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22-04-2013, 05:56 AM

Baghdad bombings

Three killed in Boston bombing; sad

BUT no similar sorrow for the 27 killed and over 50 injured in a car bombing the day before in Baghdad on the 18th April 2013? Included many children, similar sympathy? No press hysteria and sadly no arrests yet.

Strange how American lives are worth so much more than other people's.
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22-04-2013, 09:40 AM

Re: Baghdad bombings

Bruce - I didn't even catch that story - truly awful. (I did notice the earthquake in China, which killed 160, was treated as minor news.)

"Three children were among those killed, according to the officials.

No group claimed the responsibility for the attack.

Thursday’s bombing marks the latest in a spate of violence just ahead of Iraq's provincial elections on 20 April, the first in the country since 2010.

On Monday, at least 31 people were killed and more than 200 others were injured in a spate of bomb attacks across Iraq.

On Tuesday, similar bomb attacks claimed nine lives and wounded 27 in central Iraq.

On April 14, at least 10 people, including a provincial elections candidate and seven policemen, lost their lives in multiple attacks across the country."
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22-04-2013, 09:45 AM

Re: Baghdad bombings

Originally Posted by Bruce ->
Three killed in Boston bombing; sad

BUT no similar sorrow for the 27 killed and over 50 injured in a car bombing the day before in Baghdad on the 18th April 2013? Included many children, similar sympathy? No press hysteria and sadly no arrests yet.

Strange how American lives are worth so much more than other people's.
I think that's what bugs me so much. Even though the news is nothing more than a recital of the most horrendous things they can find to tell us that are happening in the world - none are as heinous a crime as anything that happens in America. This isn't the first time this has happened -remember the shootings in America recently and yet the same thing, with more dead though, in China wasn't even reported until people began to complain about bias.
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22-04-2013, 10:42 AM

Re: Baghdad bombings

[QUOTE=Bruce;268178]Three killed in Boston bombing; sad

BUT no similar sorrow for the 27 killed and over 50 injured in a car bombing the day before in Baghdad on the 18th April 2013? Included many children, similar sympathy? No press hysteria and sadly no arrests yet.

Strange how American lives are worth so much more than other people's.[/QUOTE

Of course American lives are not worth so much more than other people Bruce - that is a provocative thing to say. This thread is about the American bombing and I for one had not heard about the bombing in Baghdad and no thread had been put up about it to make any comment on. It perhaps is a matter of how effective worldwide publicity is in America, compared with other countires and America are very good at communicating events - maybe Baghdad is not so effective. Also - and I in no way wish to dismiiss the horror and injustice of the Baghdad bombings, but the Boston bombing was carried out at a a public event which was being relayed Worldwide - with many participants from other countries taking part in the marathon, so everyone worldwide quickly became aware of what had happened - the press were already there from other countries.

It is a shame, I think, to attempt to fudge a topic with another issue and intimate that people are not concerned. If no arrests have been made then that is a question for the country concerned to answer. Why didn't you you start a thread about the Baghdad bombing instead of just saying some lives are worth more than other people's lives.
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22-04-2013, 10:46 AM

Re: Baghdad bombings

As I share Bruce's feelings on this (and not much else), I would defend his point with regard to the what the media choose to report. America's publicity may be good but so is ours - given that they routinely sniff out anything to do with death and destruction on a daily basis, it's odd how some things they choose not to depress us with.
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22-04-2013, 02:35 PM

Re: Baghdad bombings

Again, not wishing to make light of the bombings in Baghdad and other places in Iraq, however, Iraq is a country undergoing great change and upheaval which has involved violence, destruction and much loss of life for quite some while now. Bombings are still expected to be a reality and great risk- just about a daily occurrence.
It is not how it should be, I know, but it seems almost as if the World has become accustomed to it, somewhat desensitised and accepting that these things are inevitably going to happen there - and frequently. Boston is not in the same volatile situation as Baghdad and so I think when something like this terrorist bombing happens in a place like Boston which is thought of as "safe" then the shock registers more and yes, I suppose it is going to be reported widely - more so than another bombing in Iraq - Because it is more unusual than what is still happening in Iraq on a daily basis people will register the shock more intensely - sort of like if it can happen Boston it can happen anywhere sort of reaction and it shakes people up who think they are living in safety. As I said the World press was gathered there, recording what should have been a non-violent social event - can you even think that they would hold a Baghdad marathon to which people from other countries would take part in and expect to be safe. That is the difference, I think and also the reason why the publicity is more concentrated when bombings happen in what is considered to be a "safe" situation.
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22-04-2013, 03:21 PM

Re: Baghdad bombings

I agree with Rena, another thread should have been started, I notice no mention was mentioned of 5 more Americans shot yesterday in Washington.

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