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25-02-2019, 05:50 PM

Re: Squirrels are great.

I read a few days ago, about the greys killing the reds and what they are now planning to try and get a return of the reds.

Here's part of the article:

" You might think that trapping the greys, then releasing them elsewhere is the kindest thing to do, But once they are caught, squirrels (by law) must be dispatched as the non-native grey squirrels cause damage to indigenous wildlife.

"And let's face it, they already have.
Red squirrels that once lived happily in our woods have been driven out by greys that give birth to more 'kits' per year (two clutches) and are far bigger.
Not only do they menace reds and drive them from their homes, but they also carry a virus called Squirrel Pox, that kills off the reds.

" However, the fortunes of these quabbling squirrels are about to change, thanks to a contraceptive that will beuter the promiscuous fluffy grey fiends - allowing the reds to return.

"Boffins from the government's Animal & Plant Health Agency in Wenslydale, N.Yorkshire, have ingeniously laced the grey's favourite snack - peanut butter paste - with a hormone that will cleverlery make the females infertile for up to two seasons.
It is hoped that this birth control will reduce their numbers by up to 70%.
This is important, as greys not only inflict millions of pounds worth of damage on commercial forests, and wound broadleaf woodlands badly, they also steal birds eggs, bird food, and bulbs from gardens.

"This reduction might just be enough to allow the less harmful red squirrels to make a comeback."


So there you are Mr. F. plans are under way it seems.
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25-02-2019, 05:54 PM

Re: Squirrels are great.

Originally Posted by Mups ->
I read a few days ago, about the greys killing the reds and what they are now planning to try and get a return of the reds.

Here's part of the article:

" You might think that trapping the greys, then releasing them elsewhere is the kindest thing to do, But once they are caught, squirrels (by law) must be dispatched as the non-native grey squirrels cause damage to indigenous wildlife.

"And let's face it, they already have.
Red squirrels that once lived happily in our woods have been driven out by greys that give birth to more 'kits' per year (two clutches) and are far bigger.
Not only do they menace reds and drive them from their homes, but they also carry a virus called Squirrel Pox, that kills off the reds.

" However, the fortunes of these quabbling squirrels are about to change, thanks to a contraceptive that will beuter the promiscuous fluffy grey fiends - allowing the reds to return.

"Boffins from the government's Animal & Plant Health Agency in Wenslydale, N.Yorkshire, have ingeniously laced the grey's favourite snack - peanut butter paste - with a hormone that will cleverlery make the females infertile for up to two seasons.
It is hoped that this birth control will reduce their numbers by up to 70%.
This is important, as greys not only inflict millions of pounds worth of damage on commercial forests, and wound broadleaf woodlands badly, they also steal birds eggs, bird food, and bulbs from gardens.

"This reduction might just be enough to allow the less harmful red squirrels to make a comeback."


So there you are Mr. F. plans are under way it seems.
Won't happen in my life time so I will carry on feeding my squirrel visitors.
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25-02-2019, 10:18 PM

Re: Squirrels are great.

Originally Posted by MrFraggle ->
Won't happen in my life time so I will carry on feeding my squirrel visitors.

Do you not approve of trying to help the reds survive too?
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26-02-2019, 07:45 AM

Re: Squirrels are great.

Originally Posted by Mups ->
Do you not approve of trying to help the reds survive too?
What a bizarre question, of course I do but only killing every grey squirrel in the UK will insure the survival of the red squirrel in large numbers.
And how prey can that be achieved.? I believe that only on one small island in the Atlantic has it been successful in the removal of an alien species that was threatening the survival of ground nesting sea birds by killing the alien species and it took quite a long time.
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26-02-2019, 12:52 PM

Re: Squirrels are great.

Sorry Mr. Fraggle, but I did not think it a bizarre question at all.
I simply asked because I can see you are very fond of the greys, but you seemed so unipressed when I said people were trying to help the reds as well.

Anyway, they are not killing greys at all, merely trying to control breeding in a humane way by making them less fertile for a period of time.
That's all I was saying.
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02-03-2019, 01:20 PM

Re: Squirrels are great.

My first squirrel visitor to the new corn on the cob food stand. Really need to rethink how I have the cob secured to the table as at the moment this is with a large screw which might cause injury.
Any suggestions welcomed.
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13-03-2019, 02:44 PM

Re: Squirrels are great.

Squirrels are just animals like any other- no judgement needed or need to anthropomorphize.

This one had me in its eye as I was photographing it.

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