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28-04-2020, 11:47 PM

Trump says US may seek damages from China over Covid-19

US President Donald Trump held his first news briefing since he was ridiculed for suggesting disinfectant might be worth considering as a treatment for Covid-19.

Speaking at the White House, he suggested he may seek damages from China over the coronavirus outbreak which began in the Chinese city of Wuhan late last year and spread around the world.

Mr Trump said: "We are not happy with China, we are not happy with that whole situation because we believe it could have been stopped at the source.

"It could have been stopped quickly and it wouldn't have spread all over the world," he said.

"There are a lot of ways you can hold them accountable," Mr Trump said. "We're doing some very serious investigations as you probably know.

"We haven't determined the final amount yet," Mr Trump said. "It's very substantial."
More rhetoric for the gullible from the blowhard .....
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29-04-2020, 12:16 AM

Re: Trump says US may seek damages from China over Covid-19

Ha. Fat chance of ever recovering a penny from China.
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29-04-2020, 08:35 AM

Re: Trump says US may seek damages from China over Covid-19

America along with the rest of the world.

An inquiry suggested by Australian PM has not been received well.

New Zealand, which also has China as its largest trading partner, on Wednesday sided with neighbouring Australia in supporting an inquiry into the pandemic.

Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters said: ‘It’s very hard to conceive of there not being a desire by every country in world, including the country of origin, for an investigation to find out how this happened.'
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29-04-2020, 09:41 AM

Re: Trump says US may seek damages from China over Covid-19

America along with many other Western nations is in dollar debt to China. All America would need to do would be to renege on those debts which it could do by simply writing off the committment, in effect telling Chinese finance houses "F you" and the effect would be the same as China paying any bill it was presented with.

But China does have huge $US reserves so it's option would be to convert it's reserve by selling its dollar reserves heavily discounted so undermining the $US value on global markets which would really screw up the American economy.

America could not put up with that.
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29-04-2020, 09:53 AM

Re: Trump says US may seek damages from China over Covid-19

China will continue to be one of the world's largest holders of U.S. debt.
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29-04-2020, 07:39 PM

Re: Trump says US may seek damages from China over Covid-19

If all those countries who are of the same opinion as Trump stick together and work together as one against China then China is screwed in my opinion, no matter how hard China fights back. Then again, every time China has felt it's back against the wall they have always threatened war. I have no doubt China will do the same here if a collective group of countries demand China answer for what happened.
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29-04-2020, 08:57 PM

Re: Trump says US may seek damages from China over Covid-19

So is Trump going to sue China because he treated the outbreak as a hoax during the critical time? Is he going to sue China because he ignored his own security team briefings? Is he going to sue China because injecting bleach doesn't work.

Trump is a goddamn fool, all he knows is bluff and bullying. If the crazy bastard had a brain, he would take it out and play with it.
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29-04-2020, 09:25 PM

Re: Trump says US may seek damages from China over Covid-19

Originally Posted by Savvy ->
So is Trump going to sue China because he treated the outbreak as a hoax during the critical time? Is he going to sue China because he ignored his own security team briefings? Is he going to sue China because injecting bleach doesn't work.

Trump is a goddamn fool, all he knows is bluff and bullying. If the crazy bastard had a brain, he would take it out and play with it.
You obviously hate Trump because if you didn't you would be able to see his valid argument that if China had not tried to cover up the very first beginnings of the outbreak and stopped travel as it should have done, the virus could have been contained but no, China wanted to save face, they allowed infected Chinese citizens to fly around the world without knowing they were infected until it reached a point where China could not hide the outbreak any longer but by then it was too late, 90% of the world had already become infected.

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