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10-03-2011, 06:15 PM

Re: Paternity Pay

Originally Posted by plantman ->
Don't get me started on modern employment law.... but on a more practical level most skills are available through employment agencies, and their rates are negotiable, particularly how things are at the moment. When I was running my small business agencies got me out of trouble a time or two, whether through illness of an employee or a sudden influx of extra work that my workforce couldn't cope with. They really can be a boon, so much so that I sometimes used them to find permanent members of staff for key positions.
And on the other side of the coin I was contracted to companies that were overloaded or facing a particular skill shortage, some of the agencies I used were good (Others not so good) 'tho in my case it was mainly large companies.

I would advise AB's friend would do well to look at what the agencies can offer, as well as contacting a good employment lawyer (If he can afford to )

TBH I can't believe that 26 weeks paid employment is a legal requirement, how on earth can a small company pay some one for half a year with no return
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10-03-2011, 08:02 PM

Re: Paternity Pay

But Losos although the employer has to allow time off for maternity leave it is the Government (taxpayer) that pays the major part of the salary for the 26 weeks not the employer. The company claims the statutory maternity pay back from the Government.
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11-03-2011, 03:20 PM

Re: Paternity Pay

Originally Posted by Aerolor ->
But Losos although the employer has to allow time off for maternity leave it is the Government (taxpayer) that pays the major part of the salary for the 26 weeks not the employer. The company claims the statutory maternity pay back from the Government.
Well I suppose that provides some help to the employer but if a small firm it still puts a load on his cash flow (I've just received a tax rebate that took almost a year to come through ) civil servants usually have no idea about cash flow and it's one of the main reasons for small firms going bust.

Your previous posts about the principle of maternity / paternity pay make sense but it seems to me that it is much better applied to mothers (who are instinctively better suited to child care) than fathers who are by and large pretty useless, and IMO fathers are much better and much more instinctively geared to going out and gathering what the mother and baby need.

Can both the mother and the father claim 26 weeks maternity / paternity pay or is it only the mother OR the father
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11-03-2011, 07:43 PM

Re: Paternity Pay

Only the qualifying mother can claim 26 weeks maternity. The father can only qualify for 2 weeks pay. I do understand what you are saying Losos. In many ways I too am a traditionalist and I do realise that it can be difficult for a small employer, but I am pleased that we have come a long way since I had my own children, when for many women there was no option but to leave work, possibly compromising a career because of having a family. Not all women have the security of a "good" man who is willing to take care of her and provide for the children.
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12-03-2011, 09:38 AM

Re: Paternity Pay

Originally Posted by Aerolor ->
Not all women have the security of a "good" man who is willing to take care of her and provide for the children.
Not sure if that was written from personal experience, I do hope it was not, I feel we might be moving on to paternal responsibilities here, had better not go there, I have only ever resorted to punching a bloke once, that was in Saudi Arabia where I had the misfortune to meet a Brit who was bragging that he was there only to avoid paying his wifes child maintenance money, never for one second have I regretted doing it, luckily was at a party and all the other guests intervened immediately. If they had not I might be rotting in some Saudi jail for murder right now
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12-03-2011, 02:04 PM

Re: Paternity Pay

Originally Posted by Losos ->
Not sure if that was written from personal experience, I do hope it was not, I feel we might be moving on to paternal responsibilities here, had better not go there, I have only ever resorted to punching a bloke once, that was in Saudi Arabia where I had the misfortune to meet a Brit who was bragging that he was there only to avoid paying his wifes child maintenance money, never for one second have I regretted doing it, luckily was at a party and all the other guests intervened immediately. If they had not I might be rotting in some Saudi jail for murder right now
No - not personal experience Losos - although it's turned out that way for my daughter and sister in law. My husband (2nd try for me) has been a very good father and we have been together for over 40 years.
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12-03-2011, 07:06 PM

Re: Paternity Pay

Originally Posted by Aerolor ->
No - not personal experience Losos - although it's turned out that way for my daughter and sister in law. My husband (2nd try for me) has been a very good father and we have been together for over 40 years.
41 for me and SWMBO
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17-03-2011, 11:58 AM

Re: Paternity Pay

Here's what I would do.

Legally you have to let this skiving timewaster have his Paternity leave!

However when he comes back, you can do all sorts of things to make him wish he'd never pulled this one. Perhaps he could be made "redundant" after returning a few weeks.

Anyone who takes paternity leave and whi is unable to breast feed is not showing any loyalty to his job or the people he works with.

When even the Prime Minister takes Paternity leave you have to wonder what the worlld is coming to!
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17-03-2011, 10:54 PM

Re: Paternity Pay

Originally Posted by Elbee ->
Here's what I would do.

Legally you have to let this skiving timewaster have his Paternity leave!

However when he comes back, you can do all sorts of things to make him wish he'd never pulled this one. Perhaps he could be made "redundant" after returning a few weeks.

Anyone who takes paternity leave and whi is unable to breast feed is not showing any loyalty to his job or the people he works with.

When even the Prime Minister takes Paternity leave you have to wonder what the worlld is coming to!
Flipping heck I'm shocked
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28-03-2011, 07:02 AM

Re: Paternity Pay

Originally Posted by Aerolor ->
But Losos although the employer has to allow time off for maternity leave it is the Government (taxpayer) that pays the major part of the salary for the 26 weeks not the employer. The company claims the statutory maternity pay back from the Government.
I checked with our accountant and am told the employer foots the bill and is paid back by way of tax credits by the ATO. They are under no obligation to hurry it along and have the right to stall repaying for up to 40 months. Meanwhile the employer is footing the bill for a replacement, known to the ATO as the dead weight, paying the person on leave and still paying their taxes every three months.The tax credits don't kick in until the ATO process the claim. From my experience the tax office here work at snail pace unless you owe them, then they are on the ball.
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