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10-06-2017, 11:03 AM

Labour Lost Despite Buying Young Vote

Only in this crazy country could the losing Labour leader put out deluded sound bites and rhetoric about having won the election when they actually lost it !

This practice is more collectively known as . . .

"Polishing The Turd"

LABOUR LOST ! absolutely, unquestionably, categorically.

They achieved only 261 seats and failed to get the most overall votes.

Not just that but 261 seats is about the worst result they have had since the 2010 election and before that the 1959 election. Any way you cut it, it's a mitigated disaster.

CONSERVATIVES WON ! unequivocally and unquestionably.

In fact Conservative support at this election was back up to its highest level at a general election since 1987 ! The Conservatives haven't polled over 40% at a General Election since 1992 under John Major, when they got 42.2% which is still lower than 2017. Under Cameron they polled 36.1% in 2010 and 36.9% in 2015

So one can see readily that the media and Labour party alike are desperately polishing the turd as best they can.

Now we must consider what low levels Labour had to stoop to in order to scrape even this appalling defeat.

They simply bought votes.

Facing almost certain annihilation they offered the young demographic free tuition fees, a promise that of course was fantasy with no means to pay for it other than mega taxation.
They may as well have placed Labour officials outside every polling station and handed out cash to anyone who would vote for them. It was a shameful act, an act of utter desperation.

And it failed. Spectacularly.

Despite harnessing 100s of 1000s of votes from a youth who otherwise couldn't care less, Labour still lost!

Let's not delude ourselves here. The young voters didn't come out in their droves because all of a sudden they came over all political and sympathetic to the host of issues facing the country. They came out because they were offered "free stuff"

A quick look at past election stats confirms that this is the case.

In the 2010 election only 43% of 18-24 year olds bothered to vote
In the 2015 election only 44% bothered
This election a figure of 72% turnout is being suggested

So these are not people who have conscientiously worried about the issues of the country and voted in high numbers before. They got off their arses and quickly registered to be able to vote because Corbyn bought them with the free tuition fee con.

And they fell for it Hook, Line and Sinker!

Corbyn played the young voters like an absolute fiddle !

Without that singular shameful bribe, Labour would have suffered a much bigger defeat.

The young people sadly are now reeling from the sudden reality of what has happened.

You only need to read the threads/posts on young forums to see it.

"Why TF didn't Labour win?"
"How did this happen?"
"Why isn't Corbyn Prime Minister?"

The realisation that they aren't getting those free tuition fees is sinking in and the equal realisation that they have now forced the Conservatives to get into bed with the DUP is also now dawning on them.

It's a sad state in politics when parties simply buy votes to prop up their unpopularity. Where does that leave the UK election system? What will we see next?

Corbyn handing out creates of free beer for the young vote?

Buying votes so blatantly is no way to run a political party and shamble your way through an election imo.

Unfortunately the damage is done now and as Swimfeeders highlights, we are probably now going to go through BrExit on the worse terms possible. It will cost us dearly in many ways.

The young voters don't quite realise the damage they have done to themselves just yet. They are still reeling from the epiphany that Labour lost and they aren't getting their "free stuff".

They will of course complain bitterly when the hens come home to roost but they will only have themselves to blame.

These young voters are currently going through the classic processes of Denial, Anger, Depression and ultimately Acceptance.

Go to any young forum just now and these "savvy" voters are all asking the same question . . .

"Errrr what's a hung parliament then?"

Bless em!
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10-06-2017, 11:09 AM

Re: Labour Lost Despite Buying Young Vote

There was a "dishonesty" about Labour's give away manifesto. It was irresponsible. The nation debt is rising, still. by one billion pounds a week.
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10-06-2017, 11:12 AM

Re: Labour Lost Despite Buying Young Vote

Begging your pardon Realist.......not only did the Tories not win the mandate that incidentally they didn't need to win......they already had a majority.....remember ?
So the poorly judged calling of this election was...........poorly judged.....a major mistake for a ruling party, a party already with a large mandate......remember ?

Why don't you like youth ? They are not ALL on the sites you allege to visit.

*Cough* Welcome back.
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10-06-2017, 11:19 AM

Re: Labour Lost Despite Buying Young Vote

The labour party under Corby are as successful as the Labour party under Brown in losing.
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10-06-2017, 11:22 AM

Re: Labour Lost Despite Buying Young Vote

I really think you should pull your neck in Unrealist. Having been proven spectacularly wrong by the voters, you now invent all sorts of spurious arguments to prove that a monstrous misjudgement by May is now some kind of landslide. The fact that May now has to forge an alliance with the antidiluvian knuckledraggers of the DUP says everything you need to know about her "victory."

On the taxation issue, I would rather my taxes be spent on education, NHS, Security (but no ridiculous nuclear weapons) etc than in handouts to the corporate rich. Trickle-down economics just doesn't work, so tax the rich until the pips squeak as far as I am concerned.
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10-06-2017, 11:25 AM

Re: Labour Lost Despite Buying Young Vote

Originally Posted by MickB ->
I really think you should pull your neck in Unrealist. Having been proven spectacularly wrong by the voters, you now invent all sorts of spurious arguments to prove that a monstrous misjudgement by May is now some kind of landslide. The fact that May now has to forge an alliance with the antidiluvian knuckledraggers of the DUP says everything you need to know about her "victory."
Well said.
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10-06-2017, 11:26 AM

Re: Labour Lost Despite Buying Young Vote

Originally Posted by Bruv ->
Begging your pardon Realist.......not only did the Tories not win the mandate that incidentally they didn't need to win......they already had a majority.....remember ?
Begging your pardon Bruv, an election is won by the party with the most seats. The reason for calling the election doesn't in any shape or form change the rules of the election.

Conservatives won. End of.

All the other sound bites and rhetoric are frankly pathetic and attempts to polish the Labour turd.

Does the losing football team at a World Cup final try and lessen the blow by talking about all the great goals they scored along the way or how fabulous their football kit is?


The one who scores the most goals wins. No prizes for second place sorry.

Labour suffered one of their worst defeats for years and could only manage that by bribing and duping the young generation. Now Corbyn is jumping up and down about how much support he garnered through that shameless act, yet, he still lost, and lost big time !
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10-06-2017, 11:29 AM

Re: Labour Lost Despite Buying Young Vote

Originally Posted by MickB ->
I really think you should pull your neck in Unrealist. Having been proven spectacularly wrong by the voters
You're in the Denial phase Mick.

The facts are all that matter.

Labour only got a dismal 261 seats. Total Fact.

Their worst performance since 2010 and since 1959 before that.

The Conservatives won 318 seats. Again total fact.
The most seats. The most overall votes.

Their best result for a long time. In fact the highest support for Conservatives since 1987 !

All total fact.

Suggesting otherwise is simply silly.
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10-06-2017, 11:34 AM

Re: Labour Lost Despite Buying Young Vote

Originally Posted by Realist ->
Conservatives won. End of.
You seem have forgotten the purpose given by May for calling this election.

When you say "End of" .............................does that mean it's your last comment ?

I'll vote for that.
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10-06-2017, 11:47 AM

Re: Labour Lost Despite Buying Young Vote

I wonder if the young uns will get disillusioned now,despite the promises labour failed to gain enough to form a government out right what now for them?
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