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28-11-2011, 08:30 AM

Relaxing Monday

Good morning everyone

Dry, dark and a cold icy wind blowing through the trees and making the leaves tap dance across the road. None of mother natures creatures had stirred and the farm had a ghostly silence about it.

Plans for today are to relax and let the body recover. Our Grand daughters friend had never been to the Lake district so we walked up Skiddaw on Saturday and over CatBells on Sunday before running them to Carlisle to catch their return train back to Bristol.

Have a wonderful day everone and remember you are
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28-11-2011, 10:06 AM

Re: Relaxing Monday

Good Morning Bob and Everyone Another very wet morning up here. Yesterday was awful but managed a longish walk with Loki before it started again! She refused to go out again later in the day!! The stormy winds have died down now and hope it stays that way. Couldn't sleep for the rain being battered against the windows and the noise of the wind!

Sounds like a good weekend was had by all of you, Bob. Sounds a lovely walk! Safe journey to you today going to Carlisle and back.

Love the links, Bob, and thank you for sharing.

Take care
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28-11-2011, 10:18 AM

Re: Relaxing Monday

Good morning to you Bob, Rosemary et al...

Shopping done and just having coffee before sweeping up yet more leaves, but there shouldn't be many more after this... Roast salmon and veg for lunch and then walkies with the dogs, perfect....

Have a great day yourselves,

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28-11-2011, 12:02 PM

Re: Relaxing Monday

Good morning all, another nice sunny day here, the wind has vanished. The wife asked me to go into town with her today, to help with the shopping, of course I don't mind helping but she takes so long to make up her mind about things she's buying it drives me mad, needless to say I am not looking forward to it, but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, so I'll just get off my horse and carry the bags.
Enjoy the day folks.
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28-11-2011, 12:10 PM

Re: Relaxing Monday

Wow it's early! Good morning all. I had a very quiet weekend despite all the holiday hoopla. Today is known as Cyber Monday where online Christmas deals abound on the internet. I haven't been tempted by any of them yet. That's one advantage of having everything you want materialistically. I am one content guy. You may not believe this but I dreamt I was trying to find a new computer keyboard, wandering through a big box computer store trying them all. I guess that's closer to a nightmare than a dream. I woke up frustrated because I like things simple without a lot of bells and whistles.

No plans of consequence today. I expect my friend, Warren, will call later in the morning and want to go out for breakfast. I'll cook my own in about an hour as I can't wait the additional 7 hours for him to awaken. LOL Have a great day all!
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28-11-2011, 12:11 PM

Re: Relaxing Monday

Good morning everyone it's defiantly cold here today but bright, still managing not to put the heating on during the day. Today is a two jumper day one being wool.

Off to baby sitting soon so lots to do , a bit of vaccuming should warm me up
Have a pleasant day everyone
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28-11-2011, 04:05 PM

Re: Relaxing Monday

Good afternoon everyone, it was a beautiful sunny morning here but now there's a bank of threatening black cloud approaching.

I dragged my poor hubby around town this morning and ended up finding him a seat in the warmth of the Mall while I shopped on my own. Why is it that most men hate going shopping with their wives? I tend to dash from one shop to another while he follows on at a snail's pace ...... he could look a little bit interested!

Hope everyone is having a pleasant day.
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28-11-2011, 04:45 PM

Re: Relaxing Monday

This building used to terrify me as a child, I was born not too far from it, when it rained the stone work turned black making it more sinister looking. We had to pass it on our way to town and I took a snap in a hurry as I got an eerie feeling being near the Church.
'The Black Church', as it's known by all Dubliners was built in 1830 and designed by John Semple, it is no longer used as a Church, some life assurance company use it now.
Local lore has it that if you walk around it three times, anti-clockwise, at midnight, you will see the devil. (I never tried it)
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28-11-2011, 04:50 PM

Re: Relaxing Monday

Hi people. Cloudy and still unseasonably mild, nearing 10:30 AM and alteady 17℃ (62℉); broke a record yesterday as it made 22℃ (72℉) Nice!! But cloudy all day and rain and colder weather coming. Ah well, it is almost December. No news, down for grass, Leia's watching workmen on a roof on the street behind us. Ordered the needlepoint kit.

Jem, what an interesting pic and story! Mags, I think most guys just don't have the shopping gene!

Smile ... it's free
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28-11-2011, 05:00 PM

Re: Relaxing Monday

Mags, Eileen, it is not just men who dont like shopping, My wife does not like shopping, nor does my grand daughter but my daughter would spend all week just walking around the shops, I dont know where she gets it from.

Jem, that looks a great building and will probably be standing when all the new buildings are gone.
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