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06-02-2021, 06:55 PM

Re: Handypersons , information about cleaning guttering please.

Originally Posted by pauline3 ->
Meg, it could be, that your down pipe is blocked, caused by the buildup of leaves ,running down into your down pipe, I have a water butt attached to mine, therefore can easily remove part of the down pipe, I have to do it every few months, you will be shocked what builds up in that down pipe.

I have all of my facia cleaned in the spring, he never removes the guttering, my facia is pvc, so it won’t rot ,unlike wood facia.

Ps,if you can’t remove part of your down pipe, you can flush the blockage down with a hose....your outside hose, someone will probably have to do it for you.
Hi Pauline it's the gutter that is blocked not the downpipe, there is a blockage halfway along the gutter causing the water to build up near the blockage and overflow. Water is flowing through the downpipe ok.

Unfortunately I have the downpipes for both houses so get all the debris and water from my neighbours roof as well as my own and she never has her gutter cleaned .
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06-02-2021, 06:57 PM

Re: Handypersons , information about cleaning guttering please.

Originally Posted by Primus1 ->
Meg, have they quoted for removing the gutters..? if so then happy days, don’t pay them in full until they have come back and finished the job..
Hi Primus the quote is just to clear out the gutters not to clean the facia or remove anything at this time.
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06-02-2021, 07:03 PM

Re: Handypersons , information about cleaning guttering please.

Hi Meg, I clean my gutters out in spring, although we have no mass of big trees around so they don't get bunged up like some houses. After the gutters have been cleaned I clean the fascias without removing the gutter by using a cloth on a thin cane to get behind them as far as is visible, before wiping down the rest of the fascia as you normally would.

The great problem with removing the gutters is that they become brittle over time and you could end up with a sizeable bill for replacement for no good reason. What's that old saying, if it ain't broke....
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06-02-2021, 07:07 PM

Re: Handypersons , information about cleaning guttering please.

Originally Posted by Meg ->
Hi Pauline it's the gutter that is blocked not the downpipe, there is a blockage halfway along the gutter causing the water to build up near the blockage and overflow. Water is flowing through the downpipe ok.

Unfortunately I have the downpipes for both houses so get all the debris and water from my neighbours roof as well as my own and she never has her gutter cleaned .

Ah,right,that makes sense, to be honest,Meg, some people just want to rip you off! I am lucky ,as my window cleaner does it for me, charges about £10, but, my house is tiny, guy quoted me a £100,
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06-02-2021, 07:08 PM

Re: Handypersons , information about cleaning guttering please.

Originally Posted by Meg ->
Hi Primus the quote is just to clear out the gutters not to clean the facia or remove anything at this time.
Then meg that is all they will do, you can buy gutter guards to prevent debris falling in ,might be worth looking into
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06-02-2021, 07:41 PM

Re: Handypersons , information about cleaning guttering please.

Originally Posted by Barry ->
Hi Meg, I clean my gutters out in spring, although we have no mass of big trees around so they don't get bunged up like some houses. After the gutters have been cleaned I clean the fascias without removing the gutter by using a cloth on a thin cane to get behind them as far as is visible, before wiping down the rest of the fascia as you normally would.
The great problem with removing the gutters is that they become brittle over time and you could end up with a sizeable bill for replacement for no good reason. What's that old saying, if it ain't broke....
Thanks Barry, he could do both jobs in one go then, not come here twice...

Originally Posted by pauline3 ->
Ah,right,that makes sense, to be honest,Meg, some people just want to rip you off! I am lucky ,as my window cleaner does it for me, charges about £10, but, my house is tiny, guy quoted me a £100,
Hi Pauline my window cleaner charges £25 , this chap wants £70 to clear the blockage and gutters.

Originally Posted by Primus1 ->
Then meg that is all they will do, you can buy gutter guards to prevent debris falling in ,might be worth looking into
Hi Primus I know about the gutter guards but think the debris from my neighbours roof would flow underneath them in the rainwater and still get blocked .

I am not convinced there is a good reason for the man to come here twice so will keep looking.
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06-02-2021, 08:32 PM

Re: Handypersons , information about cleaning guttering please.

Meg why not ask your neighbour who had theirs done recently who they used and contact details. Also I would talk to your neighbour and say would she like to go halves and get her gutters cleaned at the same time my neighbour and I do that works well although we both have separate/our own downpipes.
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06-02-2021, 11:28 PM

Re: Handypersons , information about cleaning guttering please.

Just popped in as i have the answer See PM's. Doing my neighbours in the next couple of day
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06-02-2021, 11:40 PM

Re: Handypersons , information about cleaning guttering please.

I agree with Barry. No need to remove the gutters to clean the facias. You can normally get a cloth between them, I have had them cleaned in the past and they did the whole lot in one go (off ladders), only took one man a couple of hours.
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06-02-2021, 11:46 PM

Re: Handypersons , information about cleaning guttering please.

Originally Posted by Meg ->

The one man I have heard from so far says he can clean out the gutter now but doesn't do the facia board till March , I would quite like to have that done too .He has quoted just to clean the gutter
Let him clean out the gutter, then threaten to kick the ladder out from under him if he attempts to descend it before cleaning the facia, but be sure to sound as though you mean it. There will probably be an awkward moment after he has cleaned it and you've let him come down the ladder, so prepare yourself for that.
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