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09-10-2017, 08:49 PM


I grew up going to the church service every Sunday and the youth club in the evenings. Seemed everybody did in those days.

After I grew up I didn't go to church any more. No reason, just didn't. I never once even thought about it TBH so therefore didn't take my daughter. She did go to a church every week as part of charity fun thing called Crusaders, doing active physical games and stuff and camping every year, plus away w/ends.
A set amount of time, about half an hour, was dedicated to 'bible time'.

Every Christmas I think it might to be nice to go to the midnight carol service, but I've haven't done that either.

Do you/did you attend church?
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09-10-2017, 08:59 PM

Re: Church

I was raised by my very Victorian grandmother and had to go to the Methodist Chapel three times on Sundays and youth group in the week. At the age of 16 I decided to change to a chapel in the nearby town. I did go on occasional Sundays, but other times I would get the bus in, go to the cinema for a couple of hours and then catch my normal bus back home.

My children never went to church nor Sunday School.

I am now an atheist and never ever go to church, fortunately my son and his wife married in an hotel, so that was a relief.
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09-10-2017, 09:08 PM

Re: Church

Originally Posted by CeeCee ->
I was raised by my very Victorian grandmother and had to go to the Methodist Chapel three times on Sundays and youth group in the week. At the age of 16 I decided to change to a chapel in the nearby town. I did go on occasional Sundays, but other times I would get the bus in, go to the cinema for a couple of hours and then catch my normal bus back home.

My children never went to church nor Sunday School.

I am now an atheist and never ever go to church, fortunately my son and his wife married in an hotel, so that was a relief.
Thanks for that CeeCee. You little devil going to the cinema - did your grandmother think you were going to church?

I don't think I could say I'm an atheist, not sure I'm anything... I just don't go to church anymore. If I wanted to send up a prayer, I'd do it wherever. I do miss a good old sing-song though.

When my daughter was growing up, I was aware I thought I should do something, so she could make up her own mind .... hence her attendance at Crusaders and their 'not-in-your-face' religious instruction. I do remember I read her stories too about Jesus.

She doesn't attend church, but I know she doesn't dismiss religion. She has a couple of friends who attend regularly and she accepts that. One married her long standing boyfriend and remained a virgin until their wedding night, (which I found quite nice in this day and age).

I think if my daughter does marry, I feel sure she would do it in a church rather than a registry office.
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09-10-2017, 09:09 PM

Re: Church


I’m a catholic raised in the CoE

I’ve neber felt comfortable in either church or chapel

I spent my early years with the church , being a brownie and guided. Later
Teens I turned to chapel and didn’t find I was comfortable there either

Tried many churches over the years and not found my spiritual home yet.

I am no longer a church goer, mostly funerals nowadays. Whether church or chapel I do find some comfort and contentment in the services , not enough to be a regular attendee though
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09-10-2017, 09:16 PM

Re: Church

I did go to church in my younger days, even went to a RC school, then I grew up, I became an atheist, which was a painful time but in the end very liberating. I no longer looked over my shoulder worrying that maybe a god (lower case g is deliberate) was looking on disapprovingly at my every action or inaction. I would recommend the experience to everyone
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09-10-2017, 09:17 PM

Re: Church

Hear, hear. I use lower case too.
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09-10-2017, 09:22 PM

Re: Church

Originally Posted by Missy ->

I’m a catholic raised in the CoE

I’ve neber felt comfortable in either church or chapel

I spent my early years with the church , being a brownie and guided. Later
Teens I turned to chapel and didn’t find I was comfortable there either

Tried many churches over the years and not found my spiritual home yet.

I am no longer a church goer, mostly funerals nowadays. Whether church or chapel I do find some comfort and contentment in the services , not enough to be a regular attendee though
Yes, I'd go with that Missy. Have to say I've only been to 3 funerals and 2 were really 'uplifting' and the 3rd was stunning in a cathedral. Goosebumps the lot
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09-10-2017, 09:24 PM

Re: Church

I worry about everything, ain't takin any chances, time is relative.
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09-10-2017, 09:36 PM

Re: Church

I go at Christmas and Easter and for weddings and funerals. I go through phases when I am more religious and go to just sit in the church at lunchtime, or I light a candle for people who are sick. My upbringing was immersed in Christianity. But not in a bad way necessarily. I envy those who have a strong faith because it gives them strength and they seem happier and with more of a purpose in life. There's a sense of community there which is really comforting and an unconditional support network that doesn't exist elsewhere.

I've always had a difficult relationship with religion, always questioning everything. Always searching. But I am not an atheist, that's too final. Maybe agnostic or pantheist. A believer, not in the fairytale but in the moral principles and point of reference. But then I cannot bear religious hypocrisy. So for me going to church always brings up more questions.
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09-10-2017, 09:41 PM

Re: Church

My father was a searcher so we went through every religion there was the Roman catholics, JW's , mormons Buddists and many many more came visiting and left us their message.

It left me feeling empty. None of them had the answers he sought.

I think if you have faith and are comforted by it thats fine but personally I dont.
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