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08-02-2016, 11:10 PM

Israel offers 30,000 work permits

Israel has approved a plan to provide 30,000 work permits to Palestinian labourers from the West Bank. They will work in construction, infrastructure, services and agriculture.

Currently, 58,000 Palestinians possess Israeli work permits, though experts assess that about 120,000 Palestinians from the West Bank are actually employed — both legally and illegally– by residents of the Jewish state.

I hope this will calm things down a bit.
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09-02-2016, 07:50 AM

Re: Israel offers 30,000 work permits

Originally Posted by tootsweet ->

Israel has approved a plan to provide 30,000 work permits to Palestinian labourers from the West Bank. They will work in construction, infrastructure, services and agriculture.

Currently, 58,000 Palestinians possess Israeli work permits, though experts assess that about 120,000 Palestinians from the West Bank are actually employed — both legally and illegally– by residents of the Jewish state.

I hope this will calm things down a bit.
Bit like you have given your dog a good beating and then feed him.
Uncle Joe
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09-02-2016, 08:21 AM

Re: Israel offers 30,000 work permits

Are the Israelis running out of slaves???
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10-02-2016, 12:56 PM

Re: Israel offers 30,000 work permits

I have reported this post as it is not only untrue but is offensive in the extreme .
I don't understand why it is allowed to stand on the open forum when my debate subject on Israel has been banished to the 'secret section .'

Palestinians have never been or treated in any way like slaves in Israel.

The only true slaves in the world at this present time are in the Islamic ruled country of the Sudan and in the appalling gulf states where servants are very often treated as slaves

One of the most despicable charge attacks on Israel is that the Israelis brutalize and oppress Palestinians.

The fact is that since the 'West Bank' has been controlled by Israel, life has improved for West Bank Arabs, who enjoy life expectancy, income, and educational attainment higher than their brothers in surrounding Arab nations barring the gulf states

Isreal haters also take care to forget that Israeli Arabs including Arab women are the most prosperous, politically free Arabs in the Middle East
There has been decades of Palestinian terrorist violence against civilians, ( both their own and Israelis ) their culture of hate extends to teaching small children hatred of Jews in their schools.

The irony is more Palestinians have been killed and abused by their fellow Arabs that have killed by Israelis have while defending their citizens.( they lost 10000 when they were driven out of Jordan by King Hussein more than have ever been killed by Israel through all the years of conflict.

Yet the international community in the person of the UN and left wing Isreal haters ignore the millions of people killed between 1948 -2000 in wars, civil wars, and ethnic cleansing in countries such as Dafur and Sudan to obsess about the relatively small number of Palestinian killed By Israel in the defence of her citizens .

Isreal has brought so much to the world .
In the field of medicine and technology
Palestinians have brought terror
It's time to stop this demonisation of Israel .
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10-02-2016, 08:48 PM

Re: Israel offers 30,000 work permits

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
I have reported this post as it is not only untrue but is offensive in the extreme .
I don't understand why it is allowed to stand on the open forum when my debate subject on Israel has been banished to the 'secret section .'

Palestinians have never been or treated in any way like slaves in Israel.

The only true slaves in the world at this present time are in the Islamic ruled country of the Sudan and in the appalling gulf states where servants are very often treated as slaves

One of the most despicable charge attacks on Israel is that the Israelis brutalize and oppress Palestinians.

The fact is that since the 'West Bank' has been controlled by Israel, life has improved for West Bank Arabs, who enjoy life expectancy, income, and educational attainment higher than their brothers in surrounding Arab nations barring the gulf states

Isreal haters also take care to forget that Israeli Arabs including Arab women are the most prosperous, politically free Arabs in the Middle East
There has been decades of Palestinian terrorist violence against civilians, ( both their own and Israelis ) their culture of hate extends to teaching small children hatred of Jews in their schools.

The irony is more Palestinians have been killed and abused by their fellow Arabs that have killed by Israelis have while defending their citizens.( they lost 10000 when they were driven out of Jordan by King Hussein more than have ever been killed by Israel through all the years of conflict.

Yet the international community in the person of the UN and left wing Isreal haters ignore the millions of people killed between 1948 -2000 in wars, civil wars, and ethnic cleansing in countries such as Dafur and Sudan to obsess about the relatively small number of Palestinian killed By Israel in the defence of her citizens .

Isreal has brought so much to the world .
In the field of medicine and technology
Palestinians have brought terror
It's time to stop this demonisation of Israel .

Somewhat hypocritical when one considers your contribution on another thread:

Without this freedom of speech things can never change for the better.........
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10-02-2016, 08:58 PM

Re: Israel offers 30,000 work permits

Freedom of speech does not mean you have the right to post outright lies and slurs.

This is known as libel

The whole implication of Slavery is a gross lie .

It is an insult to the Israelis and also the people who have truly suffered under slavery.
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10-02-2016, 09:38 PM

Re: Israel offers 30,000 work permits

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
Somewhat hypocritical when one considers your contribution on another thread:

Without this freedom of speech things can never change for the better.........

So lets talk about Israel
It’s a terrorist state a theocracy committed to destroying its neighbour, which uses ' Palestinian' civilians as human shields, tortures and kills its political opponents, persecutes homosexuals, and forbids freedom of speech .

Whoops sorry my mistake that’s Hamas, and we all know they’re the good guys ! No matter how appallingly they treat their own people and how many innocents they blow up, shoot or kidnap they are always the poor underdog waiting to be beaten.

So what can we say to them to change things?

How about stop sending rockets onto civilians?
Stop teaching your children to hate Jews.?
Put down your guns and there will be peace ?

Israel says to the Palestinians of the West Bank come and work in Israel.

( as they did prior to Hamas s murderous terrorist regime)

and they say no way we are all emigrating to the Gaza .

Nah of course they dont they say Laa Shukran !
yes please .
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11-02-2016, 08:19 AM

Re: Israel offers 30,000 work permits

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
So lets talk about Israel
It’s a terrorist state a theocracy committed to destroying its neighbour, which uses ' Palestinian' civilians as human shields, tortures and kills its political opponents, persecutes homosexuals, and forbids freedom of speech .

Whoops sorry my mistake that’s Hamas, and we all know they’re the good guys ! No matter how appallingly they treat their own people and how many innocents they blow up, shoot or kidnap they are always the poor underdog waiting to be beaten.

So what can we say to them to change things?

How about stop sending rockets onto civilians?
Stop teaching your children to hate Jews.?
Put down your guns and there will be peace ?

Israel says to the Palestinians of the West Bank come and work in Israel.

( as they did prior to Hamas s murderous terrorist regime)

and they say no way we are all emigrating to the Gaza .

Nah of course they dont they say Laa Shukran !
yes please .

:- Laa Shukran is actually 'no thank you' so the Palestinians are not that interested in entering the land of a lying, thieving, murderous nation.
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11-02-2016, 01:20 PM

Re: Israel offers 30,000 work permits

Well done UJ you have learned a bit of Arabic .

You may also see that the Laa Shukran refers to the emigration to the Gaza!

Palestinians love to work for Israel's they are fair employers and pay equal wages for equal pay .

There was a huge uproar when thanks to Israel haters the Soda stream factory moved . To the loss of the 500 Palestiniasn jobs .

All the sodastream employees were upset they liked working there alongside their Israeli co workers were well paid and had excellent working conditions .

Israel haters are not interested in the well fare of the Palestinians .

The liberal left is so outdated they just have to have an perceived underdog to support even if the underdog doesn't want it

And it's so fashionable and safe to hate Israel .
They are civilised unlike other countries were silly campaigns and hate may generate adverse reactions .

Korea China even Russia completely ignore all human rights and does the liberal left care ?

Nah not one bit !

But minute civilised Israel .
Is held by a higher standard .
Double standards in fact .
This is anti semitism.

So UJ I don't hear you ranting on about the abused people in Tibet or North Korea or the Ukraine

I wonder why ?
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12-02-2016, 01:37 AM

Re: Israel offers 30,000 work permits

Look Muddy I know they don't like one referring to other threads here but let us say that I have heard you banging on in support of Israel for years in various places but am still not quite sure why? I think you might get more respect if you told us what your connection to Israel actually is? There is nothing necessarily wrong with what you do but we need to understand?
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