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20-04-2014, 12:48 PM

Bobby and the chickens

We took Bobby my daughter's border collie up my mums yesterday of her bantam hens had escaped and was running free ...but as bobby is a herder he decided to round it up , he caught it pinned it between his front paws , something he does with the cat , and the rabbits, with no problems unfortunately the hen decided it didn't like it and promptly died, probably of shock ....sooo a mad scramble today found someone selling some so I went out and bought her 2 new ones...hopefully the balance is restored and she will get some different eggs ....
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20-04-2014, 01:23 PM

Re: Bobby and the chickens

Same sort of thing happened to me..I agreed to take my bosses canaries whilst he went on holiday..One escaped and my partner tried to catch it a little too over zealously..when he opened his hand, the bird was dead, so we went trawling around known bird dealers, with it's body, searching for a looky-likie!!
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20-04-2014, 01:25 PM

Re: Bobby and the chickens

Border Collies just can't resist the urge to herd can they? I remember once with mine coming home from work to find her missing as was my neighbour's cow. Whilst out my **** dog had herded the bemused cow into a corner of another neighbour's field where she was happily standing guard over the poor creature!

Most of my neighbours have chickens but luckily for me Miss Pei Face takes no notice of them .... she's far too busy investigating every interesting smell she can find.
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20-04-2014, 01:27 PM

Re: Bobby and the chickens

Ooooer - poor little hen ....
Lilac - same thing happened to my uncle looking after Grans bird, looking for a look a like - very funny at the time
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20-04-2014, 01:36 PM

Re: Bobby and the chickens

It wasn't that started laying boss was very puzzled as the deceased one was a male!! LOL...
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20-04-2014, 01:39 PM

Re: Bobby and the chickens

Let's just hope the hen wasn't wasted...
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20-04-2014, 01:40 PM

Re: Bobby and the chickens

Originally Posted by lilac ->
It wasn't that started laying boss was very puzzled as the deceased one was a male!! LOL...

I know my uncle was caught out too, wish I could recall why, I know I laughed for a week over it
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20-04-2014, 10:34 PM

Re: Bobby and the chickens

Originally Posted by ukmartian ->
We took Bobby my daughter's border collie up my mums yesterday of her bantam hens had escaped and was running free ...but as bobby is a herder he decided to round it up , he caught it pinned it between his front paws , something he does with the cat , and the rabbits, with no problems unfortunately the hen decided it didn't like it and promptly died, probably of shock ....sooo a mad scramble today found someone selling some so I went out and bought her 2 new ones...hopefully the balance is restored and she will get some different eggs ....

It probably was shock that killed it, unless the dog broke its neck as it pinned it down. Why do you allow the dog do that to the cat and rabbit UKM, I wouldn't think they enjoy it much either? No wonder he thought the bird was fair game too. Trained collies "work" on command, not just when it suits them.
I do know what border collies can be like, 2 of my friends have bred them for many years, but if that had been a stranger's pet he killed, the dog could have been in big trouble.
I know you meant well by buying two more birds, but in the 40 years I kept poultry, putting "strangers" straight in with existing stock would be asking for trouble. The newcomers would be attacked and pecked to bits for invading their territory.
Sorry if this offends UKM, but I used to know so many borders like yours and their instincts could make them a menace if allowed to do their own thing, especially around pregnant ewes. I've even known them get out and round cars up! It's sad it cost a little life.
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20-04-2014, 11:08 PM

Re: Bobby and the chickens

I am not offended at all...any dog can turn , but this was not a vicious attack, it was just him being boisterous and doing what come naturally for him and the hen had no evidence of physical injury so it was probably just shock that killed it, In fact when I said' what have you done' he knew, tail between his legs and sat at my feet....
We actually have 2 boarders one who is 11 yo and the other who is just 1 so still a pup, it is a herding instinct not a vicious streak ...he plays with the cat the cat will approach him if the cat runs then they play in the garden ..he has NEVER harmed any of our animals ..when he goes after the Rabbit which is very rarely as we try not to let he usually ends up by putting it back in its hutch ...once again he has NEVER snapped or shown any aggression and retreats when told too...have a look at these pictures, as you can see he is paying hardly any attention to my rat apart from a glance , a sniff or a lick and lets it lay with him and climb all over him sign of being vicious or aggressive...

PS Bobby the chicken murderer is the one on the left lol

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20-04-2014, 11:38 PM

Re: Bobby and the chickens

I didn't say he was "aggressive" UKM, I meant the herding instinct can be a menace if its not controlled. Point taken though, and they are very nice photo's.
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