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07-12-2020, 03:41 PM

Boris and the Internal Market Bill

Actually, this is more of a rant than a post, but Hey Ho.

It made my blood boil this morning to read of that entitled ''look at me in my ermine robe'' twerp, Lord Adonis, insulting Boris for ignoring the Lords scrapping the changes to the Internal Market Bill rein, by reinserting them later today.

In fact, it turns my stomach just to think of that entitled twerp, along with many of his Pro-Remain cronies, sitting in their house of troughs, many with their bought for titles, being paid hundreds of taxpayers pounds every day just to put in an appearance of their ugly self-serving selves, pretending to be so disgusted over the action that Boris is taking that they have to take action themselves to rectify it by using the excuse that he broke international trade law.

Who the hell do they think they are fooling? They are so entrenched in their own little elitist London bubble it matters little to them what we ordinary 'Plebs' think of them, or care that the majority in this country back everything Boris is doing to protect trade between the mainland and N.I. so that the EU cannot at any time of their choosing, put a blockade in place and cause havoc to our internal trade.0

No, all that matters to this elitist motley crew (who never have to face or answer to the people for the actions they vote on) is that Boris spoiled a comfortable and lucrative living they once had being part of the EU, hence any opportunity they can, they will inflict as much harm upon he and his government as they are able to.

Once we have untied ourselves from the EU. I sincerely hope one of Boris's first actions will be to:-

Sort out the House of Lords at the earliest opportunity with a massive Cull.

Stop awarding titles to those who are able to 'buy' their way into the HOL.

Stop rewarding treachery by ridding the HOC of these idiots by conveniently shunting them off to the HOL and out of the picture.

Why should the taxpayer bear the brunt and cost of these irrelevant useless twerps.

(One positive thing I will say about the French, they had the right idea in 1793-1794 with la guillotine!!).
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07-12-2020, 04:20 PM

Re: Boris and the Internal Market Bill

Originally Posted by shropshiregirl ->
Actually, this is more of a rant than a post, but Hey Ho.

It made my blood boil this morning to read of that entitled ''look at me in my ermine robe'' twerp, Lord Adonis, insulting Boris for ignoring the Lords scrapping the changes to the Internal Market Bill rein, by reinserting them later today.

In fact, it turns my stomach just to think of that entitled twerp, along with many of his Pro-Remain cronies, sitting in their house of troughs, many with their bought for titles, being paid hundreds of taxpayers pounds every day just to put in an appearance of their ugly self-serving selves, pretending to be so disgusted over the action that Boris is taking that they have to take action themselves to rectify it by using the excuse that he broke international trade law.

Who the hell do they think they are fooling? They are so entrenched in their own little elitist London bubble it matters little to them what we ordinary 'Plebs' think of them, or care that the majority in this country back everything Boris is doing to protect trade between the mainland and N.I. so that the EU cannot at any time of their choosing, put a blockade in place and cause havoc to our internal trade.0

No, all that matters to this elitist motley crew (who never have to face or answer to the people for the actions they vote on) is that Boris spoiled a comfortable and lucrative living they once had being part of the EU, hence any opportunity they can, they will inflict as much harm upon he and his government as they are able to.

Once we have untied ourselves from the EU. I sincerely hope one of Boris's first actions will be to:-

Sort out the House of Lords at the earliest opportunity with a massive Cull.

Stop awarding titles to those who are able to 'buy' their way into the HOL.

Stop rewarding treachery by ridding the HOC of these idiots by conveniently shunting them off to the HOL and out of the picture.

Why should the taxpayer bear the brunt and cost of these irrelevant useless twerps.

(One positive thing I will say about the French, they had the right idea in 1793-1794 with la guillotine!!).
Unfortunately they missed quite a few back then SG ?
As witnessed by the arrogant, overbearing twerps currently running
La belle francias currently ??
Some what similar to our home grown priviledged twerps??

Donkeyman! 👎😟👎
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07-12-2020, 04:21 PM

Re: Boris and the Internal Market Bill

Originally Posted by shropshiregirl ->
Actually, this is more of a rant than a post, but Hey Ho.

It made my blood boil this morning to read of that entitled ''look at me in my ermine robe'' twerp, Lord Adonis, insulting Boris for ignoring the Lords scrapping the changes to the Internal Market Bill rein, by reinserting them later today.

In fact, it turns my stomach just to think of that entitled twerp, along with many of his Pro-Remain cronies, sitting in their house of troughs, many with their bought for titles, being paid hundreds of taxpayers pounds every day just to put in an appearance of their ugly self-serving selves, pretending to be so disgusted over the action that Boris is taking that they have to take action themselves to rectify it by using the excuse that he broke international trade law.

Who the hell do they think they are fooling? They are so entrenched in their own little elitist London bubble it matters little to them what we ordinary 'Plebs' think of them, or care that the majority in this country back everything Boris is doing to protect trade between the mainland and N.I. so that the EU cannot at any time of their choosing, put a blockade in place and cause havoc to our internal trade.0

No, all that matters to this elitist motley crew (who never have to face or answer to the people for the actions they vote on) is that Boris spoiled a comfortable and lucrative living they once had being part of the EU, hence any opportunity they can, they will inflict as much harm upon he and his government as they are able to.

Once we have untied ourselves from the EU. I sincerely hope one of Boris's first actions will be to:-

Sort out the House of Lords at the earliest opportunity with a massive Cull.

Stop awarding titles to those who are able to 'buy' their way into the HOL.

Stop rewarding treachery by ridding the HOC of these idiots by conveniently shunting them off to the HOL and out of the picture.

Why should the taxpayer bear the brunt and cost of these irrelevant useless twerps.

(One positive thing I will say about the French, they had the right idea in 1793-1794 with la guillotine!!).
Lord Adonis is like a petulant child when it comes to the EU and him not getting his own way. A lot of the fat old duffers in the HoL are rich landowners on the EU gravy train with subsidies for them doing nothing backed up by a tax payer funded EU pension.

The more they do these stupid stunts the closer they get to being thrown off their very own cliff edge instead of the Brexit cliff edge they keep lying about.
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07-12-2020, 04:53 PM

Re: Boris and the Internal Market Bill

Another excellent "get-it-off-my-chesticles" post by Shropshiregirl. Well said.
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07-12-2020, 05:23 PM

Re: Boris and the Internal Market Bill

In all honesty I'm past being irritated with the bunch of out-of-touch nobs.
Now it just amuses me.

Every time they do this the public sees that they are trying to thwart what they, the people, have twice now said they want from our country.
Trying to "lord it" over the ordinary person is counterproductive because all they are doing is hastening their own demise.
I'm pretty sure that if a referendum were to be held in the near future on the abolition of the HoL that it would receive a huge "for abolition" vote, as Boris understands because he has said that he will reform them.
Many of us hope that he will, too.
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07-12-2020, 06:11 PM

Re: Boris and the Internal Market Bill

Originally Posted by Percy :lol:Vere ->
Another excellent "get-it-off-my-chesticles" post by Shropshiregirl. Well said.
Bless you, thanks Percy, I always do feel better after spitting out my venom at those who would harm our country for the sake of their wallets.
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07-12-2020, 06:17 PM

Re: Boris and the Internal Market Bill

Hmm, it seems Boris is willing to leave out clauses 45 and 47 plus one other which I didn't catch, as a concession in the talks. Back off Boris. You have obviously blinked first. I appreciate it's not our red lines but would like to know what the EU have given in concessions in return?
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07-12-2020, 06:27 PM

Re: Boris and the Internal Market Bill

Originally Posted by shropshiregirl ->
Hmm, it seems Boris is willing to leave out clauses 45 and 47 plus one other which I didn't catch, as a concession in the talks. Back off Boris. You have obviously blinked first. I appreciate it's not our red lines but would like to know what the EU have given in concessions in return?
Boris is willing to leave them out IF THE EU AGREE A TRADE DEAL.
IMHO that's not a "blink", it's a nudge - especially as said bill is going through again this afternoon and Penny Mordaunt has just told the House:
" "We are all working to get a deal, but the only way that's possible is if it's compatible with our sovereignty and takes back control of our country's trade and waters."

It looks like Boris being tactical so that he can say "I tried but ....", because it does seem that the EU really just do not want to allow a deal that does not cede sovereignty somewhere.
Although there is quite a chance that all we are seeing is braggadocio on both sides, but time will tell - and no matter what, there is not a great deal of time left before the default of no deal is all that remains.
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07-12-2020, 06:33 PM

Re: Boris and the Internal Market Bill

Zaphod, thanks for that explanation, I didn't catch it all so it's good you have given your thought on Boris's tactics.

Onward Boris!
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07-12-2020, 06:46 PM

Re: Boris and the Internal Market Bill

Originally Posted by Zaphod ->
Boris is willing to leave them out IF THE EU AGREE A TRADE DEAL.
IMHO that's not a "blink", it's a nudge - especially as said bill is going through again this afternoon and Penny Mordaunt has just told the House:
" "We are all working to get a deal, but the only way that's possible is if it's compatible with our sovereignty and takes back control of our country's trade and waters."

It looks like Boris being tactical so that he can say "I tried but ....", because it does seem that the EU really just do not want to allow a deal that does not cede sovereignty somewhere.
Although there is quite a chance that all we are seeing is braggadocio on both sides, but time will tell - and no matter what, there is not a great deal of time left before the default of no deal is all that remains.
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