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20-02-2017, 04:47 AM

Re: "America First" says Donald.

Well it's not against our interest to give foreign aid to prevent spread of communicable diseases. For example aid was given to stop the spread of Ebola. Countries where such crises happen cannot afford to contain them and we don't want them spreading here. Of course that doesn't mean we shouldn't be scrutinising and auditing what we do with the money. But it would most likely cost more to micro manage it ourselves. Another quango?
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20-02-2017, 05:37 AM

Re: "America First" says Donald.

I don't like Trump's policies, his rhetoric or his behaviour, so if his idea of government is the model you would like UK to follow, you can count me out.

I'm not sure what Trump's policy for the US Foreign Aid budget is this week - he seems to have made a number of conflicting statements about it during his Campaigning - sometimes saying he was going to drastically cut it back and sometimes saying it was important to continue it - he has said little about it since his Inauguration and his team seem reluctant to discuss it too.
Although US pay the highest amount in Aid, they have only been paying 0.17% of their National Income, compared to our 0.7%, so the US haven't much room for reducing their percentage, anyway, have they?!

The only Trump executive order I've heard about re Aid is that he's banned all Foreign Aid to NGOs that are involved in abortion services - including any advice or counselling. Sadly, many NGOs who provide these services in poor countries also provide birth control & sexual health services & advice, so these services will suffer too.
I remember a time when Trump declared he was 'pro-choice' in the abortion debate but he seems to have switched to 'pro-life' since he began campaigning in earnest. Could it have been to curry favour with his voter base or has he just changed his mind?

As for UK Foreign Aid payments, I think some of it is well spent but there are areas that need much tighter control and more common sense decisions.
I get the impression that the current Tory 0.7% commitment, which was one of their definite manifesto pledges, will only last as long this current Government. Theresa May has already hinted that she would like to review our future level of Foreign Aid spending.
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20-02-2017, 09:36 AM

Re: "America First" says Donald.

Originally Posted by Azure ->
Donald Tump has declared 'America and American People First

Why can't the government here in the UK do the same?
There are many desperate people here that need help.

They insist on giving £billions of Foreign Aid to Countries where much is not accounted for and goes to make the wrong people rich.
They choose to ignore puplic opinion and increase this aid every year
Very unfair and heartless too
What a nasty post! The West should be giving aid to less well off countries in this world.
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20-02-2017, 11:29 AM

Re: "America First" says Donald.

I see no problem with America First,Many American's are looking for work and have been for years.Big Auto companies moving to Mexico and American's losing job's is exactly what Trump is talking about.Impose a Tax on their product if built there and want to sell it to the U.S..Simply put they want to take advantage of the cheap labor and make an even bigger profit.Of course all that scrapped after Trump became POTUS,but Obama was willing to let that happen despite the fact American's in the Rust belt Needed Job's.So in short shadow is and was wrong and is such a sore Loser I still don't think he has accepted that Trump is POTUS,he reeks of hillary's cheap perfume.Just a sore LOSER.
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20-02-2017, 11:47 AM

Re: "America First" says Donald.

Originally Posted by tarantula ->
What a nasty post! The West should be giving aid to less well off countries in this world.
No we shouldn't....not until we can look after our own.

Once we get rid of the homeless problems...our NHS is running smoothly.....our sick patients aren't left in corridors needing a bed....our elderly can live comfortably...etc. Then, and only then should we consider helping others.

My taxes aren't for foreign aid....for black market racketeers to line their pockets nor corrupt governments.
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20-02-2017, 12:57 PM

Re: "America First" says Donald.

Originally Posted by Tpin ->
No we shouldn't....not until we can look after our own.

Once we get rid of the homeless problems...our NHS is running smoothly.....our sick patients aren't left in corridors needing a bed....our elderly can live comfortably...etc. Then, and only then should we consider helping others.

My taxes aren't for foreign aid....for black market racketeers to line their pockets nor corrupt governments.

Good post Tpin.
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20-02-2017, 01:08 PM

Re: "America First" says Donald.

I would much sooner give money to people in need in third world countries than most of our homeless. Many are alcoholics and drug addicts who don't deserve any help at all.
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20-02-2017, 01:16 PM

Re: "America First" says Donald.

Originally Posted by tarantula ->
I would much sooner give money to people in need in third world countries than most of our homeless. Many are alcoholics and drug addicts who don't deserve any help at all.

That is your opinion....and you are entitled to it.

Do you know where the foreign aid goes to and to whom?

I'd like to know....maybe you could enlighten me.
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20-02-2017, 02:12 PM

Re: "America First" says Donald.

Originally Posted by tarantula ->
What a nasty post! The West should be giving aid to less well off countries in this world.
What a load of cock! How about the less well off UK?
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20-02-2017, 02:49 PM

Re: "America First" says Donald.

Originally Posted by DragonsRealm ->
I see no problem with America First,Many American's are looking for work and have been for years.Big Auto companies moving to Mexico and American's losing job's is exactly what Trump is talking about.Impose a Tax on their product if built there and want to sell it to the U.S..Simply put they want to take advantage of the cheap labor and make an even bigger profit.Of course all that scrapped after Trump became POTUS,but Obama was willing to let that happen despite the fact American's in the Rust belt Needed Job's.So in short shadow is and was wrong and is such a sore Loser I still don't think he has accepted that Trump is POTUS,he reeks of hillary's cheap perfume.Just a sore LOSER.

I think Trumpy's good for America and good for the UK too.
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