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Older git
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04-03-2016, 03:35 PM

OK I am a killjoy

I have been on another site where someone posted a clip of a little girl playing at being a vet with the family dog calling it sweet. I could not agree----even the most placid dog has it`s limits and can a 2-3 year old see the signs?
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04-03-2016, 04:22 PM

Re: OK I am a killjoy

I'd have to see it to comment properly when the kids were young they all slept with the dogs and played doctor and all sorts of other games all under supervision and we knew which dogs not to bother, but in the main they all had fun kids and dogs.
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04-03-2016, 04:33 PM

Re: OK I am a killjoy

Yep i can officially are a Killjoy.
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04-03-2016, 05:21 PM

Re: OK I am a killjoy

Hi OG I dont think youre a killjoy ,Id hate to see young kiddies "playing" at vets with their animals as it only takes a second for an animal to "turn" and snap or bite and then what ?
I dont let kids anywhere near my dog for the very reason being that I dont want to put her in a position where she feels uncomfortable and I couldnt ever forgive myself if anything happened .
No.... animals and kiddies "playing" doesnt sit well with me im afraid.
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04-03-2016, 05:32 PM

Re: OK I am a killjoy

Nope, no using the dog as a pretend patient. I agree that even the most docile of dogs have their limits. I know someone personally whose child was bitten by the family dog, a dog who never bit another living soul in its entire life. But the kid was 'playing' with the dog and the dog got tired of it and turned around and bit the kid right in the face. That's a dog's only way of saying it wants to be left alone.

So it can happen unexpectedly.
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04-03-2016, 05:37 PM

Re: OK I am a killjoy

Our dogs were not toys, and were kept well out of the way of the children when they were small. They were never permitted in the family area.
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04-03-2016, 05:44 PM

Re: OK I am a killjoy

Never had the space to keep anyone separate ours were and are very much family dogs, they enjoyed their games with the kids just as much as the kids did, if they hadn't we would have stopped them.
Older git
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04-03-2016, 05:54 PM

Re: OK I am a killjoy

I have to admit that I never had children and have never owned a dog. But for what it`s worth I think children should learn to respect family pets without ever being afraid of them. A stroke here and a cuddle there-but sticking something in their ear is asking for trouble.
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04-03-2016, 06:21 PM

Re: OK I am a killjoy

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Never had the space to keep anyone separate ours were and are very much family dogs, they enjoyed their games with the kids just as much as the kids did, if they hadn't we would have stopped them.
Glad nothing happened. In many cases, the dogs stop the kids before the parents can. And not in a good way.

My son's dad (Matthew) has told the story a couple of times of when he was bitten by the family dog because he got a little too up close and personal, lying his head on the dog, using it as a pillow. Which is perfectly normal. I grew up with a German Shepherd and Heidi would lie on the floor in front of the TV and I would lay my head on her to watch a show. But in Matthew's case, his dog decided she didn't want Matthew being so close to her and turned and bit the end of his ear nearly off. He had to have his ear sewn back together. He wasn't picking on the dog, he wasn't purposely aggravating her and she'd never bitten anyone before, according to his mother.

So really, you never know. Dogs can't talk to tell us to leave them alone, that they've had enough. One of our Dachshund's, Tiffany, is quiet and keeps to herself most of the time. But she has snapped at my son a few times in the past, when my son was younger, because my son wanted to play but Tiffany didn't.
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04-03-2016, 06:38 PM

Re: OK I am a killjoy

Originally Posted by Older git ->
but sticking something in their ear is asking for trouble.
It certainly is, is that what the video clip shows I'm amazed and as a dog lover with two Newfies I would never allow a child to do that. I currently have to put some medicated ear cleaning fluid in one of ours and I can tell you it's a very delicate operation requiring judgement, sensitivity, quick action, and an ability to read the dogs mood. How the hell can a child do all of that.

I agree with Julie it's essential that kids learn to interact with dogs and a bit of play in the living room is fine under supervision. Remember that for a dog a kid screaming (in delight) is an animal in distress therefore never leave very young kids alone in a room with a dog.
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