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09-08-2012, 02:29 AM

Swollen Leg

Sorry, but this may be a bit of a saga.

Back in April I noticed that my right leg and ankle were swollen so I tried to get an appointment with my GP. Finally did so beginning of June and when he saw my leg he wrote a letter and told me to immediately go to A&E with a suspected DVT (blood clot).

I spent three hours there whilst I had blood tests, saw doctors etc and was given a prescription for Fragmin (injections to me belly) which, because I couldn't do the business meself I had to go to a local clinic to get them done every night, expectantly for six weeks.

However and luckily, a week or so later I was given an appointment to go the the VTE Unit in the Infirmary for a scan on my leg which, thank goodness, proved negative for any blood clot.

However, my leg continues to swell during the day, although it's normal when I get up, then it progresses throughout the course of the day to about three times the size it should be.

Any thoughts anyone? Nobody seems to know why this is happening. Not even the doctors.
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09-08-2012, 03:43 AM

Re: Swollen Leg

Gosh you're up early like I am Mollie.

I've got a leg that swells up throughout the day but I think that is because of my weight. I'm afraid I don't know why yours does but it's good that you don't have any blood clots.

My dear Dad when he was alive had a leg that used to swell up terribly and he didn't have any reason for it. He used to elevate that leg on a pouff every evening. Do you elevate yours? I always put my legs up on a pouff every evening.
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09-08-2012, 09:00 AM

Re: Swollen Leg

My left leg has started to swell over the last couple of weeks and the pain is like toothache, I have to get up about five ish as i cant stand it any longer.I put it down to age, my age not yours Mollie.
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09-08-2012, 09:35 AM

Re: Swollen Leg

Annie darlin' - have you considered fluid retention??? this could be one reason why your legs swell and are painful. If this is the cause, you may need tablets to eliminate and prevent this happening again.
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09-08-2012, 09:41 AM

Re: Swollen Leg

Originally Posted by Mollie ->
However, my leg continues to swell during the day, although it's normal when I get up, then it progresses throughout the course of the day to about three times the size it should be.

Any thoughts anyone? Nobody seems to know why this is happening. Not even the doctors.
Mollie I have a problem with my right leg in particular though my left also to some extent. It swells through the day, I was once given diuretics but refused to take them.
Some things which help,
..don't stand or sit immobile for long periods move around,
..if you have to sit for a long period move/ exercise your legs,
..try to sit with them up preferably with the swollen one raised higher,
..never cross your legs or ankles,
You should really back to the doctor if this is a recent thing, he may also prescribe a fitted compression stocking.
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09-08-2012, 09:42 AM

Re: Swollen Leg

Yes I had thought of this but another thought that fills my head is that my great grand father was paralised, in the legs after an illness and so was my granddad and my mother, now my legs are playing up, wonder if it runs in family's.Have to use a stick to walk now and have to keep stopping for a rest.
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09-08-2012, 10:06 AM

Re: Swollen Leg

Well until you go back to your GP and pester the life out of him/her to get the appropriate tests done and then a diagnosis of your problem, you won't know darlin' - so start the ball rolling, 'phone your GP and make the appointment, then come back to me and tell me you've done it OK????
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09-08-2012, 10:19 AM

Re: Swollen Leg

My left leg has started to swell over the last couple of weeks and the pain is like toothache, I have to get up about five ish as i cant stand it any longer.I put it down to age, my age not yours Mollie.
Annie Uncle Joe is right, you really should get it checked again by the Doctor, you should not have to put up with pain ...
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09-08-2012, 10:40 AM

Re: Swollen Leg

Yes keep pestering Mollie its the only way. Also you say you first noticed it in April but didn't get an appointment until early June was that you putting it off because if that delay was due to the doctor that is certainly unacceptable
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09-08-2012, 04:46 PM

Re: Swollen Leg

Will do but the doctors is in holiday for two weeks.
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