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12-02-2015, 01:18 AM


Would you do any or all of the following things on your own.

1. Go in a pub.
2. Go in a restaurant.
3. Go on holiday
4.Go to the cinema/theatre

I don't have the nerve to walk in a pub by myself
I'm ok at going in a restaurant by myself but only for a daytime snack/meal - never in the evening.
I admire folk who go on holiday alone - I never would - I'd be frightened of only having myself to talk to all week.
I've never been to the cinema/theatre alone.

Bit of a wimp really aren't I?
How about you?
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12-02-2015, 01:38 AM

Re: Alone

I actually plucked up the courage to go abroad on my own several years ago, my first solo venture was to Benidorm and it was scary at times.
One night I went into a bar and within minutes was surrounded by 3 spanish guys who wanted to take me to a party,I said ok as I didn't want to cause an issue so I said I needed to go to the ladies room first then I was out of there as fast as lightening!

The next evening I was walking towards the beach when a French guy came up to me and put his arm around my shoulder and continued to walk along side me, I brushed him off but he tried again!

I did have a dalliance with an English guy one night, it was fun and he bought me red roses...

I also had a holiday in Torremolinos, the resort was quite boring and I stayed around the local bar in the evening, some of spanish men were talking about me unaware I could understand them, the bar owner thought it really funny, he was a fellow Brit and we laughed together later at their wasted attempts at chatting me up.

I was lucky that I didn't drink much, I daren't think what could have happened had I been too intoxicated to be aware of what the outcome may have been had I not had my wits about me
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12-02-2015, 02:01 AM

Re: Alone

Not been in a pub by myself ,but the others yes ,,the theatre many times, and going to a concert alone next month.
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12-02-2015, 02:43 AM

Re: Alone

Originally Posted by carol ->
Would you do any or all of the following things on your own.

1. Go in a pub.
2. Go in a restaurant.
3. Go on holiday
4.Go to the cinema/theatre

How about you?
No problems do them all regularly.

It makes me laugh that my kids ask me this, they won't do any of them alone. Has to be with a mate or spouse/GF
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12-02-2015, 07:41 AM

Re: Alone

Now I'm older I have no problem going into a pub or restaurant or the cinema alone. In a restaurant or pub I'd take a crossword or a book so I wasn't just gazing around aimlessly. Let's face it - at my age I'm invisible anyway, so who'd notice me? I've never been abroad by myself though, I'd feel very lonely and uncomfortable with all those couples around me. The only exception would be a cruise where I'd feel safe.
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12-02-2015, 08:00 AM

Re: Alone

I think many of the above are easier or more acceptable for a man to do than a woman..

People still ( yes I know its the 21st century) assume if a woman walks in somewhere alone she must be waiting for her partner/friend/ spouse.

I have been to the cinema alone..and Ive been out for lunch alone..
I travel abroad on my own but stay with family once I arrive so thats not exactly the same..As for pubs, I would if I wanted to but Im not a big drinker.
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12-02-2015, 08:27 AM

Re: Alone

I've done 2, 3 and 4. Not been to a pub, but happily go into a bar whilst staying in a hotel on my own.
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12-02-2015, 08:36 AM

Re: Alone

I answer yes to all questions but with the pub it has usually been to have a meal from their menu. And quite often when I've been on holiday and there is nowhere else to have a decent meal. Stratford upon Avon springs to mind, several pubs in NZ (a ghastly roast dinner in one and a gorgeous lamb shank with mashed potato in another).

Theatre and cinema? Gosh, all the time!!!

Holidays...blimey, all around the world on my own. Even flew to America when I was 21, which an aunt thought was quite brave (at the time). Spose we are going back 41 years. I thought nothing of it, and still don't.

Restaurants, cafes...yes of course. I wouldn't eat otherwise!

I do actually feel sorry for people who have spent their lifetime going away with partners or friends and who suddenly find themselves alone. They are the ones who struggle to adjust and would find it an obstacle.
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12-02-2015, 08:53 AM

Re: Alone

I went on holiday on my own couple of years ago hated every minute, rang home and discovered my husband was hating it too. So no not something I would do alone again, the other things we don't do as a couple so I definitely wouldn't start doing them alone.
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12-02-2015, 09:01 AM

Re: Alone

I do think it's good to be independent and be able to do things on your own. When I ended up on my own I wanted to get out there and it does help. You realise how resilient you are and you meet so many lovely people. It worked for me
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