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30-01-2021, 02:35 PM

Re: Illegal migrants burn accommodation down !!

Originally Posted by JBR ->
Everyone here saying what we should do about this problem, and these are things which Australia, France and just about every other country does with them.

But not us. No. We have been putting them in four star hotels, or so I believe. Those sent to a disused army base have no doubt heard about that and are objecting by setting fire to the place.

Priti Patel talks about dealing with them. It sounds encouraging that she is promising to sort out the problem.

So what has happened so far? Nothing.

What will happen now? I can't say for certain, of course, but I fully expect it to be covered up from the press and the locusts to be quietly let free...
along with handouts, free accommodation and the rest.

And of course, the good news will encourage even more to come from 'our friends' across the Channel.

I think we'll just have to wait until 2024. If we have any sense as a nation, we'll then vote in Reform UK who, I'm confident, WILL address the problem.

Better yet BNP or better still EDL.
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30-01-2021, 02:56 PM

Re: Illegal migrants burn accommodation down !!

Originally Posted by The Artful Todger ->
By the time that these creatures arrive on our shores they have destroyed all identification proof so we have no evidence as where to return them to.

Just keep them in secure camps untill they assist in their return. Huts? Tents are better and if they destroy them then cattle sheds.
Yes, we really should begin to get tough with them.

As has been said, the Frogs won't take them back. Oh, they're happy to turn a blind eye and even quietly assist them to set off across the Channel, but all they want is to get rid of them and, from their perspective, what better than to offload them on to our enemies, the Rosbifs?

I agree. We should keep them in the same sort of conditions that the Frogs kept them in the camps in Calais. They are here illegally, so we have no obligation to look after them, certainly not in four star hotels.

If things are sufficiently bad for them, they may decide to own up and admit to where they originally came from. We would be perfectly within our rights to send them back there, and if they decide to set off again, we must secure our borders along the English Channel. We must not be afraid to turn them around just like the Australians do and send them back to France.
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30-01-2021, 03:36 PM

Re: Illegal migrants burn accommodation down !!

Originally Posted by The Artful Todger ->
By the time that these creatures arrive on our shores they have destroyed all identification proof so we have no evidence as where to return them to.

Just keep them in secure camps untill they assist in their return. Huts? Tents are better and if they destroy them then cattle sheds.
Do you really think they are all so clever that they know how the immigration laws work?
The reason so many came is because they were told to, by the terrorists, & probably shown what life is like in Europe! They were probably told that Europe is the caliphate their religion tells them will be their home!
Many of them are objectionable human beings who are looking for a better life, but why call them creatures?
I don't believe we should have to home them but I do think that prejudice is demonstrated by calling them names!

I don't like their religion, but I do think that some attitudes are no better that Hitler was to the Jews , or Japan were to our people in the war camps.
I have always believed that if they cannot prove where they come from, we should leave them on the shores of the country they claim was their home with documents stating where they lived. If they won't provide that, we should tell them that the only refugees we will ever accept will come from refugee camps .. so we know where to return them if we can't accept them!
That way they will know that, if their families try again & die, it will be nobody's fault but their own for trying to enter a country illegally!
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30-01-2021, 03:45 PM

Re: Illegal migrants burn accommodation down !!

Originally Posted by JBR ->
Yes, we really should begin to get tough with them.

As has been said, the Frogs won't take them back. Oh, they're happy to turn a blind eye and even quietly assist them to set off across the Channel, but all they want is to get rid of them and, from their perspective, what better than to offload them on to our enemies, the Rosbifs?

I agree. We should keep them in the same sort of conditions that the Frogs kept them in the camps in Calais. They are here illegally, so we have no obligation to look after them, certainly not in four star hotels.

If things are sufficiently bad for them, they may decide to own up and admit to where they originally came from. We would be perfectly within our rights to send them back there, and if they decide to set off again, we must secure our borders along the English Channel. We must not be afraid to turn them around just like the Australians do and send them back to France.
Yes, and now we are no longer part of the EU we need not accept them if we drop them off in French territorial waters.

There might be a bit of a kerfuffle because we would have abandoned them at sea but this isn't going to be easy whatever happens and as long as we don't allow them to cross our borders asylum would /should not be an option though no doubt immigration lawyers would be problematic but there again, it's a matter that will have to fought and beaten.

Maybe we will have to pass legislation to get the ECHR compliance out of the way, part of the EU trade deal included that we would retain its provisions, or declare war on France, actually my favourite option, and I'm not kidding.
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30-01-2021, 03:58 PM

Re: Illegal migrants burn accommodation down !!

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
Do you really think they are all so clever that they know how the immigration laws work?
The reason so many came is because they were told to, by the terrorists, & probably shown what life is like in Europe! They were probably told that Europe is the caliphate their religion tells them will be their home!
Many of them are objectionable human beings who are looking for a better life, but why call them creatures?
I don't believe we should have to home them but I do think that prejudice is demonstrated by calling them names!

I don't like their religion, but I do think that some attitudes are no better that Hitler was to the Jews , or Japan were to our people in the war camps.
I have always believed that if they cannot prove where they come from, we should leave them on the shores of the country they claim was their home with documents stating where they lived. If they won't provide that, we should tell them that the only refugees we will ever accept will come from refugee camps .. so we know where to return them if we can't accept them!
That way they will know that, if their families try again & die, it will be nobody's fault but their own for trying to enter a country illegally!
I agree. I think the term 'locusts' is far more accurate, referring to a creature (oops, sorry!) which arrives in droves and devours everything it can get possession of.
Cats are also creatures, but I like cats.

I also agree with returning them whence they came. If they refuse to tell us their country of origin, I'm sure we can make a best guess and send them there. I'm sure we wouldn't be far wrong, and if they don't like it they can make their way to somewhere they do like... but not here. That shouldn't be too much trouble for them, as they seem to be quite adept at travelling.
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30-01-2021, 04:02 PM

Re: Illegal migrants burn accommodation down !!

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
Do you really think they are all so clever that they know how the immigration laws work?
The reason so many came is because they were told to, by the terrorists, & probably shown what life is like in Europe! They were probably told that Europe is the caliphate their religion tells them will be their home!
Many of them are objectionable human beings who are looking for a better life, but why call them creatures?
I don't believe we should have to home them but I do think that prejudice is demonstrated by calling them names!

I don't like their religion, but I do think that some attitudes are no better that Hitler was to the Jews , or Japan were to our people in the war camps.
I have always believed that if they cannot prove where they come from, we should leave them on the shores of the country they claim was their home with documents stating where they lived. If they won't provide that, we should tell them that the only refugees we will ever accept will come from refugee camps .. so we know where to return them if we can't accept them!
That way they will know that, if their families try again & die, it will be nobody's fault but their own for trying to enter a country illegally!
Creatures is being polite. Of course the SOB's know how our immigration laws work. Apart from anything else they will all have been very well briefed and more than likely have been trained.

Why do they come to the UK?


Comparison with Hitler's Germany? Don't be naïve. The Shoah was about raw hatred of Jews with absolutely no reason than good old European Judenhass and nothing else. In the case of islam the mohammadans attack us left right and centre, establish colonies that are now joining up, can not integrate with us, reject what we know as democracy and so much more.

I could go on but I won't. The vast majority of these things lie through their teeth to get their feet under OUR table.
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30-01-2021, 06:22 PM

Re: Illegal migrants burn accommodation down !!

Home Secretary Priti Patel has defended using military barracks to house asylum seekers amid calls to close them.

It comes after a Covid-19 outbreak at Kent's Napier Barracks, where a number of people were "removed" and put into isolation.

It was claimed that some were moved out of the barracks in Folkestone at short notice over the weekend.

The Home Office denied reports people were given just 15 minutes to leave.

Coventry South MP Zarah Sultana said on Tuesday that "one in four people" at Napier Barracks had tested positive for Covid-19 as she called on Ms Patel to close the camp and "provide good, safe and liveable housing instead".

Who cares? They are only refugees!

Patel just forgot where she came from...

Patel’s parents are Sushil and Anjana Patel.
The pair are first-generation immigrants from Uganda who moved to the UK in the 1960s and settled in Hertfordshire where they went on to set up a chain of newsagents.

Their arrival in the UK came just a few years before Ugandan dictator Idi Amin ordered the expulsion of Ugandan Asians in 1972, leaving thousands as refugees and asylum seekers, many of whom sought refuge in the UK.

And she doesnt say no to ´controversial´ donations, a touchof criminal, dont you think?

"The Conservative government gave over £80,000 to a right-wing lobby group which has paid thousands of pounds in benefits to Priti Patel and Michael Gove.

The Henry Jackson Society (HJS), a London-based neoconservative pressure group has donated more than £12,000 to mainly Conservative MPs since 2013. Priti Patel, now the home secretary, was given £2,500 by the HJS in 2013 to cover a visit to Washington DC.

Britain’s new Home Secretary, Priti Patel, is a reactionary loose cannon of the worst kind.
Her secret meetings with Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli ministers, under the guise of a 'holiday', deepened the crisis of the vulnerable May government to such an extent that there were several days of stalling before her forced resignation.

It was also revealed that Patel was seeking to allocate funds meant for international aid towards the Israeli military.

But that doesnt bother the racists and right-wingers here, does it?
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30-01-2021, 06:34 PM

Re: Illegal migrants burn accommodation down !!

Originally Posted by The Artful Todger ->
Comparison with Hitler's Germany? Don't be naïve. The Shoah was about raw hatred of Jews with absolutely no reason than good old European Judenhass and nothing else.
Oh yes, and the UK has an impeccable history in the way they treated jews, dont they?

And there is no anti-semitism now, is there?

"1st half of 2020 sees near-record anti-Semitism in UK despite lockdown
In survey, British watchdog group Community Security Trust cites temporary drop in hate crimes coinciding with COVID-19, overall numbers and online bigotry rising.

Despite the drop due to covid-restrictions, the CST reported a continued trend of rising anti-Semitism in recent years. Five of the six months in the first half of 2020 saw over 100 recorded incidents – with the lowest month, May, only two short of that number. In contrast, monthly tallies by the CST only exceeded 100 on six occasions between January 2006 and December 2015."

But thats not new...

Antisemitism in the United Kingdom signifies hatred of and discrimination against Jews in Britain.[1] Discrimination and hostility against the community since its establishment in 1070 resulted in a series of massacres on several occasions and their expulsion from the country in 1290. They were readmitted by Oliver Cromwell in 1655.

In the 19th century, increasing toleration of religious minorities gradually eliminated legal restrictions on public employment and political representation. However, Jewish financiers were seen by some as having an undue influence on government policy, particularly regarding the British Empire and foreign affairs.

Significant Jewish immigration from Eastern Europe in the years prior to World War I generated some opposition and resulted in increasingly restrictive immigration laws. Similarly, an emerging fascist movement in the 1930s which launched antisemitic campaigns was accompanied by a government policy of restricting the inflow of Jewish refugees from Nazi controlled territories. Notwithstanding sympathy for the Jews following the Holocaust, immigration controls to Britain Palestine were maintained while Zionist attacks on British forces in Palestine in 1947 caused some resentment.

In the second half of the 20th century, while the Jewish community became generally accepted, antisemitic sentiment persisted within British fascist and other far-right groups.
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30-01-2021, 06:45 PM

Re: Illegal migrants burn accommodation down !!

They are not refugees .
refugees come from countries where they are in fear of their lives .This lot come from France they are not killing people in France unless of course are staff at Charlie Hebdo , elderly people attending church or shopping in a Jewish supermarket .
None of the economic migrants fit into those categories .
Refugees are not usually all male people in fear of their lives tend not to leave their women and children to face that danger .
Apart form being a conservative what is wrong with Priti Patel .
Yes her parents were refugees from IDI AMIN the well known murderer . As fair as I know her parents were extremely hard working people who started with nothing but they worked hard and expected their children to help out too. None of them didn’t burn anything down .
So what if the Henry Jackson Society donates to the Conservative party ?
It’s a right wing society who should it donate to Corbyn?
Douglas Murray is a member and I always like what he has to say .
We are a democracy we may not like the right wing view is but in a democratic society everyone has a right to their views .
I personally don’t care how many meetings she has with Netanyahu .The Israelis don’t blow us up don’t burn down our barracks or blow up kids at pop concerts .
Does that make me a right wing racist ?
No it blooming well doesn’t !
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30-01-2021, 06:50 PM

Re: Illegal migrants burn accommodation down !!

Originally Posted by Annette ->
Home Secretary Priti Patel has defended using military barracks to house asylum seekers amid calls to close them.

It comes after a Covid-19 outbreak at Kent's Napier Barracks, where a number of people were "removed" and put into isolation.

It was claimed that some were moved out of the barracks in Folkestone at short notice over the weekend.

The Home Office denied reports people were given just 15 minutes to leave.

Coventry South MP Zarah Sultana said on Tuesday that "one in four people" at Napier Barracks had tested positive for Covid-19 as she called on Ms Patel to close the camp and "provide good, safe and liveable housing instead".

Who cares? They are only refugees!

Patel just forgot where she came from...

Patel’s parents are Sushil and Anjana Patel.
The pair are first-generation immigrants from Uganda who moved to the UK in the 1960s and settled in Hertfordshire where they went on to set up a chain of newsagents.

Their arrival in the UK came just a few years before Ugandan dictator Idi Amin ordered the expulsion of Ugandan Asians in 1972, leaving thousands as refugees and asylum seekers, many of whom sought refuge in the UK.

And she doesnt say no to ´controversial´ donations, a touchof criminal, dont you think?

"The Conservative government gave over £80,000 to a right-wing lobby group which has paid thousands of pounds in benefits to Priti Patel and Michael Gove.

The Henry Jackson Society (HJS), a London-based neoconservative pressure group has donated more than £12,000 to mainly Conservative MPs since 2013. Priti Patel, now the home secretary, was given £2,500 by the HJS in 2013 to cover a visit to Washington DC.

Britain’s new Home Secretary, Priti Patel, is a reactionary loose cannon of the worst kind.
Her secret meetings with Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli ministers, under the guise of a 'holiday', deepened the crisis of the vulnerable May government to such an extent that there were several days of stalling before her forced resignation.

It was also revealed that Patel was seeking to allocate funds meant for international aid towards the Israeli military.

But that doesnt bother the racists and right-wingers here, does it?
Well it CERTAINLY doesnt bother me! Not one iota.

Priti is doing Stirling work in now running a program to drain the swamp despite being hindered for far too long by the awful EC and the traitorous civil service and has to work through.

As for using Foreign Aid to Israel I can think of no better use for it. Much better than waste it to places which either have no need for it or where it usually goes straight into a tax haven.

As for the creatures banged up in Barack's, who cares? Certainly not me. If they don't like it. GO HOME. I'm pretty sure HMG would be more than happy to help them. After all there must be a whole load of dinghies we could give them. As for Priti's family, they were part of the folk expelled by Amin, GENUINE asylum seekers most of whom came to the UK not to suck off the British tax payers teat but to become integrated into our society and have done very successfully without bringing grief with them. Those are the sort of folk that we should welcome, not invasive colonists.
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