back of that colour.
I was rather surprise considering there is no food in the stream .
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14-10-2015, 10:42 AM

Re: The Bewick Swans arrive early this year

I agree Meg a Kingfisher as you say nothing else with that colouration. And a flash is often all you get, the young birds disperse at this time of year to find their own wintering territories.
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14-10-2015, 10:48 AM

Re: The Bewick Swans arrive early this year

Originally Posted by Nom ->
I agree Meg a Kingfisher as you say nothing else with that colouration. And a flash is often all you get, the young birds disperse at this time of year to find their own wintering territories.
Nom I guess it was a young bird then from the banks of the Seven down the road, it was not very big. No food to be had in that stream though

I will continue to look and listen for the swans in such a stressful world we are so lucky to have the wildlife to bring a bit of beauty to us...
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14-10-2015, 11:08 AM

Re: The Bewick Swans arrive early this year

I saw the Bewick swan on our news, Meg. I hope it doesn't mean a hard Winter too.
It's good you saw a Kingfisher, that flash of electric blue could only be one. I hope it moves if there's no fish in that stream.
The rivers around here are pretty clean, we get Dippers & Kingfishers on ours & Grey Wagtails. I can see them most days if I go to the river.
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14-10-2015, 11:17 AM

Re: The Bewick Swans arrive early this year

Originally Posted by Tiffany ->
I saw the Bewick swan on our news, Meg. I hope it doesn't mean a hard Winter too.
It's good you saw a Kingfisher, that flash of electric blue could only be one. I hope it moves if there's no fish in that stream.
The rivers around here are pretty clean, we get Dippers & Kingfishers on ours & Grey Wagtails. I can see them most days if I go to the river.
I have seen Kingfishers before Tiffany on the river bank but not such a small bird and on a sterile stream, I wouldn't expect to see to there .
Devon has some beautiful rivers. I see lots of Grey Wagtails around but not many Dippers

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