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09-08-2019, 11:48 AM

Re: Outer space visitors?

We are the aliens, put on this planet as an experiment to see how long it would take us to destroy it.
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09-08-2019, 11:54 AM

Re: Outer space visitors?

If visitors from outer space are visiting us have they mastered how and are able to travel through time?.
Travelling at the speed of light the nearest planet outside our Solar System is 12 light years away.
Of course there must be life out there but not life as we know it. After all there is an estimated 11 billion planets orbiting sun like stars.
Taking all this into consideration I cannot believe that an alien would take hundreds if not thousands of years to visit us, stay a few minutes then buzz off again. And this is just if there is 'life' on the nearest planet out side our SS
Back in the 1930/40s it was strongly believed that there was intelligent life on Mars as there were 'canals' visible that could only have been built by intelligent beings.
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09-08-2019, 11:56 AM

Re: Outer space visitors?

Given the vastness of space, the chances are that life is out there but I'm not so sure we've had visitors. I've spent many hours standing out in the garden looking up into the night sky hoping to see a flying saucer. Not one has ever hovered above, flown across or landed in the back garden.

Once, when I'd stood there getting a crick in my neck from staring upwards for too long, I saw some lights in the sky. Could it be a U.F.O? was I going to be abducted by a bunch of long-legged female aliens and have experiments carried out on me? No, it was only another aeroplane ..and a good job too I suppose. The experiments would have probably hurt anyway.
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09-08-2019, 12:06 PM

Re: Outer space visitors?

Do you realise that when you are looking up at the stars you are not seeing them as they are today but how they looked thousand of years ago. This is because many of them are so far off it has taken thousand of years for the light to reach us.
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09-08-2019, 12:38 PM

Re: Outer space visitors?

Originally Posted by The Artful Todger ->
Just imagine the effect on sky fairy believers if, or when intelligent extraterrestrial beings arrived here.

Creationism would go down the toilet which is the place for it, "god so loved the earth" and all that palaver would be gone in a flash, and so much more.

The devastating effect on society alone would, or more probably IS enough and more to cause governments in the know to keep schtum.

The ETs may have also been created, and are part of the same?
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09-08-2019, 12:43 PM

Re: Outer space visitors?

Here is a question that puzzle me.

What is beyond outer space as we know it, surely it can't go on for ever, or can it? or do we go so far out we come back to where we started from? if that is so then what is beyond/outside this unending circle theory.
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09-08-2019, 12:55 PM

Re: Outer space visitors?

I think aliens are the least of our worries. 😂
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09-08-2019, 12:57 PM

Re: Outer space visitors?

Anyone got any photographs of alien spacecraft?
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09-08-2019, 02:01 PM

Re: Outer space visitors?

Originally Posted by big ben ->
Do you realise that when you are looking up at the stars you are not seeing them as they are today but how they looked thousand of years ago. This is because many of them are so far off it has taken thousand of years for the light to reach us.
I do realise that Ben. An amazing thought that some of them might not even be there anymore.

Originally Posted by realspeed ->
Here is a question that puzzle me.

What is beyond outer space as we know it, surely it can't go on for ever, or can it? or do we go so far out we come back to where we started from? if that is so then what is beyond/outside this unending circle theory.
If we go far enough, we might come to a wall or the side of a box. The question will then be what is on the other side of the wall or outside of the box?
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09-08-2019, 04:08 PM

Re: Outer space visitors?

Originally Posted by big ben ->
Very interesting "Being told to shut up and say nothing"
The truth as I have been led to believe is that one night flashing lights were seen coming from Rendlesham Woods which is close to an American Air Force base. Panic ensued!! The base was put on red alert, Armed guards closed all the roads around the base and threatened to shoot anyone who crossed the line. Armed to the teeth troops crept into the wood to investigate the mystery lights. As they crept close, rifles and machine guns cocked and ready they saw a lighthouse and the rotating light was being reflected from clouds, and this is probably why they were told to keep their mouths shut and say nothing.
I read that it was hoax, which doesn’t surprise me
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