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19-05-2015, 09:43 PM

Endoscopy procedure - Picolax

Received my letter today asking me to call and make the above appointment. Picolax is the laxative I would need to take, 3 sachets, starting the day before.

The more I read about it, the more I'm turning against the idea, especially as I need to starve for so long! Yeah, I know, I have enough fat on me to see me through.

However, it's also the thought of taking the Picolax and how it works that I'm not sure about.

Has anyone here had this procedure, and taken this stuff? How was it? Did you have the sedative? (I could either try my brother, or my platonic male friend, who only recently said if I needed taking to any appointment to just ask.)

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19-05-2015, 09:45 PM

Re: Endoscopy procedure - Picolax

Oh dear Jazzi, poor you.
Hope it all goes alright, and is soon over and done with. x
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19-05-2015, 09:46 PM

Re: Endoscopy procedure - Picolax

Jazzi, I haven't had that procedure. I do know about Pico. It's the way to go to get your system completely emptied. The best way. All the very best to you x
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19-05-2015, 09:52 PM

Re: Endoscopy procedure - Picolax

My husband has had the procedure a few times Jazzi, he was allowed consommè soup and jelly during his three days prior.
What I will say is when you start taking the Picolax, don't wander too far from the toilet. Not very pleasant but clears you out thoroughly for the procedure
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19-05-2015, 09:58 PM

Re: Endoscopy procedure - Picolax

Originally Posted by Mags ->
My husband has had the procedure a few times Jazzi, he was allowed consommè soup and jelly during his three days prior.
What I will say is when you start taking the Picolax, don't wander too far from the toilet. Not very pleasant but clears you out thoroughly for the procedure
Thanks Mags. Yes, they say you can have jelly and sugary drinks if a diabetes sufferer and need that little sustenance.

Oh yes, the blurb does warn about being near a loo!! It also says it could cause soreness after so much evacuation, but also a website says it can cause stomach cramps.

Reluctant to go through not only the laxative but also the invasive procedure, but at the same time it's an ideal opportunity to set my mind at rest about my bowel...a part of the body that's important to check out (and I do get odd pains and bloating...maybe with various meds, but who knows?)

Better to be safe than sorry???

I keep swinging backwards and forwards...shall I shan't I...
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19-05-2015, 09:59 PM

Re: Endoscopy procedure - Picolax

Thank you Myra and Mups, also.

Xxx to you all.
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19-05-2015, 10:07 PM

Re: Endoscopy procedure - Picolax

Originally Posted by Jazzi ->
Thanks Mags. Yes, they say you can have jelly and sugary drinks if a diabetes sufferer and need that little sustenance.

Oh yes, the blurb does warn about being near a loo!! It also says it could cause soreness after so much evacuation, but also a website says it can cause stomach cramps.

Reluctant to go through not only the laxative but also the invasive procedure, but at the same time it's an ideal opportunity to set my mind at rest about my bowel...a part of the body that's important to check out (and I do get odd pains and bloating...maybe with various meds, but who knows?)

Better to be safe than sorry???

I keep swinging backwards and forwards...shall I shan't I...
If I were you with your history Jazzi, I would try very hard to get the courage to have the procedure, you really do need the doctors to find out what is going on there to still cause you so much discomfort after your previous ops.

Be brave, we'll all be rooting for you ... x
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19-05-2015, 10:12 PM

Re: Endoscopy procedure - Picolax

Jazzi my husband had it and yes he had slight cramping but he said it was very manageable only thing he absolutely says you must do is stay near the loo. That was the worst of it, he also (might be too much information) says don't use loo paper find something soft to wash yourself after each time as the loo roll did make his bottom sore at first but second day he started washing gently and that helped a lot.

He was glad he had it as they found his problem and he has been so much better since.
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19-05-2015, 10:12 PM

Re: Endoscopy procedure - Picolax

Originally Posted by Jazzi ->
Thanks Mags. Yes, they say you can have jelly and sugary drinks if a diabetes sufferer and need that little sustenance.

Oh yes, the blurb does warn about being near a loo!! It also says it could cause soreness after so much evacuation, but also a website says it can cause stomach cramps.

Reluctant to go through not only the laxative but also the invasive procedure, but at the same time it's an ideal opportunity to set my mind at rest about my bowel...a part of the body that's important to check out (and I do get odd pains and bloating...maybe with various meds, but who knows?)

Better to be safe than sorry???

I keep swinging backwards and forwards...shall I shan't I...
Yes you's not so bad.

It is very important to follow the instructions exactly as the success of the procedure depends on your bowel being as clean as possible.

All the best when it comes to your procedure.
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19-05-2015, 10:17 PM

Re: Endoscopy procedure - Picolax

Yes definite!y go ahead and have the procedure done, don't think twice.

Major tips...
1. Arrange for someone to take you and fetch you, on no account drive yourself.
2. Do exactly as the instructions say re preps. Stock up on consommé soups, and if you like Bovril to drink, that's good.
3. Treat yourself to a large tub of Zinc and Castor Oil cream and slather it on thickly after each loo visit. I kid you not, this is the best tip I've EVER had in my life!!!
4. Don't arrange to go anywhere or do anything except be be very near a loo for 24 hours before the appointment.
5. When the nurse asks you if you want the sedative (it doesn't make you sleepy just very relaxed) say yes please the legal limit and then some
6. You get a little zzzzz and a cuppa and a biccy if you've had the sedative!!
7. Take your sense of humour with you for when they offer you the paper pants!!!!!
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