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Uncle Joe
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16-10-2015, 10:47 AM

Another Government mess

The cut backs in tax allowances which the Government have perpetrated, was on the basis that parents would be able to earn more, because the child care would be doubled.

The Peers have rejected this (see below) so will Osborne now reverse his cuts to social security because of it???
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16-10-2015, 10:52 AM

Re: Another Government mess

I doubt very much if they will sadly. Just had a letter from our local school holiday club offering child care for school age children over the school holidays thankfully we don't need to use them but I do wonder how many can afford them.
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16-10-2015, 11:15 AM

Re: Another Government mess

Too many people have children without thinking if they can afford to have them in the first place. Then they rely on state handouts to feed and house and clothe them.
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16-10-2015, 11:18 AM

Re: Another Government mess

If everyone waited until they could afford a family only the rich would ever breed, do we want that sort of society ?
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16-10-2015, 11:34 AM

Re: Another Government mess

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
If everyone waited until they could afford a family only the rich would ever breed, do we want that sort of society ?
If that isn't the daftest remark I've ever seen it must come close. The alternative is to have a family and expect others to pay. We waited until we could afford as do most sensible people.

The reason this bill was voted down is because the Lords is stuffed full of Lib Dem and Labour Peers who are just looking to spitefully spike the Conservative guns. However it will not go away, the Commons will probable review it and send it back. If the Lords persist with their silly games then the Commons can still vote it through without their consent.
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16-10-2015, 11:38 AM

Re: Another Government mess

Well we have a had a little help with our family and now two eldest are working paying tax etc we either accept some people's wages will never be sufficient to have children and deny them the right or we have a system that protects the children. I know which I prefer.

I would be interested to hear how you would stop people having families as it is a basic need many couples feel, not being able to have children naturally has shaped our lives greatly because the urge and need to have babies was very strong in us.
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16-10-2015, 11:42 AM

Re: Another Government mess

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
The cut backs in tax allowances which the Government have perpetrated, was on the basis that parents would be able to earn more, because the child care would be doubled.

The Peers have rejected this (see below) so will Osborne now reverse his cuts to social security because of it???

Why on earth should the Government back down?

It was giving away another 15 hours FREE Childcare, great for working families with young kids, more money in their pocket.

All this shows is that those Peers who voted against it are not interested in making life better for those who would have benefited.

Just more political posturing.
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16-10-2015, 01:19 PM

Re: Another Government mess

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Well we have a had a little help with our family and now two eldest are working paying tax etc we either accept some people's wages will never be sufficient to have children and deny them the right or we have a system that protects the children. I know which I prefer.

I would be interested to hear how you would stop people having families as it is a basic need many couples feel, not being able to have children naturally has shaped our lives greatly because the urge and need to have babies was very strong in us.
Where did I say I would stop people having families? They could still have as many children as they can afford. just wait until they could pay for them. Birth control is pretty reliable these days so their is no excuse.
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16-10-2015, 01:28 PM

Re: Another Government mess

Many people don't get the breaks that allow them to get to the point they could fund children I don't know why that seems difficult for some people to understand. That would effectively mean only rich people can have children.
Uncle Joe
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16-10-2015, 01:39 PM

Re: Another Government mess

Originally Posted by Rainmaker ->
If that isn't the daftest remark I've ever seen it must come close. The alternative is to have a family and expect others to pay. We waited until we could afford as do most sensible people.

The reason this bill was voted down is because the Lords is stuffed full of Lib Dem and Labour Peers who are just looking to spitefully spike the Conservative guns. However it will not go away, the Commons will probable review it and send it back. If the Lords persist with their silly games then the Commons can still vote it through without their consent.

Sillious sodus!!! - have you forgotten already that Cameron appointed another 50 odd peers only a few weeks ago so that the 'Nasty Party' could have a majority of idle, layabout do-nothing, good for nothing peers.
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