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16-10-2013, 01:23 PM

Food Bank Use Soars in Britain

More than 350,000 people received a three-day food package from the Trussell Trust between April and September, three times as many as the same period last year.

It has written to the Prime Minister calling on him to look into the "scandalous" problem of food poverty, warning some food bank recipients are so poor they have returned produce that needs cooking because they cannot afford the electricity to heat it up.

Trussell Trust executive chairman Chris Mould said: "We said in April that the increasing numbers of people turning to food banks should be a wake-up call to the nation, but there has been no policy response and the situation is getting worse. The level of food poverty in the UK is not acceptable.

Earlier this year, Chancellor George Osborne suggested food bank use had increased "because people have been made aware of the food bank service through local jobcentres".

Chris Johnes, Oxfam's UK poverty programme director, said: "These figures lay bare the shocking scale of destitution, hardship and hunger in the UK.

"It is completely unacceptable that in the seventh wealthiest nation on the planet, the number of people turning to food banks has tripled."

TUC general secretary Frances O'Grady described the figures as "shocking".

A Government spokesman said: "The Trussell Trust itself says it is opening three new food banks every week, so it's not surprising more people are using them. They also agree that awareness has helped to explain their recent growth."

I don't live in the UK so I have no experience/knowledge of this service at all.

Firstly, I find it depressing that in modern UK, people have to use a food bank in order to eat. What I find perplexing is the government seems to be saying that more people are using the food banks because other people keep telling people that the food banks are there - have I read that right?

Are any tests done to ensure only those who are suffering hardship (and, not to mention, indignity) can receive the food items?
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16-10-2013, 01:27 PM

Re: Food Bank Use Soars in Britain

They always come out with the same garbage - such as .....
Oh theres not more violence, its just reported more,
Theres not more rape - its just reported more ....
All I know is I could walk the streets to get home, never felt threatened, never saw violence in the streets !
Now they're at it again - 'they are using the food banks because, they have been made 'aware' of them'
What a load of tosh and excuses !
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16-10-2013, 01:29 PM

Re: Food Bank Use Soars in Britain

There are strict rules in place you have to be on certain benefits to get help and I believe be referred by your GP or council. TBH I can't see many people wanting to do it as it's so demeaning to have to do.

Not like just signing on and getting cash almost anonymously. And we found that bad enough.

Only thing I find hard to understand is why only people on benefit get it when I know some people on low wages get less money than they would on benefit !
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16-10-2013, 01:35 PM

Re: Food Bank Use Soars in Britain

Originally Posted by Pats CG ->
They always come out with the same garbage - such as .....
Oh theres not more violence, its just reported more,
Theres not more rape - its just reported more ....
All I know is I could walk the streets to get home, never felt threatened, never saw violence in the streets !
Now they're at it again - 'they are using the food banks because, they have been made 'aware' of them'
What a load of tosh and excuses !
That's what gets my goat every time - politicians always blame the victim
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16-10-2013, 01:36 PM

Re: Food Bank Use Soars in Britain

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
There are strict rules in place you have to be on certain benefits to get help and I believe be referred by your GP or council. TBH I can't see many people wanting to do it as it's so demeaning to have to do.

Not like just signing on and getting cash almost anonymously. And we found that bad enough.

Only thing I find hard to understand is why only people on benefit get it when I know some people on low wages get less money than they would on benefit !
At least the option is there - over here, you'd just starve.
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16-10-2013, 01:44 PM

Re: Food Bank Use Soars in Britain

I was reading some where today the red cross are for the first time since the war handing out food parcels in the UK now that for a rich country is shameful.
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16-10-2013, 03:03 PM

Re: Food Bank Use Soars in Britain

I find it shocking that after paying things like rent, electricity etc some people just do not have enough money left to fed their family. This includes some low paid people who are in work!
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16-10-2013, 03:34 PM

Re: Food Bank Use Soars in Britain

Originally Posted by Moiramary ->
I find it shocking that after paying things like rent, electricity etc some people just do not have enough money left to fed their family. This includes some low paid people who are in work!
I don't know how our politicians can sleep at night or look at themselves in a mirror; I'd feel thoroughly ashamed. They seem to have taken the country back 100 years
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16-10-2013, 03:35 PM

Re: Food Bank Use Soars in Britain

Don't know if anyone saw the on benefits and proud programme this week, I managed about ten minutes then decided my blood pressure was getting dangerous so turned off. But it seemed to me some people are getting far more out of the system than they should and some don't get enough. We have a crazy system with rich benefit claimants and poor ones. One woman would not consider getting a job unless she could equal her benefits which left her with £500 a week disposable income - personally I would like £500 a month for my shopping but I don't get that, lucky if we have £100 a month to spend on food and we are both working !
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16-10-2013, 03:38 PM

Re: Food Bank Use Soars in Britain

Yes, I did watch that programme but part of me has to blame the commercial world for low pay along with the government that encourages people to happily have, and keep, 11 or 9 children without having to worry about where the money, or the small mansion, comes from. If the two create a situation, it's inevitable people will try to use it.

I tended to agree with the Liverpudlian woman who wondered why she bothered working and paying taxes all her life but then when needed help, it wasn't there.
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