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08-02-2016, 06:36 PM

War hero from Solihull 'forced to live in his car' after leaving army

A war veteran from Solihull who fought in Afghanistan and Iraq has been living in his car for six weeks after being made homeless.

Richard Storer, a father of three, joined the Irish Guards at 16 and has served in Northern Ireland, Bosnia, Kosova, twice in Iraq – and three times in Afghanistan.

He briefly left the Army ten years ago to spend more time with his children, but rejoined after his marriage broke up.

The 41-year-old has become a familiar sight in Lea Village, on the outskirts of Chelmsley Wood. The ex-corporal, who was invalided out of the Army with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder last June, says his country has forgotten him.

"I don’t expect special treatment because I fought for this country, I just want what’s right. But I recently saw a programme about Syrian refugees, and it said 80 per cent of those shown had been given homes. That hurts because they haven’t been able to find one for me.”

– Richard Storer

His frustration boiled over two weeks ago and led to a confrontation at Solihull Council’s Chelmsley Wood housing office that became so heated police were called. Having voluntarily turned himself in, Richard was arrested on suspicion of using threatening and abusive language, and is currently on police bail.

"The processes that are supposed to be in place are not there. I have shown the necessary papers, but there’s still nothing. It’s frustrating. Big time.”

– Richard Storer

The former soldier was officially made homeless on January 7 this year when he had to give up his Ministry of Defence accommodation in Aldershot. He returned to Chelmsley Wood, where he had a council property ten years ago, but says council bosses will not acknowledge that he is homeless.

"I’ve shown them all the paperwork, but they won’t budge. I am not saying ‘I was a soldier so put me at the top of your list’. I am saying ‘I’m homeless’.And being homeless, not having an address, makes it that much harder to get the medication I need from a GP.”

– Richard Storer

The medication is for the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder he suffers from, with harrowing images returning on an almost daily basis.

As a result, his family has splintered. His wife and daughter are in Germany, one teenage son is with family in Norwich and another still lives in Aldershot.

A spokesman from Solihull Council said:

"We appreciate Mr Storer is an ex-serviceman and we would, of course, be willing to assist him wherever we can under normal circumstances. However, we also take very seriously our duty to protect our staff, who must be allowed to carry out their work in a safe environment free from threats and abuse.”

– Solihull Council spokesperson

A spokeswoman for West Midlands Police confirmed officers were called to Chelmsley Wood housing offices on January 22 and “removed” a 41-year-old man.
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08-02-2016, 06:41 PM

Re: War hero from Solihull 'forced to live in his car' after leaving army

Dreadful treatment for this poor man, he should at least be given a roof over his head. Putting refugees first can't be right.
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08-02-2016, 06:46 PM

Re: War hero from Solihull 'forced to live in his car' after leaving army

This is such a familiar story but each time is just as harrowing to hear - just not right
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08-02-2016, 06:56 PM

Re: War hero from Solihull 'forced to live in his car' after leaving army

As Patsy says, an all too familiar story.
There's hundreds of ex service men and women sleeping rough.
They have usually removed themselves from society through PTSD, though this is now recognised by the MOD it fails to help those previously diagnosed, prior to this recognition.
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08-02-2016, 07:01 PM

Re: War hero from Solihull 'forced to live in his car' after leaving army

Soon find him a home if he was a foreigner.
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08-02-2016, 07:50 PM

Re: War hero from Solihull 'forced to live in his car' after leaving army

Although this appears to be a very sad state to be in I think there is more to this than the information given in the article.
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08-02-2016, 07:58 PM

Re: War hero from Solihull 'forced to live in his car' after leaving army

Originally Posted by Docholliday ->
Soon find him a home if he was a foreigner.
Spot on. Its a disgrace!
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08-02-2016, 08:08 PM

Re: War hero from Solihull 'forced to live in his car' after leaving army

"I'm not saying I deserve special treatment because I fought for my country"

Oh yes you do!! anyone who plays their part in the defence of this country against an enemy merits the utmost respect and help that he or she should receive and should go to the very top of the list for EVERYTHING !

I am heartily sick of hearing about stories such as this.
What is wrong with this country when outsiders receive housing and benefits and this man has to live in a car for weeks on end. Absolutely disgraceful. Where is the British Legion and all other charities meant to be there to help such a man?

No wonder the poor man feels forgotten.
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08-02-2016, 08:12 PM

Re: War hero from Solihull 'forced to live in his car' after leaving army

Originally Posted by solo ->
Although this appears to be a very sad state to be in I think there is more to this than the information given in the article.

I concur, but also everyone should consider this:

Under the Housing (Homeless Persons) Act (and subsequent legislation) a person is to be regarded as in priority need if he is vulnerable (by reason of age or infirmity) or is responsible for children.

Since this man has, by his own admission, split up from his family and he appears not to be vulnerable by reason of age or infirmity, the only help the local authority are duty bound towards him to is to provide a list of bed & breakfast accomodation.
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08-02-2016, 08:38 PM

Re: War hero from Solihull 'forced to live in his car' after leaving army

Originally Posted by shropshiregirl ->
anyone who plays their part in the defence of this country against an enemy merits the utmost respect and help that he or she should receive and should go to the very top of the list for EVERYTHING !

Why !! Anyone who signs on to any of the services knows full well what that job entails whether it is here in the UK or in an overseas theatre of conflict.

Whilst they are doing that job they are given help with bed and board and if married that includes W/O, S/O and so on.

On discharge, advice and help is given and offered. Whether or not the individual takes those offers up is entirely up to them.

It's standing on your own 2 feet that is the problem for many long servers not a lack of help.

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