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06-04-2012, 11:46 AM

Tobacco displays illegal in England

And a good thing too. I believe Wales and Scotland will implement the ban later this year.

I am a rabid anti-smoker knowing the harm it can do. No one has ever been permitted to smoke in our home. I think it should also be illegal to smoke in your own home and car if children are present.
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06-04-2012, 11:53 AM

Re: Tobacco displays illegal in England

My local Sainsbury's has had sliding shutters installed over their cigarette shelves for a couple of weeks now, I think it's a good idea but whether it will help curb people's smoking habits, I'm not so sure.
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06-04-2012, 12:30 PM

Re: Tobacco displays illegal in England

Crazy thing is that it's only the big supermarkets that have to comply until 2015, but I would have thought most kids buy their fags from the local off licence, corner shop or smuggler....
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06-04-2012, 12:39 PM

Re: Tobacco displays illegal in England

I cannot believe it will make a scrap of difference, for certain it will not deter a smoker.
The target of the deterrent seems be the young who probably start their habit by copying their parents or someone in their peer group so it will have a very limited effect as far as I can see.
I would think the knock on effect will be to increase the trade in counterfeit and smuggled cigarettes which is far worse as no one knows what nasties are in those things.

The irony is that they spend all this money on campaigns like this and yet walk into any supermarket and you will soon fall over pallets of cheap booze, which is just as big a killer.

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06-04-2012, 01:05 PM

Re: Tobacco displays illegal in England

Listening to an item on the radio the other day it seems many people buy tax free cigarettes on the black market. Apparently they are readily available .

I don't think putting cigarettes out of sight will make much difference to consumption. It may even add an element of mystique to them for the young.

I am a none smoker now but I smoked years ago and started as a result of peer pressure as I am sure many do. Having accepted a cigarette from a friend I felt I had to 'repay' them so bought a packet. If the cigarettes had been undercover it would not have made the slightest difference to me.
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06-04-2012, 03:05 PM

Re: Tobacco displays illegal in England

I was brought up in a house where everybody smoked, you could hardly see across the room,I had a permanent cough and bad chest, and the smog didnt help either.
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06-04-2012, 03:44 PM

Re: Tobacco displays illegal in England

Nowadays no one can be under any illusion about the harm passive smoking can do to children, I think it should be considered child abuse if you smoke in front of them. I was sickened a a few weeks ago when I saw a mother puffing smoke into a buggy as she attended to her small child!
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06-04-2012, 04:53 PM

Re: Tobacco displays illegal in England

Driving things underground is, in my opinion, not the answer, it will make it all the more attractive to the rebellious young ones.
It won't be long before they do the same with alcohol.
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06-04-2012, 10:46 PM

Re: Tobacco displays illegal in England

We are a house of none smokers, have a 16yr old who has started smoking with his friends at school. We have tried to stop him, told him all the pit falls.

He was excluded from school for a day, after being caught smoking. I had to go into school to listen to a teacher telling me about him smoking.

I very politely told the teacher. You have put in the letter home, that he his a bad example to the rest of your pupils.

Well this problem has come from your school, as nobody smokes at our home.
You all know where these kids smoke, so could put people in place to stop them if you really wanted to stop the kids.
Plus I pass your school a few times a week and each time their are teachers and other members of your staff always stood out side school gates smoking. in full view of the pupils. So what sort of example are they showing.
To which this teacher was stump at what to say.

Hiding cigs behind cupboards will not stop kids smoking. As somebody else has said this will probably make it more exciting to kids, plus they are targeted by cig smugglers.
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06-04-2012, 11:07 PM

Re: Tobacco displays illegal in England

They're still on full view at my local mini supermarket where I shop regularly. Of course this won't stop people smoking.

Earlier in this thread somebody mentioned a mother blowing cigarette smoke into a buggy where her child was and this is absolutely disgraceful.

However, by the same token, a baby in a buggy is also at the same level as a vehicle's exhaust system and exhaust kicks out far more carcinogens than cig smoke.

I know this subject can be very controversial for smokers versus non-smokers versus ex-smokers.

I am a smoker, but I would never advocate anyone taking it up. I would never dream of smoking in the home of a non-smoker, nor would I light up in a non-smoker's car, because that would be just ignorant.

In a family of five, my mother, father and older brother smoked, and I foolishly started smoking because my friend did and now I'm an addicted addict like any other junkie needing a fix every now and again. My younger brother has never smoked.

I'm so sorry, but the rubbish that the government kicks around about passive smoking is so wrong. It's a scaremongering tactic to frighten people by brainwashing. There is no proof that passive smoking is dangerous. None at all. The danger is what is inhaled into the lungs, not in the exhalation.
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