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27-01-2021, 12:24 PM

Re: Biden inauguration: Executive orders to reverse Trump policies

Originally Posted by Annette ->

But the problem is most of the people stating silly thing like democrats being communists or socialists have no clue what ´communism´ or ´socialism´ is...or even that they are not the same.

I suppose that most extrem rightwingers think that everyone not in their corner is a ´leftie´, ´commie´ or ´socialist´...

They do not want to see that their idol comes very close to being a fascist, as are his followers.

Fascism = a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

Just remember, Hitler was a socialist before he discovered racism and nationalism.
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27-01-2021, 12:36 PM

Re: Biden inauguration: Executive orders to reverse Trump policies

Originally Posted by Percy Vere ->
Vote for Biden, get Harris and Pelosi - 2 acknowledged far left wingers. Harris and Pelosi (among other in the Democratic Party) are so far to the left, they'd fall over if they weren't propped up by the likes of Russia and China.
Hmm...seems some people have forgotten some little facts, like:

"Trump’s pandering to the Russian president was on full display in a 2007 letter congratulating Putin on being named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year. The letter read, “Congratulations on being named Time’s magazine ‘Man of the Year’ – you definitely deserve it. As you probably heard, I am a big fan of yours!”

The phrase “I am big fan of yours” was emphasised by the now US President with a thick underline.

The praiseful content doesn’t end there, with a 2013 letter containing an attempt by Trump to persuade Putin into attending a Miss Universe pageant in Moscow, an event owned by Trump himself.

The letter asked Putin to be Trump’s date for the evening, reading, “I want to take this opportunity to personally invite you to be my guest of honor in Moscow on November 9th. I know you will have a great time.”

And there is the small matter of Sen. Rand Paul hand delivering a letter from President Donald Trump to Russia President Vladimir Putin that "emphasized the importance of further engagement" between the two leaders.

Those are facts...but are facts important to rightwingers?

Conspiracy theories and hear-say are more important to them, it seems...

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27-01-2021, 12:45 PM

Re: Biden inauguration: Executive orders to reverse Trump policies

Originally Posted by Bread ->
Just remember, Hitler was a socialist before he discovered racism and nationalism.
Not quite correct.

"The basis of the conflation of nazism and socialism is the term "National Socialism," a self description of the Nazis.

"National Socialism" includes the word "socialism", but it is just a word.

Hitler and the Nazis outlawed socialism, and executed socialists and communists en masse, even before they started rounding up Jews.

In 1933, the Dachau concentration camp held socialists and leftists exclusively. The Nazis arrested more than 11,000 Germans for "illegal socialist activity" in 1936.

In the 1930s and even beyond, nazism, in sharp contrast to socialism, was strongly supported by leading capitalists and right wingers in the US.

Henry Ford, the leading industrialist and auto maker, was a great admirer of the nazis.
When Henry Ford announced that he might run for president in 1923, the little-known Hitler told the Chicago Tribune that he would like to send shock troops to Chicago to assist in the campaign. ,

Later in 1938, the year of Kristallnacht, Ford was awarded the Grand Cross of the German Eagle, the highest civilian award given by the nazis.

Ford accepted it with pride, and Ford's company collaborated with the nazis as late as August 1942.

General Motors, Standard Oil, ITT, and Chase National Bank (later Chase Manhattan Bank) among others also had major financial investments and collaborations with Nazi Germany.

J. Edgar Hoover, the first director of the FBI (and virulently anti-communist) was a great admirer of the nazis and was a pen pal of Heinrich Himmler (Reichsfuhrer of the Nazi SS, head of the Gestapo, and second most powerful leader of the Nazi party).

Hoover sent Himmler a personal invitation to attend the 1937 World Police Conference in Montreal, and in 1938 welcomed one of Himmler's top aids to the U.S.

In June 1939, when the Nazi SS was conducting savage attacks against Jews, Gypsies, and homosexuals throughout Germany, Hoover personally autographed a photo of himself and sent it in response to a request, to KRIPO, the Nazi criminal police agency.

He continued communication with Nazi police until December 4, 1941 (three days before Pearl Harbor).

Oi...more facts some people do not want to know...

More facts here:
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27-01-2021, 12:52 PM

Re: Biden inauguration: Executive orders to reverse Trump policies

Originally Posted by Annette ->
Hmm...seems some people have forgotten some little facts, like:

"Trump’s pandering to the Russian president was on full display in a 2007 letter congratulating Putin on being named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year. The letter read, “Congratulations on being named Time’s magazine ‘Man of the Year’ – you definitely deserve it. As you probably heard, I am a big fan of yours!”

The phrase “I am big fan of yours” was emphasised by the now US President with a thick underline.

The praiseful content doesn’t end there, with a 2013 letter containing an attempt by Trump to persuade Putin into attending a Miss Universe pageant in Moscow, an event owned by Trump himself.

The letter asked Putin to be Trump’s date for the evening, reading, “I want to take this opportunity to personally invite you to be my guest of honor in Moscow on November 9th. I know you will have a great time.”

And there is the small matter of Sen. Rand Paul hand delivering a letter from President Donald Trump to Russia President Vladimir Putin that "emphasized the importance of further engagement" between the two leaders.

Those are facts...but are facts important to rightwingers?

Conspiracy theories and hear-say are more important to them, it seems...
There are many examples of leaders exchanging letters emphasising the importance of further engagements and dialogue. Its how you prevent wars and engage in cooperation etc. It doesn't mean that your allowing a foreign leader to rule your country. That's just plain dumb. Regan did the same with Gorbachov, Thatcher too and countless other leaders.

We also entertain leaders we don't agree with too like when the King of Egypt or the King of Saudi or the President of China get the red carpet treatment. It's part and parcel of keeping open dialogue.

It's sheer stupidity to shut down conversations between opposing people of different political views. Just because you don't agree with them. That's one of the reasons that Trump was so successful at peace keeping because he engaged leaders of other nations, even calling Kim Jon Ung of North Korea "a great guy" after the slagging match they had. I don't for one minute think they are great chums but North Korea stopped firing missiles towards Japan and opened up a channel of communication between them.

Look at the Obama legacy of war and peace and look at Trumps, then try not to choke on the reality.
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29-01-2021, 12:47 PM

Re: Biden inauguration: Executive orders to reverse Trump policies

2019: Trump dismisses North Korean tests of 'some small weapons'
Trump wrote: "North Korea fired off some small weapons, which disturbed some of my people, and others, but not me." He added: "I have confidence that Chairman Kim will keep his promise to me."

2021: "The world's most powerful weapon, submarine-launch ballistic missile, entered the square one after another, powerfully demonstrating the might of the revolutionary armed forces," the official Korean Central News Agency said.

The event on Thursday did not showcase North Korea's largest intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), which was unveiled at a much larger military parade in October.

That colossal weapon is believed to be able to deliver a nuclear warhead to anywhere in the US, and its size had surprised even seasoned analysts when it was put on show last year.

Yes, Trump did a lot to ensure peace...obvious.
He ignored what N-Kora did for years, but exchanged loveletters with Kim.

The country's latest display of its arsenal comes at the end of a five-yearly congress of the ruling Workers' Party.

In his address to members last week, Mr Kim had pledged to expand North Korea's nuclear weapons and military potential, outlining a list of desired weapons including long-range ballistic missiles capable of being launched from land or sea and "super-large warheads".

Under Mr Kim's leadership North Korea has made rapid progress in its weapons programme, which it says is necessary to defend itself against a possible US invasion.

Quote Bread:"North Korea stopped firing missiles towards Japan and opened up a channel of communication between them."

...and continued to design and build bigger weapons. And trump played golf.
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29-01-2021, 12:50 PM

Re: Biden inauguration: Executive orders to reverse Trump policies

Originally Posted by Bread ->
We also entertain leaders we don't agree with too like when the King of Egypt or the King of Saudi or the President of China get the red carpet treatment. It's part and parcel of keeping open dialogue.
The King of Egypt? Last time I looked Egypt was a republic...
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29-01-2021, 02:17 PM

Re: Biden inauguration: Executive orders to reverse Trump policies

Originally Posted by Annette ->
The King of Egypt? Last time I looked Egypt was a republic...
You know a lot about Hitler, but nothing about King Farouk.
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29-01-2021, 02:36 PM

Re: Biden inauguration: Executive orders to reverse Trump policies

Originally Posted by Annette ->
2019: Trump dismisses North Korean tests of 'some small weapons'
Trump wrote: "North Korea fired off some small weapons, which disturbed some of my people, and others, but not me." He added: "I have confidence that Chairman Kim will keep his promise to me."

2021: "The world's most powerful weapon, submarine-launch ballistic missile, entered the square one after another, powerfully demonstrating the might of the revolutionary armed forces," the official Korean Central News Agency said.

The event on Thursday did not showcase North Korea's largest intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), which was unveiled at a much larger military parade in October.

That colossal weapon is believed to be able to deliver a nuclear warhead to anywhere in the US, and its size had surprised even seasoned analysts when it was put on show last year.

Yes, Trump did a lot to ensure peace...obvious.
He ignored what N-Kora did for years, but exchanged loveletters with Kim.

The country's latest display of its arsenal comes at the end of a five-yearly congress of the ruling Workers' Party.

In his address to members last week, Mr Kim had pledged to expand North Korea's nuclear weapons and military potential, outlining a list of desired weapons including long-range ballistic missiles capable of being launched from land or sea and "super-large warheads".

Under Mr Kim's leadership North Korea has made rapid progress in its weapons programme, which it says is necessary to defend itself against a possible US invasion.

Quote Bread:"North Korea stopped firing missiles towards Japan and opened up a channel of communication between them."

...and continued to design and build bigger weapons. And trump played golf.

Stop making things up
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29-01-2021, 04:06 PM

Re: Biden inauguration: Executive orders to reverse Trump policies

Originally Posted by Annette ->
Not quite correct.

"The basis of the conflation of nazism and socialism is the term "National Socialism," a self description of the Nazis.

"National Socialism" includes the word "socialism", but it is just a word.

Hitler and the Nazis outlawed socialism, and executed socialists and communists en masse, even before they started rounding up Jews.

In 1933, the Dachau concentration camp held socialists and leftists exclusively. The Nazis arrested more than 11,000 Germans for "illegal socialist activity" in 1936.

In the 1930s and even beyond, nazism, in sharp contrast to socialism, was strongly supported by leading capitalists and right wingers in the US.

Henry Ford, the leading industrialist and auto maker, was a great admirer of the nazis.
When Henry Ford announced that he might run for president in 1923, the little-known Hitler told the Chicago Tribune that he would like to send shock troops to Chicago to assist in the campaign. ,

Later in 1938, the year of Kristallnacht, Ford was awarded the Grand Cross of the German Eagle, the highest civilian award given by the nazis.

Ford accepted it with pride, and Ford's company collaborated with the nazis as late as August 1942.

General Motors, Standard Oil, ITT, and Chase National Bank (later Chase Manhattan Bank) among others also had major financial investments and collaborations with Nazi Germany.

J. Edgar Hoover, the first director of the FBI (and virulently anti-communist) was a great admirer of the nazis and was a pen pal of Heinrich Himmler (Reichsfuhrer of the Nazi SS, head of the Gestapo, and second most powerful leader of the Nazi party).

Hoover sent Himmler a personal invitation to attend the 1937 World Police Conference in Montreal, and in 1938 welcomed one of Himmler's top aids to the U.S.

In June 1939, when the Nazi SS was conducting savage attacks against Jews, Gypsies, and homosexuals throughout Germany, Hoover personally autographed a photo of himself and sent it in response to a request, to KRIPO, the Nazi criminal police agency.

He continued communication with Nazi police until December 4, 1941 (three days before Pearl Harbor).

Oi...more facts some people do not want to know...

More facts here:

Fascism = Socialism + Nationalism + Racism
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29-01-2021, 06:28 PM

Re: Biden inauguration: Executive orders to reverse Trump policies

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.

The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before spreading to other European countries.

Opposed to liberalism, democracy, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is placed on the far right within the traditional left–right spectrum.

Or, in short, again some people use words and are unaware of the meaning.

By the way, Trump is an authoritarian ultranationalist and a racist...that with his far right ideology one can say he is a facist.
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