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12-04-2020, 07:28 PM

Past and present nurses, do you agree with the RCN?

Just read this on the metro website:

Basically the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) are saying that nurses should refuse to treat patients if there is a serious lack of PPE, but only as a last resort.

But then further down in the article it states that nurses could find themselves in serious trouble if they refuse to help a patient, face the sack or even face criminal charges.

When I read that I immediately thought, what nurse is going to put themselves through getting sacked or even face criminal prosecution by refusing to help a patient if they do not have a decent amount of PPE..none of them i was thinking.

Therefore those who are nurses and ex-nurses, what do you think? Should you put your own life in danger to help that of a patient knowing you do not have the right amount of PPE to protect you or do you refuse to help that patient, bearing in mind that nurses are catching the virus and dieing from it.
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12-04-2020, 08:38 PM

Re: Past and present nurses, do you agree with the RCN?

If nurses do not have the ppe they need then I think they should not treat patients until it is available. Any other industry and if someone did not have the protective gear to keep them safe and people would be up in arms about it - why should nurses be any different. If a nurse gets ill through doing her job then there must be some responsibility on someone or the organisation for allowing her to work unprotected. I speak as a person who has worked in the NHS for many years and I do understand the hazards that often go with the job. We should protect our nurses and not expect them to put their lives on the line. The job is often unpleasant and dangerous enough IMO.
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12-04-2020, 08:51 PM

Re: Past and present nurses, do you agree with the RCN?

You are there to serve. It is what nurses have historically done through many difficult times over the years

The Nightingale Pledge

With loyalty will I endeavor to aid the physician in his work and devote myself to the welfare of those committed to my care.
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12-04-2020, 09:02 PM

Re: Past and present nurses, do you agree with the RCN?

Well ... you could say, quite right ... don't treat a patient if you have no gear to keep yourself safe. In a way I don't blame them.

On the other hand it rather blows the jingoistic .... Protect The NHS. Save Lives.
Whose? Theirs?

Risking themselves surely goes with the job?
Sounds tough but it's true.
They're between a rock and a hard place but so far they've been put on something of a pedestal .. like angels, making sacrifices for the good of sick people ... and that might not last anyway.
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12-04-2020, 09:39 PM

Re: Past and present nurses, do you agree with the RCN?

I understand the Nightingale Pledge but surely this pledge does not mean that a nurse should give up his/her own life for that of their patient..does it?

The way i see that pledge with regards to convid-19 would be akin to the army sending combat medics into warzones in nothing but just their swimwear, it's just not going to happen, so why should NHS nurses put themselves in danger? because of a sense of duty??? I seriously doubt nurses have a death wish when it comes to dealing with the unknown which convid-19 is.
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12-04-2020, 10:37 PM

Re: Past and present nurses, do you agree with the RCN?

It's not that black and white is it?

They put themselves at risk when dealing with AIDS patients ... or hepatitis ...or in the case of psychiatry, those patients of a less than balanced mind who may well pose a danger to them, their carers.
It takes a very special, selfless person to be a nurse. They are pretty unique.

Once you ascribe to the notion that nurses shouldn't put themselves in danger they are, in effect, redundant and not suited to the task.
Same as a fireman who dithers outsider a burning building .. even if it is for Health and safety reasons.
Or the soldier who finds it too dangerous in a war zone because people are shooting at him, even though he was initially trained to kill others before they kill him.
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12-04-2020, 10:53 PM

Re: Past and present nurses, do you agree with the RCN?

Originally Posted by Dodge ->
I understand the Nightingale Pledge but surely this pledge does not mean that a nurse should give up his/her own life for that of their patient..does it?

The way i see that pledge with regards to convid-19 would be akin to the army sending combat medics into warzones in nothing but just their swimwear, it's just not going to happen, so why should NHS nurses put themselves in danger? because of a sense of duty??? I seriously doubt nurses have a death wish when it comes to dealing with the unknown which convid-19 is.
Trouble is, they already have done this & Doctors too. Which is why so many have died.
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13-04-2020, 09:27 AM

Re: Past and present nurses, do you agree with the RCN?

Originally Posted by Dodge ->
I understand the Nightingale Pledge but surely this pledge does not mean that a nurse should give up his/her own life for that of their patient..does it?

The way i see that pledge with regards to convid-19 would be akin to the army sending combat medics into warzones in nothing but just their swimwear, it's just not going to happen, so why should NHS nurses put themselves in danger? because of a sense of duty??? I seriously doubt nurses have a death wish when it comes to dealing with the unknown which convid-19 is.
For doctors and Nurses there has always been epidemics of some sort or another to cope with ie Polio..Diptheria..Whooping Cough..Measles...TB..Typhus where at the time there was not the 'right equipment' to deal with it. They learnt and adapted with what they had at that time and got on with things. It's what you do when dealing with a new situation such as we and the world have now

Professions such as Nursing are done by those that know they can help you without falling apart at a time when you need that help and that is done and has been done down the years with understanding and compassion..not for money or glory. Once you start bringing in 2020 PC thinking... that spontaneous and genuine desire to nurse the sick becomes held back by 'planted fear' from those that do not and cannot understand what drives any Doctor or nurse to do the job they have willingly chosen to do.

***The Government has not failed the NHS. The NHS by contracting out to so many money grabbing companies and cutting back on much needed frontline staff has failed the NHS.
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13-04-2020, 10:40 AM

Re: Past and present nurses, do you agree with the RCN?

Originally Posted by solo ->
For doctors and Nurses there has always been epidemics of some sort or another to cope with ie Polio..Diptheria..Whooping Cough..Measles...TB..Typhus where at the time there was not the 'right equipment' to deal with it. They learnt and adapted with what they had at that time and got on with things. It's what you do when dealing with a new situation such as we and the world have now

Professions such as Nursing are done by those that know they can help you without falling apart at a time when you need that help and that is done and has been done down the years with understanding and compassion..not for money or glory. Once you start bringing in 2020 PC thinking... that spontaneous and genuine desire to nurse the sick becomes held back by 'planted fear' from those that do not and cannot understand what drives any Doctor or nurse to do the job they have willingly chosen to do.

***The Government has not failed the NHS. The NHS by contracting out to so many money grabbing companies and cutting back on much needed frontline staff has failed the NHS.

The whole world is run by accountants now!
Who are usually without any imagination!
Commerce v Public health!
Donkeyman! 😟😟😟
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13-04-2020, 11:55 AM

Re: Past and present nurses, do you agree with the RCN?

If I was nursing and didn't have the necessary mask at this unprecedented time when the whole world is short of protective equipment I would make my own.

It would never occur to me to neglect my duty and the patients for whom I was caring.

During the course of my work I was exposed to a case of meningitis and a possible case of SARS, you sign up for the job and get on with it .
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