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17-01-2012, 04:27 PM

Cosmetic Surgery

Once again at lunch we discussed flavour of the month topics and one was Cosmetic surgery.

I am against it for vanity reasons.

Why were you born with these so called deformities, large nose or ears, small breasts or large abdomen, are they not 'Family traits' , removing/changing them will will not stop future family members inheriting them.

My family had very distinct familty traits which run through generations of the family genealogy, yet as far as I know no-one has any qualms about them.

Look at celebs who have had it done, Barry Manilow, Cliff Richards, Joan Rivers, they are, to me, distinct reasons for not having Cosmetic surgery.

Cosmetic surgery, should it be banned apart from where it is needed on health reasons? or like Simon Weston who was injured during conflict.
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17-01-2012, 04:41 PM

Re: Cosmetic Surgery

I agree with you, I don't think Cosmetic Surgery should be done....ok maybe if you've been in a horrific acident but that's all.
You make the best of what your born with as nature intended.
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17-01-2012, 05:04 PM

Re: Cosmetic Surgery

I am not in favour of cosmetic surgery except for those disfigured by accident/birth or who require breast reconstruction after a mastectomy.

I love to see the diversity of shapes, sizes and facial features which gives individuality and character to faces .
I hate to see the immobile doll like unnatural faces of those who have had 'face lifts'.

I was so cross listening to the radio the other day when some woman was complaining she couldn't afford to have her suspect breast enlargements removed and she was adamant this procedure should be carried out on the National Health.

The initial enlargement was carried out for reasons of vanity and I feel if she could afford to waste money to have them put in she can afford to pay to have them taken out again.
Spending money on these kind of people is depriving the NHS of money which could be used to help genuinely sick people.
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17-01-2012, 05:28 PM

Re: Cosmetic Surgery

I don't think you can ban it if people are prepared to pay for it to be done but it shouldn't be paid for by the NHS unless for genuine medical reasons.
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17-01-2012, 05:34 PM

Re: Cosmetic Surgery

only in a accdent I would never have it done
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17-01-2012, 05:38 PM

Re: Cosmetic Surgery

Yes I agree, who wants to have a face with no expression, and dont they realise whatever you do you are still going to be old. The hands give them away like transvestites hands. As for the breast enlargment I was nearly mental when I was breast feeding, couldnt cross your arms,see your feet or anything, was glad when it was all over and I returned to me again.
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17-01-2012, 05:44 PM

Re: Cosmetic Surgery

I'm not paranoid about any part of my body but I suppose if a certain feature is giving rise to a person being genuinely depressed to the point of it being an all consuming torment, then I can't see why not. However if it is for vanity's sake then of course the person should pay. I don't think it will be banned, it's too lucrative a business for the surgeons who perform these op's.
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17-01-2012, 05:50 PM

Re: Cosmetic Surgery

Are you including deep psychological reasons as well in this? I'm against Cosmetics if its just a question of a quick boob-job purely for a quick bit of vanity (unless you pay for it), but some people do have deformities - they may be minor - even trivial to some people, but the very fact they are there can totally destroy a person, cause deep emotional and psychological damage, maybe from inhibiting social contact to shutting themselves away from others and make themselves outcasts. At worst case, deformities can drive people to the point of suicide.

Its very easy to ask why NHS are spending money on people with pimples, stick-out ears, skin grafting blemishes etc and maybe there is some justification for this argument. But to some, it’s a very, very serious and potentially debilitating condition.

Yes, many of these deformities will be genetic, but that will still impact (maybe destroy) a person’s quality of life. If surgery radically changes a person’s life for the better, then there is an argument for it.

Perhaps what is needed is a layer of screening and assessment to ensure the right resources are being spent where it will do the most good. In some cases, a bit of counselling will work just as well as any elective surgery.
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17-01-2012, 05:53 PM

Re: Cosmetic Surgery

I don't like the idea of it either. Especially done on the NHS unless its for a disfigurement. Young girls are wanting it done now before they have even finished developing which I think is ridiculous.
Saying that I could do with a tummy tuck
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17-01-2012, 08:55 PM

Re: Cosmetic Surgery

I've had a nose job done. I'll try to keep this short but, when I was 18 months old I fell down a couple of stairs at home. Mum rushed to me and checked arms, legs etc but, as I started to grow it was obvious that my nose was quite literally out of joint.

An ENT surgeon tried to correct it for me when I was 15, but it didn't help so, going through years of a nose virtually flattened to my face like a Pekingese, I approached my doctor at the age of 36 who referred me to a cosmetic surgeon.

What had happened was, as I grew older the bone in my nose grew over my left nostril, so I had problems breathing, but it was something I got used to.

The surgeon examined my face in the July and considered surgery to be urgent so I was booked in for the first part of the surgery to straighten the bone in order that my left nostril was freed, and that was in the September of the same year. In the November I was back in again for re-construction. I only have a little nose to start off with and he was going to take a piece of bone from my hip to build it up but instead took a piece of bone from my skull, which would alleviate the necessity of having physiotherapy on my hip.

Sorry it's a bit long-winded, but some forms of re-construction are necessary and before the operation, I was very self-conscious about it.
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