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03-04-2012, 03:26 PM

Re: Fuel Strike.

Well its all back to normal now round our way. No queues and plenty of fuel. So what was all that about. Still no notice of any strikes. A real storm in a teacup with the government inciting unnecessary panic.
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03-04-2012, 06:53 PM

Re: Fuel Strike.

Don't you think it is amazing! the great British public voted with their feet and brought the fuel supply in the UK to a halt!.
Did'nt need the unions or the Police or even her indoors...............sorted, what power!.
Now if we could do the same thing on Immigration, Corporal Punishment and the councils...............we'd have em all quaking in their boots!.
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03-04-2012, 07:04 PM

Re: Fuel Strike.

I think its all to come, there is a meeting on wednesday and by heck if a strike can be arranged the unions wont be stopping it. All back to normal here thus far!
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13-04-2012, 09:26 PM

Re: Fuel Strike.

Fuel tanker drivers consider possible deal says Diana Holland, Unite: ''We have worked together contructively''

The fuel tanker drivers' dispute could be over after the Unite union agreed to put a possible deal to its members.

The deal was tabled following lengthy talks between the union and officials from six distribution firms.

The threat of a strike over safety and working conditions resulted in panic buying at petrol stations.

About 60 union representatives from across the country will discuss the deal, and could still reject the proposals or ask for changes.

Both sides have agreed that the details of the deal will remain confidential until they have been consulted on.

Outside the headquarters of the conciliation service Acas, the assistant general secretary of Unite, Diana Holland, said the talks had been "intense and complex".

She said: "We have done as much as we can and we have a document we now can discuss. But we will keep the process confidential until the people who matter make the decision."

BBC transport correspondent Richard Westcott said there could still be a decision to strike, but that a deal was now effectively on the table.

Unite represents 2,062 tanker drivers, covering 90% of supplies to forecourts, and is calling for minimum standards of pay, hours, holiday and redundancy.

Alan Davison, representing the tanker companies, said: "We are now in a position where we have a final set of proposals and hopefully we can resolve this dispute."

Peter Harwood, of Acas, said he was pleased with the result following two weeks of talks.

Army drivers have been trained to operate tankers in case of a strike
He said: "Acas has been shuttling between the parties and the process has been a long and challenging one. But we are pleased to announce that a set of proposals have been reached."

Under rules governing strikes, the union has to give seven days' notice of any industrial action.

Earlier on Friday, the union had been given an extension to its deadline for declaring strikes so that talks could continue.

Under employment law, the union should have made a decision by late afternoon on whether to call its members out on strike after they voted last month for industrial action.

The Department for Energy and Climate Change said it welcomed the possible deal.

A spokesman said: "We hope that this will lead to the threat of strike action being lifted. The government continues to believe that any strike action is wrong and unnecessary."

There were chaotic scenes at garages across the UK earlier this month as people queued for petrol after the government advised motorists to top up their tanks.

The government faced criticism that its advice had caused panic buying.

Army drivers have been trained to deliver fuel to petrol stations in case of a possible strike.
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13-04-2012, 10:24 PM

Re: Fuel Strike.

That looks hopeful Fingers crossed then before the family go off on hollday in a weeks time ...
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14-04-2012, 11:15 AM

Re: Fuel Strike.

This was the News this Morning, I sure do hope this will fix things. I'm due with my Daughter to go to Orkney at the end of the Month, we have a place booked for a few days but will need the car to get around. Will lose everything if this strike goes nails are chewed right down and poor Regan's a wreck with worrying about it. I really hate strikes with every fibre of my being.
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14-04-2012, 11:25 AM

Re: Fuel Strike.

Originally Posted by Roxy ->

Unite represents 2,062 tanker drivers, covering 90% of supplies to forecourts, and is calling for minimum standards of pay, hours, holiday and redundancy.
Well that's a shocker, and there's me thinking the strike was all in the interests of the safety of the public...
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18-04-2012, 05:44 PM

Re: Fuel Strike.

Tanker drivers have rejected the possible settlement, but unions state they are not going to strike BBC
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18-04-2012, 10:41 PM

Re: Fuel Strike.

Well that remains to be seen........I find that really hard to believe as I think the Unions aren't happy unless they have power over the whole Country. I was in a Petrol Station today and a Tanker Driver came in to unload.....I felt like giving him a good hard kick in the pants for helping to cause all this grief. It's only a Week now till we've got the Family coming up and we're going over to Orkney......or not.
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20-04-2012, 10:08 PM

Re: Fuel Strike.

I heard something on the radio today. The UK figures for trade were up by 1 point something % in the last month due to the fuel sales rocketing. Makes you wonder if someone in the government made that comment about stocking up on purpose to massage some figures.
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