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04-02-2021, 07:06 PM

Alexa et al

I was wondering what people thought of Alexa and "her" ilk? I have an Alexa, which is kept in a room far away from the main living area, but close enough to have stuff yelled at her (reminders, questions, etc) I do sometimes spend time in the room (its a craft room) and use it to play music while I mess about. To be honest, I'm not a huge fan but not because of privacy & data concerns - its just boring, really. So I was wondering if I'm missing some amazing detail not yet discovered, or is it really just a waste of money?
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04-02-2021, 07:12 PM

Re: Alexa et al

Originally Posted by Pixie Knuckles ->
I was wondering what people thought of Alexa and "her" ilk? I have an Alexa, which is kept in a room far away from the main living area, but close enough to have stuff yelled at her (reminders, questions, etc) I do sometimes spend time in the room (its a craft room) and use it to play music while I mess about. To be honest, I'm not a huge fan but not because of privacy & data concerns - its just boring, really. So I was wondering if I'm missing some amazing detail not yet discovered, or is it really just a waste of money?
I had no idea of what Alexa was myself until the other week, when a niece of mine, a lot younger than me, has one of these and explained what they do. The link below explains a lot and the other link shows the cost of these from Amazon:
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04-02-2021, 07:52 PM

Re: Alexa et al

Originally Posted by Pixie Knuckles ->
I was wondering what people thought of Alexa and "her" ilk? I have an Alexa, which is kept in a room far away from the main living area, but close enough to have stuff yelled at her (reminders, questions, etc) I do sometimes spend time in the room (its a craft room) and use it to play music while I mess about. To be honest, I'm not a huge fan but not because of privacy & data concerns - its just boring, really. So I was wondering if I'm missing some amazing detail not yet discovered, or is it really just a waste of money?
It can be handy but overall it's is pretty much a waste of money unless you're heavily invested in the Amazon ecosystem, I suppose.
As in if you order repeat Amazon goods of one sort or another and subscribe fully (not via prime) to their music streaming etc. etc.

We have three with screens of 2 different types; a large-screen in the lounge and two small ones called "Spot" in bedrooms - but I only bought them when they were irresistably cheap on some deal or other.
The Spots were cheaper than some bedside alarms and they can be both fun and useful, being able to call one from another room complete with video if necessary for example.

But it is a far from perfect system, albeit fun when you use it.
They can be frustrating too as with my favourite example of playing a Michael Buble song when in fact it had been asked for something completely different.
Or the simple "I'm sorry I did not understand your question"- or "I do not know the answer"-type response which happens quite often.
The novelty of shouting "lounge lamp on" soon wears off too.

I suppose as a taster of what the technology has the potential to become it is in many ways both intriguing and exciting, but unless you buy then at far less than their usual price they are indeed a bit of a waste of money.
Like so many things we have around our homes nowadays, I suppose.
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04-02-2021, 08:41 PM

Re: Alexa et al

Yes indeed. I got mine on sale (echo dot), but it isn't synced up to anything so its fairly useless as far as being any real purpose on a daily basis. And oh....the "Hmmm, I'm not sure about that" really annoys me! I have often asked it the point of its existence, whereupon it promptly shuts off! As a pre-internet girl, I'm just using it as a speaker for now!
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04-02-2021, 09:17 PM

Re: Alexa et al

Yes, we got a free Alexa when we bought a Hive boiler control.

Marge has completely monopolised it, of course. It sits on the windowsill next to where she does her painting and I periodically hear her issuing orders of what sort of music she wants it to play.

Actually, for such a small speaker it has surprisingly good sound.

There is also an Alexa button on our Fire Stick remote control unit which, to save searching for films, etc., allows us to ask for a specific film or type of film.

If our dads were both alive now they'd think we've entered a science fiction film, because there was nothing like that in their day.
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04-02-2021, 09:29 PM

Re: Alexa et al

We would never have these things in the house.
I'm even suspicious of my 'smart' phone!
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04-02-2021, 09:43 PM

Re: Alexa et al

I have a few echoes dotted up and down and apart from info and music, use them to control lighting and can turn everything off at the same time when I go to bed.
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04-02-2021, 10:42 PM

Re: Alexa et al

Originally Posted by Tubby ->
We would never have these things in the house.
I'm even suspicious of my 'smart' phone!
I'm sure you're right, Tubby.
I've heard that they are all monitored by spies in China (where no doubt they are made), who can then keep tabs on everything you do and probably everything you even think.

It's true, I tell ya.
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04-02-2021, 10:45 PM

Re: Alexa et al

I don't believe that at all! My alexa is as thick as mince so I doubt they will learn anything from me apart from how to be sarcastic!
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04-02-2021, 11:11 PM

Re: Alexa et al

I use Alexa for reminders and radio and music . I have one in the lounge and also in my bedroom .

The other day Alexa said

"I'm reminding you today you are going riding "

I had no idea what she was on about and I've never ridden a horse in my life
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