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27-03-2019, 05:15 PM

Re: Gaza/ Israel

Would you like to quote exactly where I have acused you of Jew hatred?

There is plenty of Jew hatred here on these threads that is for sure .

When someone exclusively focuses on Israel while IGNORING every other abusive regime there is but one reason .
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27-03-2019, 05:17 PM

Re: Gaza/ Israel

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
Would you like to quote exactly where I have acused you of Jew hatred?

There is plenty of Jew hatred here on these threads that is for sure .

When someone exclusively focuses on Israel while IGNORING every other abusive regime there is but one reason .
I didn't say you did good lord above you really want to take offence but are making it up again.

As for focusing on one country as I said before start threads on other countries and I'll talk about it, chatting elsewhere about africa only this afternoon.
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27-03-2019, 05:21 PM

Re: Gaza/ Israel

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
It says to me some Muslims are very peaceful people being killed by others Muddy, not that they are all killers. It also tells me we should have kept well out and not stirred it up even more than it already was stirred. I also think people from western countries should not be going to live in these places unless they are prepared to really become people of the region as that doesn't help the problems either.
What utter nonsense .
Muslims are not particularly peaceful people they have centuries of conflict as do Christians .
Of course it doesn't mean that All Muslims are killers .
That is a given .

So which Muslims are allowed to murder other Muslims
How about the Jordanian young pilot -a Muslim that was burned alive in a cage -by other Muslims..
Or the Janjaweed in the Sudan -now they really go in for mass murder .

So people from other countries should go in and behave like murderers too ?
Stone women to death treat them like second class citizens ?
Hang homosexuals from cranes or throw them off the roof .
Kidnap school girls for sex slaves ?
Which ever takes your fancy ?

Or maybe they should go in and abuse underage girls for sex .
Oh whoops sorry no that's what they do here .
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27-03-2019, 05:31 PM

Re: Gaza/ Israel

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
Oh please Annie the global community what a laugh .
The global community couldn't give a monkeys about the Palestinians .
They allow millions to be murdered in the Sudan and Somalia and hundreds of thousands in Syria .
They buy oil from some of the cruelest depotic regimes on the planet .
And everything else from China whose HR record is hardly squeaky clean
Do you really think the global community ( who are they anyway ?) cares?
Enough of this hypocrisy !
The only people who like to believe in this crap are the die hard anti semites determined to demonise Israel at all costs .
And we all know why .
So you think that Israel should not care what the world thinks and carry on regardless? That's pretty much what happens. But good to see you agree they should stick two fingers up and carry on bombing civilians.

China, Saudi, etc are roundly condemned by the rest of the world. As are the US o& Russia among others. There are sanctions on a number of nations.

I love Israel, it's a wonderful country but they have taken a bad turn in their approach to this and they should be treated just like any other country that acts like a bully.
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27-03-2019, 05:38 PM

Re: Gaza/ Israel

Absoutely I do .
If the world cannot play far with them they should ignore the world .
Other countries are condemned but it's only lip service .
The Queen entertains the Saudis and the Chinese no matter how many people they execute .

One rule for Israel and one for the rest of the world .
Says it all.

But people are not fools Annie and you seem to think the whole global community ( which is ) cares.

They don't .
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27-03-2019, 06:22 PM

Re: Gaza/ Israel

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
I don't think it was a small child like the one in your photo launching that rocket but no doubt many small children were killed in the massive rocket counter attack that followed. It looked similar to when we bombed Iraq.

You can keep defending it but disproportionate attacks on Gaza do not make Israel look like a victim to the Global community.
Disproportionate ... that's the word I was thinking of .
Israel don't seem to care what image they present or what the rest of the world think of them. Fair enough, if they wish to appear bullies or butchers but I can't help thinking they're relying a great deal on their 'friendship' with Trump.
I blame that man for stirring up a lot of the current flare-ups and heightened tensions in the area.
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27-03-2019, 06:33 PM

Re: Gaza/ Israel

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
Absoutely I do .
If the world cannot play far with them they should ignore the world .
Other countries are condemned but it's only lip service .
The Queen entertains the Saudis and the Chinese no matter how many people they execute .

One rule for Israel and one for the rest of the world .
Says it all.

But people are not fools Annie and you seem to think the whole global community ( which is ) cares.

They don't .
If you don't think public opinion matters why do you keep defending their actions?
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27-03-2019, 06:37 PM

Re: Gaza/ Israel

Because in the interests of fair play I don't like to see Israel demonised and especially I don't like hate propaganda to go forth unchallenged.
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27-03-2019, 06:38 PM

Re: Gaza/ Israel

Originally Posted by Morticia ->
Disproportionate ... that's the word I was thinking of .
Israel don't seem to care what image they present or what the rest of the world think of them. Fair enough, if they wish to appear bullies or butchers but I can't help thinking they're relying a great deal on their 'friendship' with Trump.
I blame that man for stirring up a lot of the current flare-ups and heightened tensions in the area.
The thing is that a lot of Jewish people both in Israel and abroad are totally against Israel's policy towards the Palestinians. There is a group called "Jews for Justice for Palestinians" who campaign for Palestinian rights.
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27-03-2019, 06:42 PM

Re: Gaza/ Israel

Surprise surprise that group all live in Britain !

They are not on the streets of Israel having rocks chucked at them nor are the in danger of being knifed at a bus stop by a not so friendly Palestinian as directed by Hamas in their 'knife intifada ' in which 300 hundred Israelis citizens have died nearly all civilians.
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